Mitten im 8en

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Mitten im 8en
Image:Mitten im Achten.jpg
Genre Daily Soap/Sitcom
Starring see Cast members of Mitten im Achten
Country of origin Austria
Camera setup Multiple-camera setup
Running time 23 minutes
Original channel ORF
Original run April 10, 2007 – present
Official website

Mitten im 8en is an Austrian TV series.


[edit] Storyline

It's about a flatshare and set in the 8th district of Vienna. On April 10 the ORF starts with “Mitten im 8en” into recent times: A daily domestic series is the heart of the ORF TV Programmreform. On Monday the turning work in Viennese of Studios begins. Mitten im 8en 100 per cent is a Austrian series”, explained general manager Alexander Wrabetz with the press conference to the new Daily Comedy Soap of the ORF.

At the beginning of the series a few German colleague will still help, who is then replaced piece by piece by Austrians. Not to be replaced for the time being the 13-köpfige Austrian play ensemble must. It will tell humorous stories of three generations and their completely normal problems. Of the dear wrong in a group house, of the work and relations life of a couple of owner of restaurant as well as of the everyday life of a family of five family.

Generation conflicts, relations chaos, dear grief are programmed and in the life of the Protagonisten for a great deal turbulences will provide. The young group house is inhabited by kind Spiesserin, a creative Chaotin, a romantic Teddybären and one sexy lady killer. Soon they get increase. The WG is directly over the restaurant “Holacek”. This was again taken over and modernized only recently by a couple.

But the business startup of the two 30 year old does not fall as easily as planned. A kind-crazy, however educating waitress and sayings a knocking regular customer, “the Prohaska”, make the Beisl completely. The heads of the family Steinlechner are in its Vierzigern. The pair is married and the relationship somewhat fell asleep for 20 years. However they remind their daughters it so often go of the own youth.

Their of age one makes clear to its parents soon that children will arise and their own life to lead to have. Obviously in a good mood and relieved presented itself the team of the chief executives with the press conference in vienna Liesing. The turning place at the Breitenfurter road is rented on years. One counts thus on a “Longrun and not on a Shortrun”, how director of program Wolfgang the Lorenz noticed. Also the ORF general manager sees those well invested to approximately 6.5 million euro, which are to have cost “in Mitten im 8en”.

Lorenz extended the statement by the statement that “the welding and nerve consumption will be still determined.” The turning place of the new series is not the Josefstadt, but a former storage hall of Siemens. This lies however not in the midst of the city, but in vienna Liesing. Here one sees also not the city hall, as from the roof dwelling of the series family Steinlechner, but the apartment towers of alto Erlaa.

This series will replace the Austrian news-show ZiB. The first episode will be shown on Monday, April 10, 2007. The soundtrack will be sung by the Austrian R&B singer Nadine Beiler (see TBA).

[edit] Characters

[edit] Verena Huber

Always prettily and adrett, narrow-mindedly and pedantical - in such a way one actually imagines no Bewohnerin of an easily moved and chaotic flatshare. Verena fits nevertheless marvelously into the troop, because she is at the same time also very cordially, often wonderful naive and kindly own.

From the down-Austrian province into this WG she came actually only because of Patrick, but that is now away. Verena however remains nevertheless! Because it does not only have meanwhile a good job in Viennese a bank, but also and particularly because of its friends in the WG and all this in front naturally Lisa. Only: That cannot admit itself Verena themselves so exactly yet at all.

[edit] Lisa Moizi

Without Lisa the flatshare would be more colorless around some. Lisa is the personifizierte generation fun. It is ausgeflippt, precipitously, spontaneous and not to forgotten - strict Vegetarierin. With Lisa it is never boring. And their co-inhabitants appreciate, even if Lisas moods can be quite often a load test.

Three years ago the Viennese neck over head has itself decided to it at the mode school rushing village to announce - with success! Since then it is considered as the Vivien Westwood of the respected district. At least in their flatshare.

Lisas unloaded sense of glad is however suddenly absorbed, when their father becomes very ill. But fortunately it has its friends in the flatshare - and all in front naturally Verena.

[edit] Robert Aufderklamm

Robert from Tyrol emigrated sometime. As strong Bursch with talent relating to crafts it gave to do to enough in Vienna for it, and it inhabits the room, which he looked for in the large city, still - in the flatshare.

