Minor characters of 6teen

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This is a list of descriptions of all minor characters who have appeared in the animated series 6teen. It includes recurring and "one-off" characters.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Employees and owners

[edit] Students

Note that some employees may be listed under "Dates, crushes, and ex-es".

She's the new boss at the ice-cream parlour and now known as the hottest girl in the mall. The reason for this is because she has a French accent and huge breasts. When Jonesy was working there, he wanted to go on a date with her. When she rejected Jonesy the first date, he relentlessly asked her time after time until she did change her mind and say yes. Amelie is almost easily flattered and she had broken up with Jonesy, she had fallen for Jonesy's annoying little brother that caused all the trouble, Robbie Garcia.
She could be said as the fourth clone of the Khaki Barn. She was hired after Chrissy fired Nikki for telling Jonesy her biggest secret of being in the Jedi Knight Club. Jonesy had accidentally blabbed her secret Nikki told to everyone. The clones at the Khaki Barn had what they wanted, a fourth co-worker who didn't slack off and did their job. However, they did not like this because Ashley hogged all the customers. When Nikki came back for her old job, Chrissy immediately fired Ashley and hired Nikki back. The clones claim that "(she) was the best employee because (she) gives (them) all the commissions."
The Clones
The Clones
The Clones (Kirsten, Chrissy and Kristen)
Nikki's co-workers at the Khaki Barn and her worst nightmares. Chrissy, Kirsten, and Kristen are all intimidated by Nikki. Chrissy is the assistant manager of Khaki Barn and Kirsten and Kristen are Nikki's co-workers. Once, Chrissy tried to brainwash Nikki in to being more Khaki, which in the end failed and rebel-girl returned to her normal self. While they dislike Nikki's attitude and Nikki can't stand their personalities, Nikki can't seem to find work anywhere else and the Clones actually like having Nikki around due to the fact that when Nikki doesn't make any sales that gives them more.
Character quote: "Have a Khaki Day!"
The manager of the coffee shop, Grind Me. She is the best friend of Serena's which is why Wyatt becomes afraid of her after Serena dumps him. She founded the popular Grind Me Poetry Club.
Character Quote: "Double Tall cappuccino, extra hot, extra foam, huh? That sounds a lot like someone else's order"
Christo & Blade
Two jocks working in Things that beep and later in Taj Mahome Videos. They are the type of guys you call "Popular"; they get chicks and throw parties for everyone who are cool enough to be invited. They have an ongoing rivalry with the gang, especially with Jonesy.
Character Quote: "It's time for our cheer up song"
The geeky, light saber-wielding employee of Stereo Shack. He has been a friend of the group for a long time although Jonesy often picks on him. Was embarrassed by Jonesy in front of the entire school in sixth grade, who gave Darth an atomic wedgie. Jonesy began to pick on Darth until Darth grew tired of it. Darth tried to get revenge on Jonesy and he managed to tape it on video. Jonesy later on regained his pride by giving another pantsing to the poor geek. Darth also has a huge crush on Nikki who does not love him so she hooked him up with Julie the taco girl.
Character quote: "Would you like me to explain the story for you? I'll use small words so you'll be sure to understand."
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair Colour: Red
  • Eye Colour: Green
  • Skin Complexion: Light
  • Ancestry: Grenada
  • Loves: Star Wars, Nikki, Julie
  • Hates: Jonesy
  • Codename (by Ron): Vader

