Minor villains in Sonic the Hedgehog (comic series)

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This articles is for minor villains from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, appearing in the television series Sonic the Hedgehog and its spin-off comic book published by Archie Comics.

For other characters from this continuity, see Minor characters in Sonic the Hedgehog (comic series), and for villains in other Sonic the Hedgehog continuities, see Minor villains in Sonic the Hedgehog.


[edit] Auto Automatons

A series of androids created by Dr. Robotnik, the Auto Automatons were first designed for espionage purposes. The Auto Automatons were intended to be exact duplicates of the Freedom Fighters, thus enabling them to replace their biological counterparts. He first put these to use against Sally Acorn, but her efforts and those of King Acorn's Secret Service commander Geoffrey St. John put an end to that batch. King Acorn was later replaced with an Auto-Automaton, who ordered Sonic arrested and all Robians disassembled before he was finally exposed as a fake and destroyed.

The Auto Automatons were discarded as faulty, given that the materials that made them so lifelike made them so susceptible to rust that they would become useless within seconds of touching water. However, Robotnik made use of one last such Automaton, a duplicate of Fiona Fox. Created several years before Robotnik put it to use, it still had the appearance of a younger Fiona. Robotnik tested the robot Fiona's effectiveness by pretending to capture her while Miles "Tails" Prower watched. Tails "saved" Fiona and quickly fell in love with her, only to be betrayed when Robotnik ordered the robot to attack Tails. The materials that made the robot appear so lifelike were also unusually susceptible to rust, and as Tails struggled with "Fiona" the robot was drenched with water and quickly rusted solid. Tails mourned the robot Fiona as his first love, not knowing that it had been based on a real person now several years older than him. Fiona's android self reciprocated Tails' feelings for her, but their relationship was put to an end by her deactivation. While she was acting on Dr. Robotnik's orders, she clearly cared for Tails. Unfortunatley, her attachment led her to want him subjected to Roboticization so they could be together. Tails' own feelings were so strong that he bid farewell to her. As he left, a single tear fell from the eye of the rusted android.

Later models were produced following Robotnik Prime's death, and were being mass constructed for some purpose. However, these Auto Automatons proved unable to defeat the Freedom Fighters, despite such duplicates of Sally and Sonic being deployed against them. A later scheme by Robotnik involved placing scanners inside slot machines in a Station Square casino, enabling Robotnik to copy their data and produce duplicates. Fortunately, this scheme was thwarted by the Chaotix and Rouge the Bat.

Similar to the Auto Automatons was an android created by Robotnik in SatAM. This android was created to resemble Sally down to the finest detail, and was also programmed with a copy of her personality. However, lacking her true memories, the pseudo-Sally was unable to fool Tails when she didn't know a story to read and do the "scary witch voice". She was then exposed later during another reconnaisance mission, and reprogrammed by the Freedom Fighters to serve their purposes. As a final act, Sonic replaced the real Sally with the fake, causing the Roboticizer to overload.

All Auto Automatons were equipped with abilities beyond those of ordinary Mobians. Sally's robotic double from SatAM was also able to fire bolts of energy and a sludge-like substance known as Mega-Muck (which is mentioned by Uncle Chuck as being roughly equal parts petroleum, quicksand, and clay mud) from her fingertips. The Auto-Automatons are used frequently in Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction; some are even reprogrammed by the Freedom Fighters for the defeat of Robotnik.

[edit] Bark the Polar Bear

Main article: Bark the Polar Bear

[edit] Blackjack

[edit] Bean the Dynamite

Main article: Bean the Dynamite

[edit] BeeJay McThing

[edit] Crocbot

Either a Roboticized Mobian crocodile or a robot fashioned after one, Crocbot is Robotnik's sub-boss in Downunda. Possibly the most malign of all of Robotnik's lieutenants, Crocbot is perhaps the strongest and most dangerous as well.

Showing unprecedented ambition for a machine, Crocbot planned to overthrow Robotnik and rule Mobius himself. His most frequent foes are the Downunda Freedom Fighters and Tails, who teamed up to deliver his first decisive defeat. During this battle, Crocbot became fused to his tank, leaving him with tank treads in the place of legs, and was eventually thrown into the Downunda crater. It was later revealed that Crocbot survived, building a prison camp in the crater. Backed by an army of Combots, he sought to regain control of the continent, only to be defeated by once again. His lower half completely destroyed during this conflict, Crocbot tried another scheme, using a mind control chip to brainwash one of the Downunda Freedom Fighters. Fortunately, Sonic and Tails soon showed up, hunting Ixis Naugus, and put an end to Crocbot's reign of terror. Crocbot's remains were shipped to Robotropolis, only to be apprehended by Snively's team of escaped convicts. Crocbot later returned, having been merged together with fellow sub-boss Octobot to form Croctobot.

Crocbot is scheming and manipulative, a brutal commander who's intelligence is only exceeded by his hatred for Tails. Incredibly vain, he was infuriated when he was fused to his tank by an explosion.

