Mircea Cărtărescu

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Mircea Cărtărescu, Bucureşti, 2003
Mircea Cărtărescu, Bucureşti, 2003

Mircea Cărtărescu (b. June 1, 1956) is a Romanian poet, novelist and essayist.

Born in Bucharest, he graduated from the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Romanian language and literature in 1980. Between 1980 and 1989 he worked as a Romanian language teacher, then as a civil servant at the Writers' Union and as an editor at the Caiete Critice magazine. Since 1991 he has been an assistant teacher at the Chair of Romanian literary history, part of the University of Bucharest Faculty of Letters. Between 1994-1995 he was visiting professor at the University of Amsterdam.


[edit] Works

His debut as a writer was in 1978, in România Literară magazine.

[edit] Poetry

  • Faruri, vitrine, fotografii..., ("Headlights, Shop Windows, Photographs") Cartea Românească, 1980 - Writers' Union Prize, 1980
  • Aer cu diamante ("Air and diamonds" - collective tome), Litera, 1982.
  • Poeme de amor ("Love Poems"), Cartea Românească, 1983.
  • Totul ("Everything"), Cartea Românească, 1985.
  • Levantul ("Levant"), Cartea Românească, 1990 - Writers'Union Prize, 1990, republished at Humanitas in 1998.
  • Dragostea ("Love"), Humanitas, 1994.
  • Antologia poeziei generaţiei `80 ("80s generation anthology of poetry" - collective tome), Vlasie, Piteşti, 1995
  • Dublu CD ("Double CD"), Humanitas, 1998
  • Bebop Baby, Meeting Eyes Bindery, 1999, ISBN 0923389334.
  • Plurivers 1 & 2 ("Pluriverse 1 & 2"), Humanitas, 2004

[edit] Prose

  • Desant '83 (volum colectiv / collective tome), Cartea Românească, 1983.
  • Visul ("The Dream"), Cartea Românească, 1989 - Romanian Academy's Prize, 1989; translated into French and Spanish; French Medicis Prize nominee; French Prize for the best foreign book nominee; Latin Union's Prize nominee
    • Le rêve, Climats, 1992, ISBN 2907563556 - nominated for the Medicis prize (Best foreign book).
  • Nostalgia ("Nostalgia"), full edition of "Visul", Humanitas, 1993.
  • Travesti, Humanitas, 1994 - Writers' Union Prize 1994; ASPRO Prize 1994; translated into French and Dutch
  • Orbitor ("Glaring"), vol. 1, Aripa stângă (tome 1, "Left wing"), Humanitas, 1996
  • Jurnal ("Journal"), Humanitas, 2001, ISBN 973-50-0095-4
  • Orbitor ("Glaring"), vol. 2, Corpul (tome 2, "Body"), Humanitas, 2002
  • Enciclopedia zmeilor ("Dragons' Encyclopaedia"), Humanitas, 2002
  • De ce iubim femeile ("Why we love women"), Humanitas, 2004, ISBN 973-50-0869-6
  • Jurnal II, 1997-2003, ("Journal II, 1997-2003"), Humanitas, 2005, ISBN 973-50-0986-2

[edit] Essays

  • Visul chimeric (subteranele poeziei eminesciene) ("Chimerical Dream - The undergrounds of Eminescu's poetry"), Litera, 1992
  • Postmodernismul românesc ("Romanian postmodernism"), Ph. D. thesis, Humanitas, 1999
  • Pururi tânăr, înfăşurat în pixeli ("Forever young, convolved in pixels"), Humanitas, 2003

[edit] Audiobooks

  • Parfumul aspru al ficţiunii ("Fictions' rough fragrance"), Humanitas, 2003

[edit] Literary Prizes

  • 1980: Romanian Writers' Union Prize
  • 1989: Romanian Academy's Prize
  • 1990: Romanian Writer's Unions Prize, Flacăra magazine Prize, Ateneu magazine Prize, Tomis magazine Prize, Cuvântul magazine Prize
  • 1992: Le Rêve nominee for: Prix Mèdicis, Prix Union Latine, Le meilleur livre étranger
  • 1994: Romanian Writer's Union Prize, ASPRO Prize, Moldavian Writers' Union Prize
  • 1996: ASPRO Prize, Flacăra magazine Prize, Ateneu magazine Prize, Tomis magazine Prize, Cuvântul magazine Prize
  • 1997: Flacăra magazine Prize, Ateneu magazine Prize, Tomis magazine Prize, Cuvântul magazine Prize
  • 1999: Orbitor's French translation nominee for Prix Union Latine
  • 2000: Romanian Writers' Association Prize
  • 2002: ASPRO Prize, AER Prize
  • 2006: Grand Officer of the Cultural Merit Order (Ordinul "Meritul cultural" în grad de mare ofiţer), awarded by Romanian Presidency

[edit] External links

  • Excerpt from The Roulette Player (original title: "Ruletistul"), story from Nostalgia, by Mircea Cărtărescu, at WordsWithoutBorders.org [1]
  • Mircea Cărtărescu's page at Humanitas publishing house [2] (Romanian)