The Greeter Gods and Goddesses
All of the retail workers at Albatross & Finch. They are one of the popular people in the mall and very snobbish. The male employees serve the customers shirtless. The greeter girls believe that specific clothing should not be worn by people less popular than them. Jonesy was once one of the greeter gods and was popular amongst them before getting fired. Amongst them are Jill, Tamara, Calvin, and Scott.
Character Quote: "Everybody wants this job."
A girl who works at Albatross & Finch as a Greeter Goddess. Jill was once the girlfriend of Charlie Dobbs, one of Jen's co-workers whom she had a crush on. Charlie acted like Jen didn't exist and didn't notice her half the time when she tried to get him to like her. Jen, in the end, was frustrated and, curious, decided to ask herself the reason why Charlie didn't like her. Before she could ask, Charlie answered her question by introducing his girlfriend, Jill, to Jen. But after about a week later, Charlie broke up with Jill. This is possibly the same Jill that Stone had a relationship with.
She works at Wonder Taco and wears huge braces. If the customers try to make fun of her as they order tacos, she'd spit in the tacos she will give to them. She also has a crush on Darth.
Character quote: "Hey, boys."
In the episode entitled, Losing your Lemon, Caitlin finally quit her job at the Big Squeeze because she paid her father back the money she spent on his credit card. Having her credit card back, she gives the job to Katie. This is a disaster for the gang as Tricia and her friends take over the gang's table. Having a new worker at the Big Squeeze changed everything. Because she has to wear the infamous lemon hat, Caitlin has little trouble persuading Katie to take Jonesy's job at the information kiosk.
Movie Usher
The worker at the Gigantoplex who guards the door of the movie theatre and has the power to kick out anybody from the theatre.
Character quote: "I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave."
Sombrero Girl
She works at a Mexican restaurant called Si Si Sombrero's that was in "Snow Job" (episode). Jonesy was given a chance to work there, but didn't like the uniform and was fired. Breanne of Oxbow, Saskatchewan, did the voice of the sombrero girl, in which she won a contest to appear as a voice star of that character, sponsored by TELETOON.
Character quote: "They want us to show Si Si Sombrero spirit."

[edit] Adults

Big Steve
Caitlin's boss for the lemon, a short man who acts like a stereotypical Texan. Big Steve is always trying to act tough and all and he is very pleased to have utter control over someone. To make himself look more taller, he puts on a huge cow-boy hat. Once, if Caitlin had not got more money, she would have been sent to a strip mall. Steve is generally a nice guy and even offers to give Caitlin a bonus if she can keep sales up while he's at the Calgary Stampede (if he doesn't lose it all in the Cow Lottery).
Coach Halder
Coach Halder
Coach Halder
Jen's huge boss at the Penalty Box who gives out "penalties" for the smallest infractions. Halder yells "Masterson!" a lot and is a regular at Grind Me's poetry reading. Had his son working at the store before, but after Jen broke up with him he was transferred to another store. He's not beyond giving himself penalties and push ups. He has one weakness as he is terrified of mice. He actually has poor eyesight, but the moment he gets glasses (for a brief time) his vision becomes as sharp as a hawk.
Character quote: "Masterson!"
Crazy Pete
He was once the owner of Underground Videos. He doesn't appear in the 6teen episode, but he is mentioned by Wayne that Crazy Pete is the owner of Underground. He sold off Underground to Taj Mahome Videos which made Wayne, Jude, and Wyatt angry.
Stuart Goldstein
A reoccurring customer at the Khaki Barn and the Penalty Box, a short balding sweatervest-wearing man who wears large glasses. He is usually at the receiving end of Nikki and Jen's annoyances, frequently shoved into a dressing room or gets tripped. He is a pharmacist and briefly serves as Jonesy's boss.
Character Quote: "May I get some service please!?!?"
Nerdy Man
A short nerdy guy who is fat on his tummy and with equally large front teeth showing. In the episode entitled "Lights Out", he was the man stuck on the escalator, saying that he was too afraid to walk up the stairs. He said he never climbed stairs before because he lives in a bungalow. Is a frequent customer of the Penalty Box, usually looking for a tennis racket and having some misfortune caused by Jen.
Character Quote: "Ooohhhh".
The owner and head chef of Super Terrific Happy Sushi. This Japanese man acts like a samurai. He was once Jonesy's boss and taught Jonesy samurai-like things, allowed Jude and Starr to perform "fish theatre" at the restaurant's aquarium, and taught the guys how to deal with the girls when they were pmsing.
Character quote: "Ah so! Baka no teenaga!" (Japanese for 'Idiotic Teenager')
He is the owner of the popular arcade in the mall. Norm is really understandable; he had given Jonesy the golden card, the card to access everything in the arcade, but he wouldn't accept Jonesy's behaviour so he gave the seat of honour to Nelson. Norm is tall, hunches a bit and has a mop of brown hair covering his eyes. He often wears what appears to be a Van Halen t-shirt.
The Nurse
In the episode, "Wanting to Ex-sale" she is the nurse who draws blood from blood donors. She refused to give Jonesy a sticker when he asked for one without donating blood. She let Jude donate blood too much because Jude used disguises to pass as another person, including a Mexican named Mr. Rodriguez, a cop, and a girl, so that he gets free donuts.
Paige is the lady who serves the hot dogs. She even tried to put a bid on Jonesy's Valentine dating auction, despite mentioning that Jonesy never knew her name. Paige is very pretty.
The head manager of Burger McFlipster's. Has a low baritone-like voice. He hired Wyatt and was impressed that his singing to the customers (especially with the young ladies) got huge sale increases.
Character quote: "Singing for customers is stupid. In Burger McFlipsters, we sing for the meat."
The manager (and later, the owner) of The Underground, a video store that specializes in independent films. He's Jude and Wyatt's boss after the two of them are fired from their former jobs. He has a metallic retainer sticking out of his mouth. Wayne is sarcastic and generally bad-tempered, but happens to know exactly what film a customer should see. He can't stand Jonesy or anything Jonesy thinks is cool.
Character quote: "This movie meant more to me than your life!"
The "Mature Couple"
In the episode, "The (Almost) Graduate" Wyatt and Caitlin follow them around to see how Wyatt should act in order to impress Serena.
Character quote: "*clears throat* You're freaking us out."
The Zamboni Driver
An elder man who wears a goatee and a Canada toque. Seen in the Snow Job episode, the driver gave the keys over to Jude, so he could have the feel of driving it.
Character quote: "When I started this job, driving the zambonie really meant something. People respected you."