[edit] Croctobot

After numerous defeats at the hands of Tails, Crocbot and Octobot were fused together. Now known as Croctobot, they were sent to crash Sonic's birthday party. Upon seeing the robot, Sonic managed to laugh himself into submission, describing the new enemy as the 'lamest badnik ever'. Meanwhile, Scourge the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat used Chaos Control to teleport to the party using the Master Emerald. In a rare team-up Sonic, Scourge, and Shadow the Hedgehog destroyed Croctobot. Despite Shadow having expressed an allegiance with Robotnik, he remained idle and complacent as Croctobot threatened Sonic and intended to report Shadow as a traitor (prior to his destruction by the three hedgehogs) to Robotnik for his apparent inaction - the cause of said inaction most likely attributed to Shadow's expressed gratitude and thanks towards Sonic for having saved Hope Kintobor's life earlier.

Croctobot's body was essentially Crocbot's salvaged upper body attached to the top of Octobot's head. This equipped Croctobot with sharp claws and tentacles, and presumably the ability to fight in the water as well as on land. However, Croctobot seemed somewhat insecure with himself, shouting out bravado and getting extremely angry when insulted by Sonic.

[edit] Damocles the Elder

Damocles was a dark magician who never truly showed up in the comic. A replica showing a goat in wizard robes was used by Mathias Poe to hide the Sword of Acorns. The replica, which did not do anything but sit there, was destroyed by Knuckles. Sir Connery would later state he had slain Damocles.

[edit] Dingoes

[edit] General Kage

General Kage is a cyborg dingo who worked in Robotnik's Dingo base camp on Angel Island. Half of his right face is mechanical, and so is the left side of his torso. A brutal, ruthless, and savage dingo, he was in charge of the Dingo slave camp and personally interrogated Knuckle's father, Locke the Echidna, in hopes of forcing him to reveal the location of the Master Emerald.

When Sonic, Knuckles, and the Chaotix invaded Angel Island, General Kage sent his Dingo troops to kill them but they failed and Kage confronted Sonic and Knuckles personally. The two heroes defeated him quite easily and managed to rescue Locke, only to have Kage return for a rematch but ending with ultimately the same results.

After the Dingo base camp was liberated and demolished, it is unknown of General Kage's current whereabouts. Although, Locke recently contacted Knuckles about returning to Angel Island to save his people, and mentioned General Kage and the Dingo army still being a threat. Kage's background is a complete mystery.

Nothing has been stated regarding his connection to Robotnik, General Stryker, or of his existence at all prior to this. Kage has a violent temper and was often easily angered how Sonic and Knuckles treated him so casually and made light of his position as an enemy.

[edit] General Stryker

General Stryker is the violent, prideful, and fearsome military leader of the Dingos, who have long been at war with the Echidnas on Angel Island. He is large, beastly, sports a yellow crew cut hair style, and a nasty scar on his right eye. During Knuckles discovery of his grandfather Hawkins machine, the Hyper-wave projector, the dimensional barrier holding the echidnas and dingos started to fade, and each species was slowly returning back to Angel Island on Echidnapolois.

Stryker had assumed command of the Dingos and amassed his troops to prepare for war once the echidnas reappeared completely. But the Hyper-wave projector was unstable and was causing massive damage all around the city. Knuckles and Julie-Su arrived to confront the general into leaving with the echidnas before the Dingos were killed by the damage from the projector's instability.

Stryker refused and attacked Knuckles with a "power glove", demolishing his office before Knuckles knocked him unconscious. Stryker and the Dingos managed to survive but their homes were destroyed in the process, and Stryker felt the echidnas were being racist towards the dingos by taking such a long time to rebuild the homes. Stryker was briefly seen talking to Harry the cab driver in "the Chaotix caper".

During a corrupt election, the Dark Legion captured Knuckles, Julie-Su, and Stryker through a cybernetically enhanced legion warrior called Xenin. Stryker was mocked and tortured along with Knuckles and Julie-Su from Dimitri the Echidna, head of the Dark Legion and formerly known as Enerjak. Stryker managed to escape the confines of his prison along with Knuckles and Julie-Su and has not been seen since.

Stryker is presumed to have been captured or killed by Dr. Robotnik, possible explanation of General Kage's appearance and assuming control of the Dingos on Angel Island. Stryker was often assisted by a Dingo soldier named Gerbil, and strongly felt that the echidnas were prejudice against the dingos.

[edit] Downtown Ebony Hare

Downtown Ebony Hare was a rabbit, mafia boss appearing in Knuckles comic series (issues 13-15, "The Chaotix Caper"). A hardcore, straight up mobster like character, Ebony Hare rarely fought himself and always operated through his henchmen. Ebony Hare is followed by a muscle bound, slick dressed bulldog named Blackjack, and has a sexy female fox named Foxxy always at his side. He first appeared after longtime Chaotix foe, Renfield T. Rodent reopened an amusement park previously shutdown by Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna, and the Chaotix.