Robert is the best friend of women - with the strong shoulder to the Ausweinen. But if they are again ready for a next adventure, then none thinks more of Robert. Thus it then only more its large passion remains, the meal. Robert has all characteristics, which wish themselves women: It is romantically, sensitively, responsibly. But women let themselves be dazzled as easily, for example by Bur as the flatshare-colleague Michi. Apart from the fact Robert is also too shy, around the women more to show than its extensive Comic-collection. In particular the woman of its heart: Verena.

And even after this did not finally leave „Machoidiot “Patrick it, Robert creates it to go toward Verena. But why it should want also something from it - "tollpatschigen Bur" of the country with the merry face and distant ears. Robert is all the more surprised, as suddenly Lisa him entices in the hand turning. In particular the woman of its heart: Verena.

[edit] Michael "Michi" Obermaier

Michi is a dear, helpful and sensitive chap - he shows' s only none! Thus its co-inhabitants assume it, but otherwise probably hardly someone. Because outward the young Kärntner is so rather the opposite: arrogantly, much of itself and the own qualities as Lover convinces and women opposite as sensitivly as a bulldozer.

That it scores nevertheless again and again with the women, it has not least its good appearance to owe and its gestählten body. But it lasts usually not too for a long time and the girls terminates the relationship. They find a shoulder to the Ausweinen then already times with co-inhabitant Robert.

Michi is the oldest flatshare-inhabitant, he studies Jus - and that already since a half eternity. However it has also no stress to become finished. Not only because it is lazy, but above all, because he knows that he will enter after his study into the Klagenfurter office of his father to have. And that is indeed no very large incentive for it. The flatshare receives quite soon further male entrance.

[edit] Sylvia Steinlechner

The successful dentist from good-civil Viennese a family can actually complain about nothing. The life of the cool and pragmatic Sylvia seems to be perfect at least outward. It has a loving, careful married man, three (at least sometimes) well-bred children, and it is successful in their job. Nevertheless Sylvia is dissatisfied with its existence. Whereby she really does not know, why. Only as a new dentist colleague their practice agency takes over, comes new momentum into their life, which provides also for turbulences in otherwise rather zero winds the marriage port.

[edit] Walter Steinlechner

Walter is a teacher. It explains much. It is convinced to know nearly everything about the world. And which one does not know, one can learn! That one thereby also at borders to push can - that is its completely personal learning process.

Its children consider walter usually too conservative - which Blödsinn is natural! On the contrary: Walter is unlocked, has however now once somewhat more experience than its children. And which would be it for a father, if it did not try to pass these on.

In addition of because of conservative: Walter would go along gladly on the parties of his daughters. But it means suddenly there, that is not anything for it. Sometimes besides walter has the feeling, its marriage with Sylvia somewhat fell asleep.

[edit] Lukas Steinlechner

The Steinlechner son is born on the sun side of the life. It is intelligent, looks good, has joke, briefly: It is Everybody' s Darling. But instead of itself about it to be pleased, his father walter naturally constantly concentrates only on others, „insignificant “characteristics: Unpunctuality, only eyes for the girls, but none for the study. Only: For such accusations Lukas has really no head for the moment. Therefore will it finite time to take off and from the paternal Nörgelei escape. Thus the free space offers itself in the flatshare almost ideally. A further step to the self-sufficiency is Lukas' helping out job in Ossis and Claudias restaurant „Holacek “.

[edit] Julia Steinlechner

Even if father Walter it did not like to admit, but Töchterchen Julia is already long no more „its small girl “. And it knows already completely exactly, where their way will lead - into the Showbiz naturally. Can't the fact that their narrow-minded parents insist on the Matura reconstruct them at all - to which with these career aspirations? Because to be around honest, the school is not straight their largest strength. But for a life as a star it is born, as it means. There it is actually all the same whether it becomes perhaps actress, singer or Model. Or everything at once, how other star on the television - the main thing famous! And a star it safe, of it is convinced Julia.

