Missa Latina (Pro Pax)

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Roberto Sierra's Missa Latina (Pro Pax) is the most extensive and important composition in Classical Music from a Puerto Rican composer to be conducted by a SATB Chorus, two Soloists (one Baritone and one Soprano), and a Symphonic Orchestra. It was co-commissioned by the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington D.C. and the Choral Arts Society of Washington and was written through 2003-2005. It premiered in 2006 at Kennedy Center at Washington D.C., and was performed in the 51stCasals Festival in Puerto Rico.

The Missa Latina (Pro Pax) (English: Latin Mass for Peace/in the name of Peace) has seven movements:

  • 1. Introitus (The Entrance, Introduction; Sirach 36:18, Psalm 121:1)
  Da pacem, Domine, sustentibus te,
  ut prophetae tui fideles inveniantur:
  Exaudi preces servi tui, et plebis tuae Israel
  Laetatus sum in his, quae dicta sunt mihi:
  In domum Dominum ibimus
  Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
  Sicut erat in principio
  et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum, Amen.
  • 2. Kyrie (Lord, have mercy)
  • 3. Gloria (Glory)
  • 4. Credo (Credo)
  • 5. Offertorium (Offertory, Psalm 121:6-9)
  • 6. Santus (Holy)
  • 7. Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) (pronounced in Latin AƱus Dei)

[edit] Performances

  • February 2-4, 2006, Washington, DC: National Symphony Orchestra, Choral Arts Society; Leonard Slatkin, conductor; Heidy Grant-Murphy, soprano; Nathaniel Webster, baritone.