Renfield was selling a highly addictive (and poisoning) sauce on his amusement park's food supply, and Ebony Hare was concerned he was "killing the market". After "convincing" Renfield to make a deal with him, The Chaotix arrived at the amusement park investigating Charmy Bee's friend's death due to the sauce. All of the Chaotix were later hospitalized after tasting sauce except for Julie-Su. She later tried to enter Ebony Hare's gang but failed and was almost killed by being thrown off a building by Blackjack.

Ebony Hare was about to close up shop for fear of the Chaotix's visit bringing the police. However the Chaotix had tracked him down anyway along with the assistance of Sgt. Remington and dingo cab driver, Harry. The Chaotix and Remington arrested Blackjack and Foxxy while Ebony Hare was detained by Espio the Chameleon when he tried to kill Julie-Su with a revolver. Downtown Ebony Hare was afterwards seen being hauled away by Remington's Echidna police force in a wagon; he has not been seen since.

[edit] EVE (Exceptionally Versatile Evolvanoid)

A bio-mechanical lifeform created by Dr. Robotnik with the intention of destroying Sonic. EVE was developed using DNA from both the mad doctor and his Hedgehog foe. With the ability to adapt rapidly to any situation and change form (attacking Sonic as a highly upgraded SWATbot, a giant wasp, and a giant snake), EVE was almost able to accomplish her primary function. However, EVE became too developed to obey Robotnik anymore, and fled Mobius, seemingly killing Robotnik but in fact masking his teleportation to an orbiting satellite in the dimension inhabited by Robo-Robotnik.

During his journey in space, facilitated by the destruction of the Xorda Quantum Dial, Sonic found EVE again. Using her powers, she had set about ravaging various planets, absorbing their raw materials into her structure. However, Sonic convinced her that she was doing the wrong thing. EVE then told Sonic of a way he could get home just before activating her self-destruct sequence and flying into the nearest star.

[edit] Feist

A giant panda native to the Zone of Silence, Feist became a lackey of Ixis Naugus-like Uma Arachnis, Warlord Kodos, and King Maximillian Acorn-after being defeated by the wizard's magic, a fact that Naugus would later brag about. Sonic and co. first learned about him during their use of a machine to get into King Acorn's dreams. During a brief escape from the Zone, Feist joined Kodos in an attack on Sonic, but was forced back into the Zone.

Feist later became the ruler of the Zone of Silence after all of the Chaos Emeralds in the universe were sent there by Turbo Tails and Super Shadow, having been gathered by A.D.A.M. With his newly unlimited power, he fused all of the jewels into seven Emeralds of varying color. In addition, he reshaped the Zone of Silence, renaming it the Special Zone. Thanking Sonic for his new power, Feist gave him the grey emerald, saying that if he wanted more, he would have to work for it. Because they both see Ixis Naugus as an enemy, Feist came to regard Sonic as an ally-though this is clearly limited to their antagonism of the wizard.

Because of his species, Feist can be presumed to have strength superior to that of an average Mobian. As a result of his control of the Chaos Emeralds, he has also seemingly gained reality-warping abilities derived from Chaos energy.

[edit] Foxy

[edit] High Sheriff

See Minor characters in Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie)#General Armand D'Coolette for details.

[edit] Hunter

As his name implied, Hunter was a rogue Overlander poacher and a foe of Knuckles the Echidna, who considered the mass murder of Mobians acceptable so long as he gave them a sporting chance. He first appeared on Angel Island, capturing Knuckles and his childhood rival, a gorilla named Monk, locking shock collars around their necks to prevent their escape and hunting them across Angel Island. Eventually cornering the escapees in the Hydrocity Zone, Hunter executed Monk, which drove Knuckles to insticntively use his dormant Chaos powers to drive the Overlander away.

Held prisoner by the Brotherhood of Guardians for several months, Hunter was freed by the Eggman-supported dingoes during the take-over of Angel Island. Seeing potential in the villain, Robotnik enhanced his fighting abilities and armed him with a 'Chaos Spear' that allowed him to teleport his targets into captivity in New Megaopolis. Once more however, Hunter was bested by Knuckles, who transformed into his Super Knuckles persona and cast the Overlander into the sea, where he allegedly drowned-unless he was first killed by the force of falling several hundred feet. This fate was oddly fitting, given that it echoed that of Monk. Before his death, Hunter captured numerous citizens of Angel Island, including Constable Remington, the Fire Ant Council, and Xenin of the Dark Legion. He also seemingly captured Dr. Finitevus, but the mad scientist appears to have used Hunter as a distraction to allow him to disappear and work on his own agenda.

[edit] Iron King/Iron Queen

The Iron King and Queen were the primary antagonists of Monkey Khan. The Iron King is a gigantic ox with incredible strength, and a affinity for collecting weapons. The Iron Queen is a human and is capable of casting dark magic and powerful spells. Sonic and Tails encountered the Iron King and Queen during their quest for Ixis Naugus, who fled across all of Mobius.