[edit] Florentina "Flo" Steinlechner

Florentina hates it, if one calls her Flo. And almost all do that - at least in their family. The sweet Flo, Flo the nest checkmark, Flo, the small sister - to the Kotzen she finds that! In the reason Flo is the daughter, whom one wishes oneself, particularly as a teacher father. It has good notes at school, is interested and waked up - and so far from the usual „dte rodent diseases “exempts remained. It pulls itself rather back into its world of the books, the music and Fantasie. May they the others a book worm call. That is all the same to it. As prettily and popular as their large sister Julia will become it never.

[edit] Ossi Weininger

Often angry, but nevertheless charmingly, somewhat work-shy, but although reliably, if' s arrives drauf, imaginatively, if' s must be - and the Mrs., it are an eternal seduction. But its heart belongs clearly its Claudia - and it is faithful to that. That is Ossi, how he leibt and lives - and how its surrounding field loves it!

A washgenuine Viennese, in the second district largely become, with moved past and large adventure desire, which did not let try out it already much - unfortunately everything very persistent. Without a doubt Ossi is a Macho. But for its Claudia it is always ready, the soft sides of its Ichs hervorzukramen, which can work with Ossis Naturell sometimes completely beautifully diagonally. Since they took over the restaurant, it feels as large entrepreneurs, but that it would have made failure without its Claudia probably already long, it would naturally never see in such a way. With walter an old friendship by the way connects it.

[edit] Claudia Holacek

Claudia is the good soul and driving force in the restaurant. Practically, organize, on the substantial concentrated. Without its assistance here nothing at all would not run, which their also quite right is. It is used to it to solve their problems themselves and to have everything in the grasp - it means at least. It can actual be hinreissen also completely gladly to not always rationally explainable actions, which lead it then also into very absurd situations.

Protected grown up in a smallcivil Viennese surrounding field had above all Claudias mummy large plans with the good daughter: Middle school, successful Matura, some years as a hostess. And here now the wedding with a physician, a lawyer or at least a pilot should actually stand. Actually here Ossi did not step into Claudias life - for the mummy indeed the desire son-in-law. And then still together a restaurant take over?

But Independence was always a central topic for Claudia. Therefore she is afraid also somewhat of the next planned steps in her life: Wedding and children. Because Ossi is certainly their large love, there can the mummy say, what wants her.

[edit] Angelika "Geli" Windbüchler

Outward Geli works like a young, somewhat naive woman of the country - actually she comes also from a small place into Lower Austria. But if it begins to tell from its life, all grow silent. Because Gelis stories do not leave anybody cold. No matter whether it concerns „the Resi aunt “, who herumspukt still in the area, or over the own past as a dancer or also only around memories from a previous life.

If one Gelis stories collects becomes one clearly: All that can not possibly have experienced only one person, already not at all, if she is 30 years old only.

Completely differently is it however, if it concerns its six-year son Franzl. Then the most affectionate mummy of the world becomes - or a combatready lion nut/mother from the resoluten waitress, if the small favourite someone comes too close.

[edit] Der Prohaska

"Der Prohaska" is a fixer a component of the restaurant inventory: Always sitting at the bar and naturally always a beer in the hand. The life at the bar armchair replaces to it a life outside of „the Holacek “- walls, and one knows also not more in such a way about him - except that he still lives with mummy.

But Prohaskas obvious lack of practical life experience prevents it in demand naturally not from it, in each situation and ungefragt its opinion to express. And during Ossi in the midst of the woman economy in its restaurant now and then is also completely glad to be able to lead again once a genuine man discussion are Prohaskas opinions above all a waitress Geli often a thorn in the eye.

[edit] Cast

[edit] Current cast members

Actor Role Status
Iréna Flury Verena Huber 2007-
Barbara Kaudelka Lisa Moizi 2007-
Michael Pascher Robert Aufderklamm 2007-
Martin Maier Michael "Michi" Obermaier 2007-
Verena Scheitz Sylvia Steinlechner 2007-
Gerold Rudle Walter Steinlechner 2007-
Laurence Rupp Lukas Steinlechner 2007-
Maria Schuchter Julia Steinlechner 2007-
Nikola Rudle Florentina "Flo" Steinlechner 2007-
Max Schmiedl Ossi Weininger 2007-
Angelika Niedetzky Claudia Holacek 2007-
Veronika Polly Angelika "Geli" Windbüchler 2007-
Christoph Fälbl Der Prohaska 2007-

[edit] See also