Misión San Vicente Ferrer

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Mission San Vicente was founded in August 1780 by the Dominican missionaries Miguel Hidalgo and Joaquin Valero among the Paipai Indians of northwestern Baja California, Mexico.

San Vicente was one of the largest and most important of the Dominican missions, because of its fertile land, comparatively abundant water, and strategic location on the missions' Camino Real. It may have been even more important as an early military headquarters, charged with subduing the local groups and repelling assaults from the more warlike nations on the lower Colorado River.

As at other Baja California missions, the native population diminished under the impact of Old World diseases, the political climate became less favorable to the missions under an independent Mexico after 1821, and by 1833 the mission was abandoned.


[edit] Location and Natural Habitat

The mission was built in a place that is now called "LLano Colorado" or "Red Plain" because of the color of the volcanic rocks found there. Today this land is cultivated during certain seasons and grows wheat and barley.

Among the flora the missionaries found near the site would have been chamomile, ceanothus, yucca, mesquite, brushwood, oak, and juniper. The animals and birds that lived in the region were squirrel, mole, beaver, shrew-mouse, coyote, puma, deer, woodpeckers, white-winged doves, owl, and wild ducks, among others.

The agricultural production consisted of corn, bean, wheat, and barley crops, as well as different fruits and vegetables. The mission also had flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, horses and mules.

[edit] Missionary Compound

The church measured 8 x 30 meters and was the main building of the complex.
The church measured 8 x 30 meters and was the main building of the complex.

San Vicente was the largest of the Dominican establishments. The buildings were divided into two sections: one was composed of the religious center that had a church, kitchen, dinning room, storage room, cells for the missionaries, and dormitories for the Native Americans. The other section was for the soldiers.

The buildings were surrounded by a wall with surveillance towers. There was also an irrigation system consisting of a dam and stone-lined ditches for watering the fields.

[edit] Methods of Construction

The buildings of the complex were made of adobe, with round stone foundations that were set 90 centimeters deep and cemented with a mortar of clay, sand and lime. The adobe bricks were positioned on the foundation using an alternating technique to give them more strength and stability. They were bonded with the same mortar, forming walls from 0.9 to 1.1 meters thick. The adobe was made with local soil, water, clay, sand, and straw to make it more resistant. The walls probably reached a height of 4.5 meters, and the roofs were interlaced with reeds over oak beams.

[edit] Military Installation

The mission jail.
The mission jail.

San Vicente was the center of operation on the Dominican missionary frontier and for that reason was protected by 12 to 25 soldiers from the Loreto presidio in what is now Baja California Sur who lived in a walled compound. The military installation was also to protect the territory between the missions of San Fernando de Velicatá and San Diego.

[edit] Native Americans of the Region

The San Vicente Ferrer is located in Paipai territory. This Native American group belongs to the Yuman linguistic family, and their territory extends from the Pacific coast over mountains and deserts to the Gulf of California. Today there are 300 Paipai (or Jaspuy Paium as they call themselves) living in two communities: Santa Catarina in the Sierra Juárez and San Isidoro to the south near Trinidad Valley.

In 1782 the native population at San Vicente was estimated to be 83 converts, rising to 317 in 1787 and dropping to 246 in 1800.

[edit] Conservation

General overview of the remains of the main structure.
General overview of the remains of the main structure.

Efforts to preserve and restore this site have been included in the "Camino Real Misionero de las Californias" program of Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). The collapsed roofs that a group called "Pro-Rescate de los Sitios Misionales de Baja California" had placed in 1979 have been removed. The remains of the walls are covered by a sacrificial layer made of clay, sand, water, slices of nopal cactus, and manure to protect them from the wind, sunlight, and rain. Archaeological excavations were begun at the site in 1997.

[edit] References

  • González Mendoza, César Manuel. 2001. "Mission San Vicente Ferrer: An Archaeological Overview". Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 37(4):3-10.
  • Meigs, Peveril, III. 1935. The Dominican Mission Frontier of Lower California. University of California Publications in Geography No. 7. Berkeley.
  • Vernon, Edward W. 2002. Las Misiones Antiguas: The Spanish Missions of Baja California, 1683-1855. Viejo Press, Santa Barbara, California.

[edit] See also

Baja California missions

Misión San Bruno (1683) · Misión de Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó (1697) · Visita de San Juan Bautista Londó (1699) · Misión San Francisco Javier de Viggé-Biaundó (1699) · Misión San Juan Bautista Malibat (Misión Liguí) (1705) · Misión Santa Rosalía de Mulegé (1705) · Misión San Jose de Comondú (1708) · Misión La Purísima Concepción de Cadegomó (1720) · Misión de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de La Paz Airapí (1720) · Misión Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Huasinapi (1720) · Misión Santiago de Los Coras (1721) · Misión Nuestra Señora de los Dolores del Sur Chillá (1721) · Misión San Ignacio Kadakaamán (1728) · Misión Estero de las Palmas de San José del Cabo Añuití (1730) · Misión Santa Rosa de las Palmas (Misión Todos Santos) (1733) · Misión San Luis Gonzaga Chiriyaqui (1740) · Misión Santa Gertrudis (1752) · Misión San Francisco Borja (1762) · Visita de Calamajué (1766) · Misión Santa María de los Ángeles (1767) · Misión San Fernando Rey de España de Velicatá (1769) · Visita de la Presentación (1769) · Misión Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario de Viñacado (1744) · Visita de San José de Magdalena (1774) · Misión Santo Domingo de la Frontera (1775) · Misión San Vicente Ferrer (1780) · Misión San Miguel Arcángel de la Frontera (1797) · Misión Santo Tomás de Aquino (1791) · Misión San Pedro Mártir de Verona (1794) · Misión Santa Catarina Virgen y Mártir (1797) · Visita de San Telmo (1798) · Misión El Descanso (Misión San Miguel la Nueva) (1817) · Misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe del Norte (1834)