Sonic and Tails learn that the Iron King and Queen crowned themselves ruler of the village Sonic and Tails had entered and demanded all villagers swear loyalty to them. When the villagers refused, the Iron Queen set Mount Stormtop on fire for over a hundred days and would not lift the spell until the villagers agreed to bow down to the Iron King and Queen.

Sonic and Tails were told that only the magical fan of Fen Xing could blow out the flames on the mountain, but that it was in the Iron King's arsenal in his fortress. When the two tried to retrieve it, the Iron Queen cast a spell on renegade cyborg, Monkey Khan, to kill Sonic and Tails before they arrived. They managed to free Khan and he joined them in assaulting the Iron King at his fortress.

When Sonic found the magical fan, he used it to blow the Iron King right off his feet (or rather hooves). Sonic and the others returned to Mount Stormtop to blow out the flames, the Iron Queen tried to use her magic to stop them but failed and the flames were extinguished. The Iron Queen left the village swearing revenge, but the Iron King's fate remains unknown.

[edit] Jack Rabbit

[edit] Warlord Kodos

A powerful anthropomorphic humanoid lion, Kodos once served as the Minister of War in the Kingdom of Acorn. For unexplained reasons, this battle axe-wielding warrior despised Overlanders, particularly Nate Morgan. Allying himself with Ixis Naugus, the Royal Wizard of that time, Kodos arranged for Nate to be forced into exile. However, Kodos found himself toppled by Dr. Robotnik, who trapped him in the Zone of Silence along with Naugus, taking over as Minister of War. The irony was that Kodos showed Robotnik the entrance, trying to recruit the Overlander to his side!

Without anyone else to turn to, Kodos pledged loyalty to Naugus, serving as his enforcer alongside Uma Arachnis. He quickly amassed a collection of grudges towards both Robotnik and Sonic the Hedgehog and Sally. Kodos escaped the Zone of Silence with Uma and Naugus, but was exposed to pollution from Robotropolis and driven mad. He fell into a ravine while attempting to capture the Sword of Acorns, and seemingly perished either from the fall or from the poison of Robotropolis.

Kodos was known for being violent beyond reason, attacking enemies without thought for strategy or future plans. This berserker method made him a dangerous foe, but it was also his most flawed trait. In addition, the combined effects of years spent in the Zone of Silence and exposure to Robotropolis' poisons made him a dangerously unpredictable attacker.

[edit] Mathias Poe

A raven wizard whom Knuckles met during his search for the Sword of Acorns. Mathias used a replica of fellow-dark-magician Damocles the Elder to hide the sword. He briefly attempted to control Knuckles' mind with his dark magic, but was thwarted. After being defeated by Knuckles, it is possible Mathias was hunted down by Sir Connery just like the aforementioned Damocles.

[edit] Mecha (M)

Mecha is one of Dr. Robotnik's creations created while Sonic was still in outer space and everybody thought he was dead. Mecha is designed after a female Overlander, and is referred to by Eggman as his 'daughter'; unlike Robotnik's previous creations, Mecha has many more fighting abilities than any of Robotnik's creations ever had. Her most prominent ability, other than strength beyond that of any biological Overlander, was the power to shoot lasers from her eyes.

Sonic and Mecha duked it out at the docks of Dr. Eggman's newest city Megapolis, a battle which resulted in Sonic getting hurt, eventually leading to his breakup with Sally Acorn. Bunnie Rabbot knocked Mecha into a building and Geoffrey destroyed her skin coating by chucking a grenade leaving her with only a metallic skeletal form similar in appearance to the T-X from the Terminator movies, and this made her very angry. Sonic and friends were able to dump Mecha into the sewers; this short circuited her now-exposed systems. It is revealed later that she survived her encounter with Sonic. A.D.A.M. later framed Mecha, showing visual evidence of her helping the mysterious "Anonymous," who is later revealed to be ADAM himself. Believing her to be traitorous, Eggman ordered her to self-destruct, destroying her while unaware that the real traitor was ADAM.

Loyal only to Eggman, Mecha was as cold and emotionless as most of his creations-most of the time. She only showed emotion on a handful of occasions, usually when Eggman was threatened. At these times, she became extremely angry and volatile.

[edit] Monk

A gorilla who lived on the Floating Island, Monk took great pleasure in tormenting Knuckles when he was younger. Unwilling to stand by and watch, disguised members of the Brotherhood of Guardians threw Monk off the island. Several years later, he managed to climb back on, and wished to return to the way things had been, looking to beat up Knuckles. However, years of training and growing had changed Knuckles, and he was no longer so easily put to use as a punching bag.

Monk and Knuckles were forced to put aside their differences when Hunter made them the quarry in his Floating Island hunt. Bound by shock collars, the two worked together to flee Hunter. However, their victory was short-lived, as Hunter electrocuted Monk, causing the gorilla to topple once again from the island. This time, however, he perished either from the fall, the shock, or from drowning.

[edit] Nack the Weasel

For information on the version of Nack seen in the games, see Fang the Sniper.

