Miracles of Buddha

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Painting of the first sermon depicted at Wat Chedi Liem in Thailand.
Painting of the first sermon depicted at Wat Chedi Liem in Thailand.

Gautama Buddha was said to possess many superhuman powers and abilities. He is said to have attained these through deep meditation during the time when he had renounced the world and lived as ascetic. He supposedly performed such miracles to bring the most benefit to sentient beings and he himself warned that miraculous powers should not be the reason for practising his path. He claimed such powers were side effects of spiritual cultivation.


[edit] At Birth

It is said that immediately after the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as The Buddha, he stood up, took seven steps north, and fearlessly uttered:

"Supreme am I in the world
Greatest am I in the world.
Noblest am I in the world.
This is my last birth,
Never shall I be reborn"

[edit] The Golden Bridge

During the 3rd week after The Buddha´s Enlightenment, the devas were unsure about whether Siddhartha Gautama had truly attained enlightenment or not. As proof of his enlightenment, The Buddha, using only his mind, created a golden bridge in the air, and walked up and down the bridge for an entire week.

[edit] The Serpent King

One day The Buddha was meditating under a mucalinda tree. It was heavily raining and a giant serpent, said to be a King of the Nagas, came out to wrap himself seven times around The Buddha to keep him warm. The Naga King then placed his enormous hood over The Buddha to shelter him from the rain, which fell for seven days. The depiction of this event, with Guatama Buddha sitting beneath the hood of a seven or nine-headed serpent can be commonly seen throughout Buddhist iconography.

[edit] Twin Miracle

After The Buddha returned to his father´s kingdom, some people were still unsure about whether Gautama Buddha was really enlightened or not. Some perceived him as the same Gautama that had abandoned his family to become an ascetic. In response, in order to clear the obscurations to their pure perception, The Buddha displayed the Yamaka-pātihāriya or the "Twin Miracle", called so because of its simultaneous production of apparently contradictory phenomena; in this case, fire and water. Upon seeing this, great devotion arose in the hearts of the King and the people.

There are different accounts of this Miracle, some being far more detailed than others. The twin miracle is a miracle wherein Gautama Buddha produced flames from the upper part of his body and streams of water from the lower part of his body, alternates this, and does so similarly between the left and right sides of his body. Six colored rays spring from every pore of his body, reaching up to the highest realms and down the lowest realms. he is said to have performed this miracle on numerous occasions to ripen the minds of those in attendance.

It is said that after this display, the Buddha took three giant steps, arriving in Tavatimsa, the abode of Thirty-three, which is also known as Tushita Heaven. There he preached the Abhidharma to his Mother who had been reborn there as a Deva named Santussita.

This miracle is also said to have been displayed by the Buddha´s relics.

[edit] Brahma

On one occasion, when The Buddha flew into Brahma's world, he skillfully explained to Brahma that all things are transient and temporary and devoid of independent existence. After hearing The Buddha's words, Brahma felt intense faith and decided to follow The Buddha's Dharma.

Brahma then requested a competition of powers between the two of them. Brahma hid himself in many places but The Buddha easily pointed out where he was located. Then The Buddha hid himself in voidness and mediation but Brahma could not spot him. Brahma's faith in The Buddha was increased.

[edit] Taming the Elephant

A cousin of The Buddha, the son of the Buddha´s maternal Uncle, was named Devadatta. Devadatta was tormented from early in his life by jealousy against his superior cousin. After trying quite a number of dastardly schemes to no avail, one day Devadata set loose a fierce elephant, known as Nalagiri or Dhanapala, to destroy The Buddha. One account is that as this elephant, who had been intoxicated into a crazed state by his keepers, ran through the town towards The Buddha, a frightened woman accidentally dropped her baby at the Buddha´s feet. Just as the elephant, who was headed for The Buddha, was about to trample the child, The Buddha calmly reached up and touched the elephant on the forehead. The elephant became calm and quiet. Then knelt down before The Buddha. Some accounts indicate that The Buddha then gave a personal Dharma sermon to this elephant.

[edit] Three Levels of Supernormal Power

When asked by Kevatta about Supernormal powers, Gautama Buddha replied that there were three levels of supernormal power, but that only the third, the miracle of instruction, was useful because it aided others in ridding all suffering. Because of concerns over the immense degree of development which is needed to use such techniques wisely, The Buddha prohibited his disciples from performing miracles.

[edit] 1st Level

This is the level where one has the capacity to perform many Iddhis.

"In the miracle of Iddhi, Iddhipatihariya (Superhuman power) the Bhikkhu experiences various kinds of power. From one form he becomes many, and from many he becomes one again; he becomes visible or invisible, passes through wall and rocks without touching them, as if they were space. He dives into and emerges from the earth as if it were water, and walks on water without disturbing the surface as if it were land; sitting crossed-legged, he moves in the sky like a bird. The Moon and the Sun in all their majesty, he touches and strokes with his hand, continuing with his body up to the realm of Brahma. When a trusting person sees the Bhikkhu perform these acts, he relates it to some sceptic saying "The power and majesty of the Samana are stupendous. I saw him transforming himself from one form into many and so on." Then the sceptic says "That is the 'Gandhara charm' making the Bhikkhu perform those acts". What do you think, Kevaddha, would not the sceptic say so to the trusting one?" Kevaddha replied "He would, Sir." Thereupon, the Buddha warned "Well, seeing this disadvantage of the iddhi miracles, I am vexed with them; I deplore them and am disgusted with them"

[edit] 2nd Level

This is the level where you are able to know the minds of others.

"What is the miracle of discerning the state of another person's mind? (Adesana patihariya). Here the Bhikkhu points out the state of consciousness, mental concomitants, initial and sustained application of the mind of another person saying "This is your mind, your mind in this way, thus is your state of consciousness." When a trusting person sees that Bhikkhu performing the act, he relates it to some sceptical person saying "The mystic power and majesty of the Samana are stupendous. I saw the Bhikkhu reading the mind of another person etc." Then the sceptic says "That is the 'Manika charm' making the Bhikkhu do that." Therefore, seeing the disadvantage of the miracles of discerning the minds of others, I am vexed with them, I deplore them and I am disgusted with them."

[edit] 3rd Level

This is the "miracle of instruction", wherein one is able to guide people to the path of enlightenment, the freedom of all suffering through instruction.

"What is the Miracle of Instruction? (Anusasani patihariya). Here Kevaddha, the Bhikkhu advises, "Let the initial application of your mind to an object be in this way and not in that; pay attention in this way and not in that; renounce this; having attained to that, remain in it." This is called the Miracle of Instruction."

[edit] The Day of Miracles

The first full moon of the year is celebrated in the Vajrayana tradition as the Day of Miracles, or Chotrul Duchen in Tibetan, to commemorate the final day of miraculous display by the Buddha which lasted 15 days. He performed these numerous miracles to overpower the six heretical teachers who challenged the Buddha. When the Buddha first received the challenge, he moved to another kingdom of India and he continued to avoid the teachers until he had visited all the kingdoms. Finally, he had the kings of these lands and their retinues accompany him to the final kingdom. There, at an arranged field, he displayed his miraculous powers for 15 days, it is said, to increase the devotion and merit of future disciples. Through these acts of this 15 day period, which are every year observed by the great prayer festival of the Gelugpa Monlam Chenmo, The Buddha defeated the heretical teachers and introduced all in the audience to the path of Dharma.

[edit] References