Missee Lee

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Title Missee Lee
photo of Jonathan Cape edition of Arthur Ransome's 1941 novel, Missee Lee
Author Arthur Ransome
Cover artist Arthur Ransome
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Series Swallows and Amazons
Genre(s) Children's novels
Publisher Jonathan Cape
Released 1941
Media type Print (Hardcover & Paperback)
ISBN ISBN 1-56792-196-5 (pb)
Preceded by The Big Six
Followed by The Picts And The Martyrs

Missee Lee is the tenth book of Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series of children's books, published in 1941. This is considered one of the metafictional book of the series. It is set in 1930s China. The Swallows and Amazons are on a round the world trip with Captain Flint aboard the schooner Wild Cat. After the Wild Cat sinks, they escape in the Swallow and Amazon but are separated in a storm. Both dinghies eventually end up in the lair of the Three Island pirates where they are held prisoner by the unusual Missee Lee, the leader of the pirates.

One aspect of this book which modern readers may find objectionable is that all the Chinese characters are depicted as speaking English with a very stereotypical accent and grammar.

[edit] Sources

Ransome made a visit to China in 1926 and 1927 where he learned about Chinese life and culture. He also met, amongst others Soong Ching-ling, the wife of Sun Yat-sen. Ransome said that he based much of Missee Lee's characteristics on her, though there were others who contributed to the character.

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The book opens with the Swallows, Amazons and Captain Flint in an unnamed port in the South China Sea, apparently on a round the world voyage aboard the Wild Cat, the small green schooner which featured in Peter Duck. They are warned to stay away from the Chinese coast because of pirates.

On their voyage in a dead calm, their monkey, Gibber, causes a fire which burns to Wild Cat to the waterline. They escape aboard the Swallow and Amazon which are being used as ship's boats. However, they are separated in the night when a strong wind blows up. The crew of the Amazon is picked up by a junk which turns out to be a pirate vessel. The Swallows make their own way to shore where they eventually meet the Amazons who are being held by one of the Taicoons who rule the Three Islands. Captain Flint is kept under much stricter guard by the Taicoon as he hopes to ransom him as he claims to be the Lord Mayor of San Flancisco.

The children are sent to Missee Lee, the leader of the pirates. She turns out to be a frustrated academic from Camblidge who had been sent to England for her education only to have to return to rule the Three Islands when her father died. She starts to give the children Latin lessons at which Roger surprisingly excels. Captain Flint is also brought from the Taicoon who has threatened to chop off his head. The pirates are concerned that if the Royal Navy were to learn their position a gunboat might be sent to destroy them, so when Captain Flint is seen with a sextant, they are only saved by Missee Lee's intervention.

As they consider that they are still in danger of execution and are also becoming fed up with the Latin lessons, they plan an escape. During the Dragon festival, they set sail aboard Missee Lee's junk, the Shining Moon. With the help of Missee Lee, who has decided to leave her responsibilities on the Three Islands and go back to study at Camblidge, they take a daring and dangerous passage through a gorge to evade capture. However, when Missee Lee hears fighting begin between the various islanders, she decides that she owes it to her people to return and unite them again. The Swallows, Amazons and Captain Flint return to England aboard the Shining Moon.

Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome

Swallows and Amazons | Swallowdale | Peter Duck | Winter Holiday | Coot Club | Pigeon Post | We Didn't Mean To Go To Sea | Secret Water | The Big Six | Missee Lee | The Picts And The Martyrs | Great Northern? | Coots in the North

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