In the Archie-published Sonic the Hedgehog comics, Nack has a sister named Nic, which seems to be a play on his translated name, Nack. He is also depicted as having a bit of an Australian accent, along with his three weasel "brothers". His first appearance is in the Sonic Triple Trouble adaptation special. In the story, Robotnik had designed a machine to harness the power of a Chaos Emerald. His "sidekick", Crabmeat, accidentally set the machine wrong causing it to overload and break the Emerald in two. This made a new "zone" (alternate reality) and Robotnik hired Nack to stop Sonic from retrieving the Emerald pieces.

His next big case was to capture Sonic, which led to Sonic's robotizisation. Sonic was charged with treason after he was returned to normal, but escaped custody to hunt Nack down. He was found in the Bottom of the Barrel Bar 'n' Grill and later captured. Later, he and his sister were charged with capturing the Chaos-charged Knuckles the Echidna. After succeeding and collecting their payment, they were not heard from for some time. Nack then appeared with a group of nameless weasels who planned to kidnap Princess Sally Acorn and collect a ransom from her parents, but Sally escaped by tricking Nack into thinking that she would join his group, and then kneeing Nack in the groin. He tried to get revenge by killing the princess, but was thwarted when Mina Mongoose took the bullet for the princess.

Nack managed to get away and was offered a job in Station Square by an unnamed client who wanted to know about the Master Emerald of Angel Island. Rouge the Bat overheard their conversation and flew to the island herself. It is unknown if Nack actually took the job or not. Nack later made an attempt at assassinating Mina Mongoose, because Eggman could not stand her music. He later gave in to one of Sally Acorn's threats and got thrown in jail.

When the Destructix got thrown in jail after an embarrassing defeat at the hands of the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix, Nack started taunting them. Shortly after that, Mammoth Mogul freed the Destructix from jail, and Nack escaped during the chaos, hinting that he was going to poison his former gang of weasels before he left, as he "didn't need the competition". He later appeared conducting reconaissance to verify claims of an auction of the Master Emerald being held by Rouge the Bat, only to be caught in a sting operation by the Freedom Fighters, resulting in him being imprisoned yet again. The only consolation he might have had was that several other villians-Mogul, Ixis Naugus, Bark the Polar Bear, and Bean the Dynamite-were also tricked and captured.

[edit] Octobot

Far beneath the surface of the Great Mobian Ocean rests an underwater bot base - home of the malicious Octobot, a giant blue mech squid that serves as one of Robotnik's underbosses! In fact, Octobot's existence under the seas would have remained unknown to the Freedom Fighters had Tails not encountered him during the maiden voyage of the Sea Fox. Discovering the underwater roboticisation factory once manned by Jaws, Tails destroyed the submerged base and left Octobot a complete laughing stock among the Bot community. However what Tails didn't know was that Octobot wanted revenge - and while on a mission to prove himself in Downunda, Octobot scuttled the Sea Fox by puncturing it with his drill tentacles and dragged Tails beneath the ocean in an attempt to drown him. Tails was rescued by the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters, and Octobot was crushed beneath the massive weight of their largest member - Fluke the Blue Whale. Octobot survived the incident - though completely flat. He later reappeared, having since become attached to the leftovers of his Downunda-comrade Crocbot, now called Croctobot.

Octobot hates Tails with a passion almost as strong as Crocbot and would also gladly kill him for virtually ruining his many plans. Like many of Robotnik's sentient creations, he is highly volatile. Octobot's assignment has naturally affected his behavior, from sailor jargon to mentions of Davy Jones' locker.

[edit] Renfield the Rodent

Rendfield the Rodent is a smiling, snazzy dressed, rat character who was in charge of several criminal organizations and shady dealings, most often occurring in his personal amusement park known as "Happy Land", located on Angel Island. Renfield was first introduced in the Chaotix comic book special, he invited Sonic, Knuckles, and the fellow Freedom Fighters to be his "guests" at his amusement park. Renfield then trapped Sonic and the Freedom Fighters in a House of Mirrors (within the mirrors themselves). Knuckles managed to escape and later met up with the rest of the Chaotix, including Heavy and Bomb. Turns out that Dr. Robotnik had made a deal with Renfield and worked together with him to trap the freedom fighters. Knuckles and the Chaotix liberated Sonic and the others, and making short work of Robotnik's new Metal Sonic robot. Robotnik ditched Renfield and allowed him to be captured by Knuckles. Later on, Renfield reopened his amusement park to the public.

The Chaotix once again ran into Renfield when Charmy Bee's best friend, Mello, died of food poisoning from Renfield's "secret sauce" that he put in the park's chili dogs. Downtown Ebony Hare found out about Renfield's plans and forced his way into controlling Renfield's business just as the Chaotix and Knuckles had entered the amusement park. Ebony Hare was arrested but Renfield was allowed to operate his amusement park, but without the toxic secret sauce, confiscated by Sergeant Remington. Renfield was not seen until much later in "The Chaotix Connection" (Sonic issue 166). Rouge the Bat accompanied Knuckles and the Chaotix to Renfield's new casino based in Station Square. Turns out the casino was a front for a Auto Automaton factory for Robotnik, who was using the slot machine screens in the casino to copy customers data and build up an army of infiltrators.

