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The miswak (miswaak, siwak) is a natural toothbrush made from the twigs of the Salvadora persica tree. Other tree types that are used are the arak tree, peelo tree, olive, walnut, and other trees with bitter roots. Pomegranate twigs are never used for miswak.

In addition to strengthening the gums, preventing tooth decay and eliminating toothaches it is also said to halt further increase in decay that has already set in. Furthermore it is claimed to create a fragrance in the mouth, eliminate bad odour, improve the sense of taste and cause the teeth to glow and shine.

Supposed benefits not related to teeth and gum include sharpening memory, curing headaches, creating a lustre on the face of the one who continually uses it, strengthening the eyesight, assisting in digestion and clearing the voice. However, none of these claims has been researched scientifically.


[edit] History

The miswak is predominant in muslim areas but its use predates the inception of islam. It is often mentioned that Prophet Mohammad himself recommended its use.

[edit] Scientific studies

A 2003 scientific study comparing the use of miswak with ordinary toothbrushing concluded that the results clearly were in favor of the users who had been using the miswak provided they had been given proper instruction in how to brush using the miswak[1]. The WHO recommended the use of the miswak in 1986 and in 2000 an international consensus report on oral hygiene concluded that further research was needed to document the effect of the miswak[2].

[edit] "Miswak extract" compared to other oral disinfectants

Studies indicate that Salvadora persica extract is somewhat comparable to other oral disinfectants and anti-plaque agents like Triclosan and Chlorhexidine Gluconate if used at a very high concentration.[3][4].

[edit] Religious prescriptions

An important benefit to Muslims is also that the reward of prayer (salaah) is multiplied 70 times if miswak is used before it. Although not mentioned in the Qur'an use of the miswak is frequently advocated in the Hadith (the traditions relating to the life of Muhammad). Situations where the miswak is recommended to be used include before religious practice, before entering one's house, before and after going on a journey, on Fridays, before and after sleeping, when experiencing hunger or thirst and before entering any good gathering.

[edit] Examples of Hadith concerning the Miswak

From Sahih Bukhari:

Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "If somebody eats or drinks forgetfully then he should complete his fast, for what he has eaten or drunk, has been given to him by Allah." Narrated 'Amir bin Rabi'a, "I saw the Prophet cleaning his teeth with Siwak while he was fasting so many times as I can't count." And narrated Abu Huraira, "The Prophet said, 'But for my fear that it would be hard for my followers, I would have ordered them to clean their teeth with Siwak on every performance of ablution." The same is narrated by Jabir and Zaid bin Khalid from the Prophet who did not differentiate between a fasting and a nonfasting person in this respect (using Siwak).
Aisha said, "The Prophet said, "It (i.e. Siwak) is a purification for the mouth and it is a way of seeking Allah's pleasures." Ata' and Qatada said, "There is no harm in swallowing the resultant saliva."

From Sahih Muslim

'Abd al-Rahman son of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported on the authority of his father that the Messenger of Allah said: Bathing on Friday for every adult, using of Miswak and applying some perfume, that is available-these are essential. So far as the perfume is concerned, it may be that used by a lady.

[edit] Maintenance

A miswak should be one hand span in length when selected and soaked in rose water for long durations to ensure the end is soft. The end should be cut afresh to ensure hygiene, and should never be stored near a toilet or sink. A miswak can be carried in a front pocket for intermittent usage during the day.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Al-Otaibi M, Al-Harthy M, Soder B, Gustafsson A, Angmar-Mansson B. (2003). "Comparative effect of chewing sticks and toothbrushing on plaque removal and gingival health.". Oral Health Prev Dent 1 (4): 301-7. Retrieved on 2006-12-07. 
  2. ^ http://www.uib.no/info/dr_grad/2003/darout.htm in Norwegian
  3. ^ Almas, K. (Aug 2002). "The effect of Salvadora persica extract (miswak) and chlorhexidine gluconate on human dentin: a SEM study.". J Contemp Dent Pract. 3 (3): 27-35. Retrieved on 2006-08-12. 
  4. ^ Almas, K; Skaug, N; Ahmad, I. (Feb 2005). "An in vitro antimicrobial comparison of miswak extract with commercially available non-alcohol mouthrinses.". Int J Dent Hyg. 3 (1): 18-24. Retrieved on 2006-08-12. 

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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