[edit] Employed by the mall

Ron the Rent-A-Cop
Ron the Rent-A-Cop
A former assistant security guard who is another typical teen and doesn't take his job seriously. When Ron the rent-a-cop quit his job once, he became the new security guard who never busted anybody. The gang was really happy that Ron had quit but was not happy anymore when Ron decided hang out with them. Jonesy made a plan of alarming a high level security alarm in the mall so that Ron would be encouraged to take his old job back. When Ron did, Kai was fired for losing the keys that would shut off the alarm. Kai was hired again by Ron later but he got fired again for slacking off.
Pokey Panda
Pokey Panda isn't one character, rather he's a giant panda costume who's constantly abused by the kids, Stanley, and everybody else, for that matter. After one of the guys in the pokey suits falls from the escalator, Jonesy takes his job. Of course, he ends up getting fired.
Ron the Rent-a-cop
The "Retail Operations Enforcer" for the Galleria Mall. He sees an enemy in every person under twenty, and is a true nemesis of The Gang. Try as they might, the group can't seem to get rid of Ron, who puts out tons of loitering and disruptiveness tickets. He's a Vietnam War veteran, and sometimes we see him in some bizarre retrospections from the war. He has a northern European accent. He gave himself a codename, 'Viper'. He is an obvious homage to Christopher Walken in both appearance and manner of speech.
Character quote: "I'm watching you, maggot!"
Codename: Viper