Mighty the Armadillo and Julie-Su managed to slip out of Renfield's traps and destroyed the robot factory, last heard, Renfield was going to stand trial for his crimes at Station Square. Renfield was referred to in the comics as Renfield T. Rodent, the T standing for "the".

[edit] Sonic robots

Clockwise from bottom center: Sonic, normal Metal Sonic, Metal Sonic's second form, Silver Sonic II, a Metal Sonic Trooper, Silver Sonic, Mecha Sonic and Pseudo-Sonic.  Artwork by Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante.
Clockwise from bottom center: Sonic, normal Metal Sonic, Metal Sonic's second form, Silver Sonic II, a Metal Sonic Trooper, Silver Sonic, Mecha Sonic and Pseudo-Sonic. Artwork by Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante.

[edit] Metal Sonic

Main article: Metal Sonic

[edit] Pseudo-Sonic

A Sonic-based robot named Pseudo-Sonic appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog #9. He was one of the few early villains to find Knothole Village, tricking Antoine D'Coolette into thinking that he was the real Sonic. Pseudo-Sonic was soon defeated, since Tails short-circuited him by dragging his namesakes on the ground while running around Pseudo-Sonic in a circle, generating static electricity. He made a reappearance later on, where it was revealed that there was an island where Badniks went to be repaired after being defeated. He was defeated by Sonic once again, but the other Badniks salvaged him and began the process of rebuilding him.

Pseudo-Sonic also appeared in an episode of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.

[edit] Mecha Sonic

When Robotnik finally managed to capture Sonic, he roboticized him, creating Mecha Sonic. Mecha Sonic was the part of the "Mecha Madness" story arc, where he was used by Eggman to battle the Freedom Fighters, but was defeated by a good Mecha Knuckles, and was de-roboticized.

Another version of Mecha Sonic, very similar different in design except he was completely silver, appeared in a later issue when the Bem turned Sonic and Tails into robots to fight Dr. Robotnik and Snively Kintobor, whom they had turned back into humans for the purpose of determining who was superior. Mecha Sonic and Tails proved victorious, and were restored to their normal forms.

Mecha Sonic's design was mostly based on the "Mecha Sonic" from Sonic and Knuckles.

[edit] Silver Sonic

Silver Sonic was used in the "Death Egg Saga" story arc, an adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, where Robotnik used it to protect his Death Egg. Upon defeating it, Sonic used it as a battle suit against Dr. Robotnik, resulting in Robotnik's defeat and the Death Egg's free fall to the surface of Mobius.

Silver Sonic was later rebuilt as Silver Sonic Mark 2, who attacked Sonic and Tails before being defeated, and was reprogrammed to defend Station Square. Unfortunately, Silver Sonic didn't last long, and was destroyed by Shadow the Hedgehog when it tried to stop him from stealing a Chaos Emerald.

The design used for the first Silver Sonic was taken from the Mecha/Silver Sonic used in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (albeit much larger in the comic than the game). Silver Sonic Mark 2 was based on an unnamed robot seen in a tube in Sonic Adventure.

[edit] SWATbot

SWATbots firing laser weapons on the SatAM cartoon
SWATbots firing laser weapons on the SatAM cartoon

The SWATbots are humanoid robot shock troopers from the "SatAM" and Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog continuities. Designed by War Minister Julian (who would later become the evil Dr. Robotnik) for use during the Great War, early SWATbot units were initially under the control of the Kingdom of Acorn, but were reprogrammed when Julian rechristened himself Dr. Robotnik and took near total control of Mobius in the year 3224. Years later, Robotnik programmed all SWATbot units with the code "Priority One", which ordered them to specifically pursue the Mobian rebel Sonic on sight, who became the dictator's arch-nemesis.

A bulkier, more formidable SWATbot breed exists in the TV series Sonic Underground. They come in several variations, use multiple vehicles, and all have orders to capture Sonic and his siblings. However, these SWATbots are incredibly inefficient, being vulnerable to water and having an easily accessed control panel on their arm.

In the Archie Comic Series there are supposedly improved models of SWATbots called Shadowbots, created by Robo-Robotnik (Dr. Eggman as he is referred to now). Eggman claims they are superior to their predecessors, but a past conflict between the original Robotnik's SWATbots seemed to prove otherwise. Shadowbots usually sport a metallic black color, much like their SatAM cousins (though the grey and white SWATbots make an appearance in the pilot episode of the SatAM cartoon). The Delta-class Shadowbot was soon replaced by a larger, more destructive model dubbed the Gamma-class Shadowbot. Eggman has unleashed what he calls "SWATbot Mk IIs" as of late, but so far there do not appear to be any major improvements made over the Gamma-class.

