Missing Cat

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Missing Cat is the eighth episode in the first season of The Big O.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Pero

The episode starts with Major Dastun investigating the murder of a wealthy lady, Jessica Wallace, 52, at her home in East Town. An officer informs him that the lady owned a Labrador Retriever, which impresses Dastun, as animals are very rare in Paradigm City. At that moment, he is called outside to see a large dog-like monster in the swimming pool.

The next scene is Dorothy walking through the rain. As she goes past an alley, she hears the sound of scratching, and looks in. Under a piece of cardboard, she finds a small grey kitten with yellow eyes wearing a collar with a bell. She decides to take it home.

Roger Smith, not aware of the kitten, is furious when he finds his desk and antique time pieces completely destroyed, and assumes it was Dorothy. He goes about the house calling her name, when Norman Burg, the butler, hears him. He shows Norman the damage, and Norman suggests that it was in fact Pero, the kitten, who caused it. Roger goes out onto the balcony and finds Dorothy. He tells her that she cannot keep him. Dorothy believes that he has been abandoned, and needs rescuing. Roger points out that cats are rare creatures, and someone must have put that collar on him. He asks her what she will do when the owners come for him, if she gets too attached. She informs him that it is his job to negotiate with them, and runs into the house.

It then cuts to a montage of Dorothy and Pero; Pero attacks her hands as she plays the piano, Pero follows her as she mops the floor, Norman serves Pero a saucer of milk at meal times, and Roger notices that Dorothy has grown more expressive since she brought the kitten home, but he does not know whether she is being ruled by the memories of the dead girl she was modelled after, or if they are her own memories.

[edit] Mr. and Mrs. Ferry

Soon after, Mr. & Mrs. Ferry arrive, claiming the cat to be theirs, and that they will not part with him no matter what Roger says or does. Roger goes out onto the balcony to speak to Dorothy (who is sitting on the edge holding Pero). He finds her humming a tune, but she claims she does not know whose memory the tune belongs. He tactfully tells her that she has to give the kitten back, and suggests she does it personally. She tells him that even though she only knew Pero for a short time, she was pleased she did. She then gets down to go over to the Ferrys, who are waiting at the window, but at that moment a large aircraft appears and grabs Dorothy, who is still holding Pero. Roger leaps onto it, but is knocked off, and subsequently shot at. Despite Roger's best efforts, Dorothy and Pero are kidnapped. The Ferrys are now on the balcony and Robert Ferry addresses the kidnapper by name - Eugene - and wonders aloud what he is doing there. Eugene then shoots him in the back, killing him. Norman asks Louise Ferry to stand back while he fires at the aircraft, to little effect. Mrs. Ferry rushes forward and begs Eugene to give her back 'Roy', her little boy. Eugene then shoots her, and she dies, mumbling 'my boy'.

[edit] Eugene

Roger asks Norman to deal with everything while he goes to find Dorothy. A blonde girl on a motorcycle sees him leaving, and decides to follow him. Roger, wanting to find out more about Eugene, goes to his usual source of information. His source asks him if he's heard of the East Town incident. When Roger replies that he has, the source goes on to tell him that it was rumoured her dog killed her, and Eugene was behind it.

It then cuts to Dorothy being kept in a red chamber, talking to Eugene. He says she is very well made, but a waste of time.

Roger Smith is now driving, remembering the conversation. His source informs him that Eugene Grant is an alchemist, and that he was researching artificial proteins. Apparently, his discoveries even have Paradigm scared.

Roger asks him what memory Eugene has discovered. The source replies, 'Life itself'.

Dorothy is being marched by guards and Eugene across an indoor bridge above a pool of water. Eugene claims that everything that has been lost can be reborn at his hands, as he has the memories of its old creator. Dorothy says that she doesn't care, and does not want to know, so he shows her what he has created.

Roger arrives at a large, dilapidated mansion. He steps out of his car, and calls to the blonde girl behind him that she should thank him for showing her the way there. Thinking she was hidden, the girl steps out from behind a bolder, and informs him that her name is Angel, when he calls her 'Miss'.