[edit] Relatives

Courtney Masterson
Jen's older and hotter sister, who came back home from university, after she flunked out. Guys adore her looks and girls love to listen to her boyfriend adventures, so Jen feels abandoned by the rest of the gang every time Courtney steps into the Mall. She has a good reason to feel like that- Courtney is a famous friend and boyfriend stealer. Despite their differences, they really love each other, like family should.
Character quote: "Now that everyone knows that you have your own boobs, finding a boyfriend shouldn't be a problem."
Diego & Robbie Garcia
Jonesy's two younger brothers. Robbie is the youngest of the three and can be troublesome. On many occasions when he appears, he is seen lifting up skirts and dresses and tampering with electronic devices (such as the Khaki Barn phone). In "A Crime of Fashion", he renamed the Khaki Barn the Cracky Barn when Nikki brought him along to the Khaki Barn in order to annoy the Clones. He was able to pick up a cute woman that Jonesy was unable to score with. Not much is known about Diego (as he made only one appearance so far ["The Wedding Destroyers"]), except that he is roughly a younger and shorter version of Jonesy and was never yet seen in his regular clothes (as he was only seen wearing formal wear in "The Wedding Destroyers"). They are very agreeable on trying to dominate their stepsisters Jen & Courtney.
Character Quote (From Diego on a tush control 3000): "Frankly, I'm insulted that you would even say tha....ahhhh!."
Mr. Garcia and Mrs. Masterson
Mr. Garcia is the father of Jonesy, Diego and Robbie Garcia. Mrs. Masterson is the mother of Jen and Courtney Masterson. They both dated each other for a couple of years before deciding to get married. However, the wedding plans did not go well as the children of both families declared war, both trying to ruin each other's lives. When finally they came to an agreement, both parents of the two families had a happy marriage and they all now live as one happy family...for now. Jen's upset that Jonesy's now her step brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Wong
They are Nikki's parents who appeared in couple of episodes in 6teen. Nikki criticizes them for wearing old style 1970s clothing. Nikki claims that they are annoying and constantly gets on her nerves. She gave fries to Jude for him to occupy her parents for her while she does her own stuff. Once Jude had taught them to act and dress like a teen/gangster which made Nikki mad at the end.
Nikki's sister
In Dude of the Living Dead, Jen mentioned that Nikki wasn't honest about her sister's goldfish dying of natural causes.
Mr. Cooke
Caitlin's father never appears in any episode, but he is heard on the phone with Caitlin. He is a lawyer.

[edit] Shoppers

Book girl
Wears glasses and a pink sweater. She was turned off Jude when she saw that he was in love with a massage chair that he called Betty. Betty and the book girl were both voiced by Terri Hawkes.
The Dopplegangers
In the show entitled Losing your Lemon, Caitlin had quit her job and had given it to Katie. And since Katie wouldn't save anyone's seats, Tricia and her cruel gang had stolen the seats. The doubles are none other than Shannon who is Jen's double, Smithy who is Jonesy's double, Josh who is Jude's double, Vikki who is Nikki's double, Wendell who is Wyatt's double and Katie, who is Caitlin's double. Tricia is the head of the gang.
Escalator Girls
Three gangster girls who guard the escalator and think they own the mall and even steal money from children in the mall (in "Dirty Work" [their only appearance so far] they were seen making money fall out of Stanley's pockets in order to steal from him). If a person accidentally drops their stuff in their area, the stuff becomes theirs. These items include Jen's house keys (when Jen accidentally flung her key at them) and Jude's board (when Jude accidentally left his board in their area). In the end Jen got her keys and Jude's board back because Caitlin had asked Jonesy to tell the Girls that Jen was professional kickboxer champion who had killed a guy before.
The Goths
Starr's new goth friends (where she calls herself Nebula) who became friends with the gang after they all saw a horror film. Even as goths, during the episode entitled, Lights Out, Marilyn shows his true skills in basketball when he shoots an amazing shot at the Penalty Box. Axe is tall and has many tattoos, hair pulled to one side. Morgana also shows that she was an innocent girl Caitlin knew in summer tennis camp, Haley.
Mandy & Gwen
Two of Tricia's newest best friends after she decided to quit being Caitlin's friend. They are loyal companions of Tricia, always trying to help her with her evil plans against the gang. They are always seen hanging out with Tricia around the mall.
Character Quote: "Do it or face social suicide."
A 10-year-old kid who became a world champion on the "Space Annihilator" arcade game. In one episode, Jonesy had beaten the world record on the Space Annihilator. He was known as the hero at the arcade and a place where he could relieve his stress if he had a bad day. However after 20 minutes later Jonesy found out Nelson had beaten his score the day before. Angry at being beaten, Jonesy challenges him on 2-player but faces defeat. He challenged Nelson several times before deciding to give up and pass his championship down to Nelson.
Rhonda is the girl who often comes up passing by in 6teen shows, but never actually officially introduced. She is a blonde girl with curly hair that covers one of her eyes. In one episode, Rhonda liked Jonesy for five minutes, but when she heard that it was Jonesy in Wyatt's evil song, she spilled hot coffee on him. Rhoda has a big football player sized boyfriend who gave Jonesy a piece of his mind when Jonesy tried to "pick her up".
Yummy Mummy
Yummy Mummy
Stanley's Mom (also known as Yummy Mummy) and Stanley
A very attractive vixen of a woman (so called MILF and cougar) and her son, a boy who likes to fire nerf-balls at the teens at the mall, especially near the fountain and at Caitlin when she's at The Lemon.
Character quote: "Can you watch my Stanley here while I go cry- I mean, powder my nose?"
Caitlin's Ex-Friend and Shopping Buddy. She tries to ruin her ex-friend's life any time, anywhere. First she ran against Caitlin in The Khaki Girl contest and then she downloaded the movie of Caitlin walking around on the beach in her bikini with toilet paper sticking out of it. Tricia can't stand it when Caitlin has a boyfriend that she used to like. When she appears, it's almost certain that she will think of some evil sabotage plot. Tricia owns no business, and even if she tried to apply for a job, she'd get fired faster than even Jonesy! Every time someone does one good thing to Tricia, she always rewards them by calling them her best friend. Never anger Tricia because it will be the last thing you do before she makes everybody think that you're a complete and total loser.
Character quote: "See ya later, Lemonhead!"
"The Couple"
These two have no name or back story, but they are always shown kissing. Except for the time Jonesy is paid to split them apart.