[edit] Buzzbombers

Essentially a variety of SWATbot, Buzzbombers are robots in the forms of giant wasps, based on the namesake badniks from the classic Sega Genesis Sonic titles. Their stingers double as laser emitters, and they are usually deployed for aerial attacks. They also made an appearance in the pilot episode of the SatAM cartoon, wherein they pursued Tails in an attempt to draw out Sonic and attempted to transport a herbicidal agent to the Great Forest in an attempt to expose the location of Knothole, both endeavors being handily thwarted by the Freedom Fighters.

[edit] Combots

The Combots are superior versions of the SWATbot model. Far more intelligent and capable of camouflage, they are the ultimate military robots. Many are in service to Crocbot, the sub-boss of Downunda. They despise the inferior SWATbots, one of the few signs of open intelligence among Robotnik's robot army. In the 'Spin City' short comic, it was shown that at least some Combots were equipped with a bomb in their head which detonated shortly after the Combot was decapitated, possibly as a last-ditch means to try to take out the robot's assailant.

[edit] Dynamac 3000

A highly adaptable robot model, the Dynamac 3000 can transform to fit any given situation. As such, it is the ultimate unit of the SWATbot class. The Dynamac model is so powerful that the only way to defeat it is by shorting it out through a massive electric shock. One Dynamac 3000 was dispatched by Robotnik to serve as sub-boss of the western sector of the Knothole continent, but it was destroyed by the Freedom Fighters before any permanent harm was done. The Freedom Fighters encountered a second one of these machines when scouting out Robotropolis after Robotnik's defeat. This one however was being remotely controlled by Snively from a hidden alcove nearby. The Freedom Fighters promptly defeated it, and captured Snively.

[edit] Uma Arachnis/Arachne

The Arachne together with Mammoth Mogul, Ixis Naugus, and the Destructix. Art by James Fry from issue #163.
The Arachne together with Mammoth Mogul, Ixis Naugus, and the Destructix. Art by James Fry from issue #163.

A female ninja spider who served Ixis Naugus, Uma Arachnis met Naugus in the Zone of Silence. With all the abilities of both a spider and a ninja, she proved quite dangerous. Often silent, even other villains found her confusing. Uma worked alongside Warlord Kodos until both died from exposure to Robotropolis pollution.

Uma's legacy lives on in the form of her children, the Arachne, an army of spider ninjas who also serve Ixis Naugus. The Arachne have been distinguished as villains due to being entrusted with the Sword of Acorns after it tried to possess Sally. They later used it to open a dimensional warp, freeing Naugus from his imprisonment and killing the Ancient Walkers. Due to Ixis' alliance with Mammoth Mogul, the Arachne came to serve Mogul as well. Along with the Destructix and the two wizards, the Arachne were attacked by the Egg Fleet and imprisoned in the Egg Grape Chamber. Perhaps due to some error in the chamber's construction, or as a result of Mogul and Naugus abandoning them, the Arachne died in the second chamber. As a result, they were not rescued by Dr. Finitevus, who liberated the Destructix to serve as his minions.

As ninjas, Uma Arachnis and her children wield a number of traditional Japanese weapons. Among their arsenals are Sai, Nunchuks, Katana swords, and various other such tools.

[edit] Universalamander

Originally an ordinary, unintelligent salamander captured by Dr. Robotnik, it was placed into a Roboticizer in the hopes that it could be made into a robot capable of defeating Sonic. However, an inept Buzzbomber working the controls accidentally activated the "enlarge" command, causing the creature to grow as it was transmutated into a robot. The result was Universalamander, a massive creature of immense power.

Going to Knothole Village, Universalamander engaged Sonic in battle. Unable to defeat it, Sonic scrounged up 7 Chaos Emeralds and 50 Power Rings to trigger his form of Super Sonic. Easily able to evade Universalamander, he quickly returned to Knothole. From Rotor's workshop, he recovered a reduce/enlarge component from the Roboticizer that was used on Bunnie Rabbot. Thus, he was able to shrink Universalamander back down to normal size, and squashed it under his foot.

[edit] Xorda

The Xorda (singular and plural) are a warlike alien species responsible for the metamorphosis of Earth into Mobius. They resemble large, purple, brain-like organs with long pink tentacles and a single green eye. They communicate via telepathy.

The Xorda's wrath was incurred upon Earth when an envoy they sent to it was captured, imprisoned, and dissected by human scientists. Outraged, the Xorda bombarded the planet with gene bombs, believing that all life had been wiped out. Unbeknownst to them, some survived, and eventually swelled to repopulate the planet. The energy of the bomb caused the mutation of many animal species into the anthropomorphic Mobians that now inhabit it, as well as the creation of Mobius' Chaos Emeralds. This latter fact was cast into doubt however when the source of this information - a 12,000 year old robot named Isaac - was revealed to have most of its data corrupted and/or erroneous.

The secrecy of continued life on Mobius was compromised when the Xorda discovered two ships heading for Mobius. Presumably they knew that there were Overlanders (humans) aboard as Hope Kintobor explains that they attacked them. Presumably they traced the ships to Mobius and realised that life had arisen again. Upon entering the Solar System, they nearly stumbled upon a ship from the Bem, a much more belevolent alien race, but were distracted by Shadow the Hedgehog. When they arrived, they delivered an ultimatum of destruction unto the people of Mobius, and also told them the truth about their world's origins. As if to demonstrate their power, they launched a devastating single-ship attack on Dr. Eggman's Eggman Empire.

