Minsk Terminal

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Minsk railroad terminal (Belarusian: Мінск-Пасажырскі Russian: Минск-Пассажирский) is the main passenger terminal in Belarus. The station was built in 1873 as Vilenski vakzal (Belarusian: Віленскі вакзал Russian: Виленский вокзал) . The initial wooden building was demolished in 1890 and rebuilt in stone. During World War II Minsk railway station was completely destroyed. It was rebuilt in 1945-1946 and served until 1991. The new building of Minsk-Passazhyrski railway station was built in 1991-2002. Its construction was delayed due to financial difficulties. However now Minsk boasts one of the most modern and up-to-date railway stations in the CIS. There are plans to move all suburban rail traffic from Minsk-Passazhyrski to smaller stations Minsk- Uskhodni (East), Minsk-Paudnyovy (South) and Minsk-Paunochny (North) by 2020.

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