[edit] Dates, crushes and ex-es

Jude's long-distance girlfriend from Australia. They began hanging out when Callie called a pay phone at the mall instead of to her boyfriend Jarrah. Because of this Jude slept at the mall for about a week. In the end, Callie told Nikki, who picked up the phone, to tell Jude her boyfriend Jarrah had come back and she was breaking up with Jude.
Serena's boyfriend. They were a couple before Wyatt was hired and fell in love with his boss. Works at Spin This and was Wyatt's friend and mentor there until he hooked up with Serena again. Serena thinks that Chad is mature (cool and relaxed) but Wyatt just thinks he's in a coma. The audience then gets an idea of Chad's "maturity" when he's motionless and in a trance like a stoner. He is lying back on his chair when suddenly he trips over and he doesn't even vaguely make a response from it.
Character quote: "Mad ugly chapeau garçon!"
Charlie Dobbs
One of Jen's co-workers whom she used to date. His boss Coach Halder goes easy on him and favors him. For several days, Jen wondered why Charlie wouldn't date her until she found out Charlie was dating someone else. Once Charlie had broken up with her, he had decided that he would only go for blonde women. Much to Jen's disadvantage, the Coach blames Jen for what Charlie has done wrong.
Character Quote: "Hey Jen, this is Jill, my girlfriend"
Gina and Britney
These are two friends that always hang out each other around the mall. One day, Wyatt told Jonesy that he doesn't have a chance with Serena because he is not noticed by her half the time. Jonesy reminded him that if he failed once he should try again and then sets up a double date with Gina and Britney who happened to pass by. On the date, Gina and Britney were impressed and liked Wyatt more than Jonesy making Jonesy jealous. To impress them, Jonesy also acts as a nice guy like Wyatt but later finds out they have been using them when Britney thought Jonesy was gay and both of them thought of them as friends.
A cute guy who works at Albatross & Finch. Ever since he stepped into the Khaki Barn, Nikki had a crush on him, so she asks Caitlin to set her up a date with Hunter. Instead, Caitlin sets herself up on a date with him. This causes a threatening relationship between the two the next day. The two reach a truce when they find out Hunter secretly has several girlfriends at the same time, making him what they call, a jerk.
Another member of the DawgToy Band. Caitlin is a really big fan of John and is seen hugging his picture on the poster.
Kyle Donaldson
Kyle aka Dirty Donaldson. One of the guys that went on a date with Caitlin. He is famous for scoring four cheerleaders, and a coach's daughter, in one summer. He likes sushi which is why he decided the place for their date was the Terrific Happy Sushi. However, when they both went on the indoor roller-coaster (without asking Caitlin), Caitlin ended up puking all over the place which is the reason why Kyle decided to break up with her.
Leda is the unusual female who works at El Sporto's. Leda named the store "when she was Spanish" Leda always likes to change what language or accent she always talks in. Once, when Wyatt and Serena were on a date, she was Italian. Another time, when Caitlin was on a date with someone, she had noticed that last week, Leda was Russian and this week she was German.
A red-headed girl who's crazy about boys, one in particular- Jonesy. She's nearly psychotic about him and only thanks to Nikki, Jonesy got rid of her. But not for long, as she came back, and found a new obsession- Wyatt. But she mistook Wayne for him, which is nearly impossible. The gang find her creepy. Lydia loves to eat chicken and even made a statue of one.
Character quote: "Hey Wyatt!"
A sweet young lady in a band that Wyatt has a crush on. She plays bass guitar and she and Wyatt are in the same music group. Betty is also in the group and she plays the drums, while Commie plays guitar.
Rita is the female who wanted to be with Jude once she had found out that Star wasn't going to date him anymore. Rita is a tall red-haired girl who is obsessed with boys. Rita is always stalking them, and she is pretty sensitive. In this show, Jonesy's job was to break bad news to people. So, he broke the bad news to Rita that Jude didn't want to be with her, he told Ron the Rent-A-Cop's assistant that he was a fired maggot, but couldn't tell Nikki that Stone had wanted to break up with her. Right after, Rita had then given everyone an invitation to her awesome party, that is, everyone but Jonesy. She had slapped him a lot, and then walked away.