The ship was repulsed by Giga-Bot Prime, a giant robot created by Robotnik that only Sonic's speed could power (presumably at that point in time, Eggman would surely have access to alternative power sources under normal circumstances). However, the Xorda had yet to play their trump card.

In the planet's polar region, the Xorda revealed their final plan to eradicate the planet. A pyramidal device, known as the Quantum Dial, was set up. Its purpose was to tear open a hole in reality, creating a black hole powerful enough to consume the planet and the entire solar system. It was assumed that such a large target would be easy to deal with, given that Station Square launched an immediate missile strike. However, the Quantum Dial possessed some kind of field that caused any construct within fifty feet to fall apart. Unwilling to give up without a fight, the various fighters of Mobius banded together, putting aside their differences to battle a common enemy. However, even with the amazing number of warriors aligned against them, the Xorda weapon was only vanquished after the timely resurrection of Knuckles the Echidna (who simultaneously caused the destruction of the weapon's defenses) and the seeming suicide attack of Sonic the Hedgehog upon the Quantum Dial, which caused the destruction of the device.

The Xorda departed Mobius soon after they launched the Quantum dial leaving the entire planet for dead - they have not been seen since except in flashbacks. They are also the reason that the Bem do not pursue a vessel (which heads on a course back to Mobius via a bem jumpgate) they believe to contain Ceneca 9009, the rogue scientist who built the De-Roboticizer. In truth, the vessel held Sonic, who had been beamed into space by the Quantum Dial's destruction. Unwittingly, the Xorda had inadvertently provided a safe journey home for their greatest hindrance. As the Bem pointed out that access to Mobius via their jumpgates was officially restricted on account of the Xorda having declared war on the planet - this would suggest the possibility that the Xorda are aware of their second failure to destroy all humanoid life on Mobius and could possibly attack again. After all, one ship and one Quantum Dial are surely only a fraction of military might, unless the Xorda are bound to it (eg are nomads).

It was later revealed that the reason the Xorda never returned to Mobius is because they have been fighting the Black Arms, another race of evil aliens, for months over Wheel World (known in the issue as Ring World), the homeworld of the Bem.

[edit] Zan the Dragon

A red Oriental Dragon, Zan was the mate of Freedom Fighter ally Dulcy. Unlike his green winged companion, however, Zan was incredibly violent, deploying his fire breath and powerful body against virtually anything that made him mad, including Dulcy herself. Zan also considered all other races of Mobius to be his enemies, as demonstrated by his attacks on the City of the Ancients (also known as Station Square). Due to these attacks, the inhabitants of the city called in Sonic and the Freedom Fighters. After a battle with Sonic and an elite unit of the Station Square military force, GUN, at his lair on Pyro Island, Zan seemingly perished.

[edit] Trivia

  • In an abandoned future storyline, Archie had plans to make Croctobot sub-boss over all of Downunda. Since he has been destroyed, this will not likely come to pass.[1]
  • Storyline possibilities following issue #134 had General Kage replaced by a character known as Colonel Mange, who served both as commander of the Dingoes and as Robotnik's Angel Island Sub-Boss.[2]
  • EVE is the first of Robotnik's creations to be named from the Bible, the second being ADAM.
  • Feist's design originally made it hard to determine what type of animal he was, leading several fans to believe that he was a badger, skunk, or wolverine before refinements identified him as a panda.
  • Monkey Khan was supposedly foretold in a "legend" that a monkey king would help defeat the evil Iron King and Queen and save the village.
  • The Iron King and Queen are a direct reference to Akira Toriyama's series Dragon Ball, relating almost directly to a single episode housing an identical plot about an ox ruler "The Ox King", a fiery mountain, and a magical fan said to blow out the flames. This also consists with the use of Monkey Khan, a character created strangely similar to young Goku, the hero of Toriyama's dragon ball series, who also happens to ride a cloud, carry a staff, and has a monkey's tail.
  • Sonic HQ featured a list of possible future storylines, including one where the Iron Queen returned in an effort to claim the powerful Master Geode. This would lead her to mind control Knuckles and bring her into conflict with Mammoth Mogul and Dr. Eggman. However, this storyline does not look likely to occur at any future time.[3]
  • Cutting room floor story ideas included Jack Rabbit becoming a sub-boss to Dr. Robotnik.[4]
  • Mathias Poe's name is possibly a pun off of Edgar Allen Poe and his poem, The Raven.
  • Uma Arachnis' origins were somewhat explained in prototype story ideas, in which a ninja order known as "the Strand" was introduced. Protectors of the Source of All, this group was the one from which Uma originated. Later, the Arachne would be taken control of by the Sword of Acorns and join the group in their mother's place, causing the rest of the group to be corrupted as well.[5]

[edit] References