Mitsubishi B1M

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The Mitsubishi B1M was a Japanese Navy Type 13 Carrier-Borne Attack Aircraft.

Following on his association with the Mitsubishi company, Herbert Smith designed the 2MT1 two-seat biplane torpedo bomber which flew for the first time in January 1923. It went into Japanese Navy service as the Type 12 carrier-borne attack aircraft and was followed by the 2MT2 and 2MT3 variants. The redesigned Type 13-2 was designated B1M2. The final version, the Type 13-3 or B1M3, had the firm's designation 3MT2 and was a three-seater. Total production was 354 and the type served into the 1930s, 32 flying from the aircraft carriers Kaga and Hōshō during the Shanghai Incident in 1932. An aircraft from Kaga was lost during the famous air encounter when American volunteer pilot Robert Short lost his life while flying for the Chinese. The B1M was powered by a 335kW Napier Lion or Hispano-Suiza engine according to version.

[edit] Technical details

  • Function: torpedo bomber
  • Year: 1924
  • Crew: 2
  • Engines: 1 * 330kW Napier Lion or Hispano-Suiza
  • Wing Span: 14.77m
  • Length: 9.77m
  • Height: 3.50m
  • Wing Area: 59m2
  • Empty Weight: 1442kg
  • Max.Weight: 2697kg
  • Speed: 209km/h
  • Ceiling: 4500m
  • Range: 370km
  • Armament: 4 x 7.7mm machineguns, one torpedo or 2 x 240-kg bombs

[edit] External links