Wyatt's ex-girlfriend and ex-boss. He's obsessed with her and tries to get her back, but all he does is makes her angry, and she ends up firing him. Currently, (season 2) she's going out with Wyatt's former co-worker Chad from Spin This. When she found out Wyatt had built a shrine to Serena in his bedroom, she had Ron take a restraining order out on him.
Character quote: "Sorry Wyatt, it's all matter of... maturity."
Catlin's lab partner in school and works at Pets In The City which is a pet shop. Staf got so annoyed with Catlin stalking at every corner, even when she was in a penguin suit.
Jude's vegetarian ex-girlfriend who works at Vegan Island. She hooks up with Jude because her personality is similar to his in terms of their taste and eccentricity. Jude accidentally vomits in her mouth on their first date after eating some rancid Burky Chunklets. It takes her months to forgive him, and even longer for Jude to ask her on a second date, but it all works out well. Both share an interest in watching fountain diving and both have a unique way of communicating with others. She later becomes a goth and changes her name to Nebula. She opts to break up with Jude, but promises they would always be friends. Now Nebula, Starr still likes Jude, but knows it is for the best.
A nice-looking guy who works at Grind Me coffee shop. He has negative, nasty, and sarcastic personality, which makes him just like the male version of Nikki. Even if Nikki has a crush on him, she doesn't admit it, but instead he admits first. They go out on a date which runs very smoothly. In other words, he's perfect for her! He was also nicknamed the "grumpy hot guy" by Jen and Caitlin, who made a hobby of going boy-crazy on him. However, after he heard his ex-girlfriend, Jill returned, he opted to break up with Nikki.
Character Quote: "Don't tell me that the sharpest tongue in the mall has nothing to say."
Tad and Owen
In the episode entitled, "Wanting to Ex-sale", Jen and Caitlin go to the mall early to line up for the big sale. Being at the end of the line isn't so bad as they met two cute guys, Tad and Owen. As they wait for the line to move, Jen starts hanging out with Owen and Caitlin falls in love with Tad. Caitlin's relationship with Tad starts and ends while they are in line as Tad breaks up with Caitlin in the end.
One of Caitlin's ex-boyfriends. Talon was a cute guy to Caitlin which is why she was so clumsy towards him. Caitlin had given him a black eye, a broken arm, and even slammed the car door into his 'kiwi's'. Caitlin had broken up with him because he was lousy kisser. His kiss was wet and disgusting. He also appears in the 6teen special, Dude of the Living Dead where he was turned into a zombie, having bitten by a zombie kid. In the episode, Caitlin is seen carrying Talon's cut-off arm with her sadly.
Tara Johannson
A young lady with a purple dress and short dark hair, or in a purple tank top. Jonesy wanted to take her to the winter dance in Snow Job after Tara was dumped, but later Jonesy found her boring and he was happy to fall in love with Nikki again.
One of Caitlin's former boyfriends. Caitlin was really obsessed with Wade and she always told a never ending story about him to the gang. Her story of Wade got on Nikki's nerves which caused her to yell at Caitlin. Because of Wade, their relation was threatened and forced the gang the choose between the two. But Jude's speech at Fish's funeral got them back together. Caitlin broke up with Wade later on and said that he wasn't 'the one' because he smelled.
Zane is a guy Caitlin once had a crush on. He didn't know Caitlin existed until she slammed her locker door into his face. He asked her out even if she humiliated herself in front of him by accidentally going into the men's washroom. Caitlin had all the plans to date Zane but Tricia gave Catilin a warning to stay away from him because she used to date him. Tricia was Zane's girlfriend in junior high but was dumped because she got braces. Caitlin decided to ignore Tricia and go on with the date. Caitlin ignorance caused her to be black listed from every store in the mall and was known as the "boy-friend stealer". Zane broke up with Caitlin seeing that his dating with her only caused a war between Caitlin and Tricia.