Eugene and Dorothy are standing in a room full of mutated creatures in glass cases, and Dorothy realises that he has transformed humans into animals.

Outside, Angel tells Roger what she knows about Eugene. Because of their rareness, Eugene has been using genetic manipulation to transform humans to animals. Paradigm anticipated large profit from the experiments, but Eugene double-crossed them, and it got out of hand. He made his research group his private army, carried out experiments on humans, and sold a faulty sample that he knew would turn vicious to a millionaire partner in business.

Eugene is explaining to Dorothy that he needed more funds to perfect his experiments. Dorothy then asks where Pero is, and Eugene begins to mimic Louise Ferry, and how she begged him to give Roy back. He tells her that Robert and Louise tried to back out of the experimentation, and he decided to punish them for their selfish and idiotic conduct. He comments that Roy was a very pretty little boy, with beautiful blue eyes, and had made an ideal specimen.

While Angel and Roger are climbing down the elevator shaft, Angel continues relating the situation to Roger - that Roy was the basis material for the kitten, Pero. The Ferrys' had escaped from the lab and tracked Roy down, but they couldn't stop him being a cat. Roger realises that Dorothy knew that, had sensed that he was man made, like she was. At that point, Angel trips a sensor and they have been spotted. Roger asks how far the lab is, Angel replies that it is not much further, and they decide to make a break for it. Some guards arrive, and Roger and Angel dive behind a pillar each. Dodging bullets, Angel throws him her gun, and Roger fires at the gas pipe above them, choking the guards. Angel is surprised, and Roger explains that he refuses to shoot people because he is a gentleman. As the guards are coughing, Roger knocks them out, and he and Angel run up the nearby stairs, and into the bridge room. A giant creature leaps from the water below and attacks them. Roger calls on Norman, and Norman informs him it'll be about 15 seconds - everything is in place. Just as Roger is about to be eaten, the Big O arrives. As the creature and Roger fight, they destroy a lot of the building (including the walls of the bridge room), and set it aflame. During which time, Angel escapes. Roger is about to kill the creature when Eugene appears, a gun to Dorothy's head. Dorothy implores Roger not to kill it, as Pero is in there. Pero grabs the megadeus's arm, and Eugene says he always combines all unused materials into that chimera, and Dorothy would make a fine contribution. He orders Pero to devour the megadues. Pero sees Dorothy, and she lifts out her arms towards him, gently calling his name, before Eugene silences her, and tells Pero to destroy Roger. Pero turns, kills Eugene, and strokes Dorothy's face lovingly. She says Pero can stay with her, but he walks away, while Dorothy calls after him. Roger stops her from following him, and Pero goes back into the burning building. After he has entered, the doorway is blocked by rubble.

[edit] Dorothy

Dorothy is walking through the rain again, and she stops by the alleyway she found Pero in. She is humming 'And Forever' to herself. When home, and on the balcony once again, she asks Roger who he believes the song to belong to. He tells her that it belongs to her alone, and she should appreciate it, and her memories of Pero, for as long as she can.
She thanks him.

[edit] Japanese recurring cast

Roger Smith: Mitsuru Miyamoto
R. Dorothy: Akiko Yajima
Norman: Motomu Kiyokawa
Angel: Emi Shinohara
Dan Dastun: Tesshou Genda
Big Ear: Shinpachi Tsuji

[edit] Japanese episode cast

Eugene Grant: Toshio Furukawa
Robert Ferry: Ryoichi Tanaka
Louise Ferry: Kyoko Tsuruno
Pero: Chie Tsuruno
Police: Eiji Yanagisawa

[edit] English recurring cast

Roger Smith: Steven Jay Blum
R. Dorothy: Lia Sargent
Norman:Ezra Weisz
Angel:Wendee Lee
Dan Dastun:Peter Lurie
Big Ear: Jamieson Price

[edit] English episode cast

Louise Ferry: Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Additional voices:
Doug Stone
Tom Fahn
Phil Swell
Jonathon Osborne
Richard Barnes
Jim Slade
Penny Sweet
Tony Oliver
Frank Buck
Gary Michaels
Matthew Austin
Jim Taggert