[edit] Other

The "Cowboy" guy
He wears the ten gallon hat and he too attempted to put a bid on Jonesy's Valentine dating auction. It has been suggested that the "Cowboy" is a controversial blatantly homosexual character. He seems to be a spoof of Ennis Del Mar, a character from the movie "Brokeback Mountain" played by Heath Ledger. It should be noted, however, that the "Cowboy" guy in 6teen was shown on television long before the movie Brokeback Mountain was released.
a lead singer in the band DawgToy. Seen only once in person, when DawgToy came to the Mall, but then reappeared in many episodes as a cardboard figure in the music shop, on t-shirts or on posters. In every shape and form he's admired by the girls.
Character quote: "Anything for you."
Mike Dent
A skateboard bully, who took on a race with Jude. Wyatt also mentioned that he was the guy who took his cookies away during their kindergarten class. His name seems to be a pun on Green Day bassist Mike Dirnt. Mike Dent nicknamed Jude "Lizzie".
The Swami
Doesn't appear in the episode but he is heard talking on the phone with Jonesy. Because of other business, he couldn't come to the mall to announce his wisdom. Jonesy, desperate to make money hired Jude to be his substitute.
Zargon and Dustin
Zargon is an effective hypnotist. He hypnotized Dustin, one of boys Catlin used to date, and told him to be a reporter who blabs out everything. Caitlin, having told the gang's secret to Dustin, he blabs their embarrassing secret to the whole mall. After Dustin found out Caitlin's embarrassing secret told by the gang, who was trying to revenge, he broke up with her.
Young Girls
This group of young seemingly unpopular girls is seen in crowds in many episodes, but they are most noted for being Wyatt's posse in the episode "Idol Time at the Mall" in which Wyatt becomes famous.
Pretty Woman
This dark haired woman is featured in many episodes and is always wearing an evening gown. Jonesy often gets on her nerves and she tries to hurt or embarrass him.
Star Contest Judges
The judges at Star Contest in "Idol Time at the Mall." They are supposed to resemble "Idol" judges.

v  d  e

Caitlin Cooke | Jonesy Garcia | Jude Lizowski | Jen Masterson | Wyatt Williams | Nikki Wong | Starr | Minor characters

Episodes | Dude of the Living Dead | Snow Job