Minor characters in Watership Down

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This is a list of minor characters in Watership Down, the novel by Richard Adams.


[edit] Sandleford rabbits

Ash, Butterbur and Pine-needles: rabbits mentioned by Holly in his description of the destruction of the Sandleford warren. Holly meets them in the woods, but loses track of all three when the digger arrives to destroy the warren.

Celandine: a buck mentioned by Bluebell in his description of the destruction of Sandleford. His dead body fell on Bluebell as he was trying to escape along the Slack Run; Bluebell had to tear at him to get past.

Nightshade: a buck who talks to the Threarah in the morning of the day of the destruction of Sandleford, before the men arrive; his fate is unknown.

Nose-in-the-Air: a rabbit who escapes during the destruction of Sandleford, along with another (unnamed) rabbit.

Pimpernel: a buck who escaped from the destruction of Sandleford with Holly, who said that he was "in a bad way". He was killed shortly afterwards by rabbits from Cowslip's warren.

Scabious: a buck killed by men during the destruction of Sandleford.

The Threarah: The Threarah (also known as "Lord Rowan Tree", since "Threar" is Lapine for "rowan tree") is the Chief Rabbit of the Sandleford warren. He dismisses Fiver's warning as an attempt by Fiver to increase his status in the warren. He later gives the order to have Bigwig arrested, but when Bigwig and the rest of Hazel's party escape, he decides that they are not worth chasing after. He dies in the destruction of Sandleford. .

Toadflax: a member of the Sandleford Owsla. He pushes Fiver off a tasty cowslip (a coltsfoot in the film) right at the beginning of the story. Later, Holly mentions him in his story of the destruction of the Sandleford warren; Toadflax survives the destruction itself, but dies the following night.

Willow: a rabbit who joins Holly in "talking things over with the Threarah" two days before the destruction of Sandleford.

[edit] Hutch rabbits





[edit] Cowslip's warren

Bryony: a rabbit that Blackberry shares with.

Kingcup: mentioned only when Hazel asks Strawberry a "Where...?" question and immediately Strawberry calls up a side run for Kingcup; Hazel hangs back and realises that the run in question has not been used for some time.

Laburnum: the rabbit who Cowslip mentions as having made the Shape in that warren; he does not otherwise appear in the book.

Nildro-hain: Strawberry's mate in Cowslip's warren; she is killed by a snare, following which incident Strawberry escapes to join Hazel's band.

[edit] Efrafa

Avens: A Captain in Efrafa; along with Chervil, he commands the Near Hind Mark.

Bartsia: A member of the Owslafa and one of Blackavar's guards. Wounded — mortally, it is implied — by Thlayli at the start of the escape.

Bugloss: A Captain in Efrafa; he commanded the Right Flank Mark. Ajudged responsible for allowing Holly's party to escape, he is demoted and expelled from the Owsla.

Charlock: A Captain in Efrafa; "a brave and resourceful rabbit", he is run over and killed by a train whilst pursuing Holly's party as they flee the warren.

Chervil: A Captain in Efrafa; along with Avens, he commands the Near Hind Mark. He was assigned as Bigwig's instructor during the latter's brief career in the Efrafan Owsla.

Groundsel: A Captain in Efrafa; second-in-command to Mallow on the latter's last patrol. One of the senior officers of the Great Patrol that attacks Watership Down, where he is taken prisoner. Later, he becomes Chief Rabbit at the new Vleflain warren.

Fiorin: A buck killed by General Woundwort; he was a rival to Woundwort as Chief Rabbit of Efrafa.

Mallow: A Captain in Efrafa; "of exceptional prestige and experience". The Efrafan Owsla is reported as being "upset and demoralised" when he is killed by the fox that Bigwig was drawing off.

Marjoram: An Owsla sentry under command of Captain Chervil. Chervil mentions him as a possible candidate for promotion, but Woundwort doesn't consider him officer material. Bigwig later asks him about Efrafan life.

Moneywort: An Owsla sentry under command of Captain Chervil. Chervil mentions him as a possible candidate for promotion, but Woundwort doesn't consider him officer material.

Nelthilta: A doe, spirited and rebellious but not especially smart. When she thinks she's going to escape with Bigwig's group she can't resist taunting an Efrafan officer, whereupon she is arrested and forced to confess to the Council, nearly ruining the whole plan.

Orchis: A Captain in Efrafa; a wide patrol under his command first discovered the warren at Nutley Copse.

Ragwort: Part of the Great Patrol that attacks Watership Down; a "heavy, stolid Owsla sentry" with very little imagination.

Sainfoin: A Captain in Efrafa; he commands the Neck Mark.

Snowdrop: An old rabbit, a member of the Council in Efrafa, picked by Woundwort for his knowledge of how to protect a warren. After Bigwig brought Blackavar and the does out of Efrafa, Snowdrop advised Woundwort to "let it blow over", but was overruled.

Thistle: A young rabbit of the Neck Mark, part of the Great Patrol that attacks Watership Down; he is taken prisoner, and later joins Watership Down.

Thunder: Part of the Great Patrol that attacks Watership Down; a "powerful, heavy veteran."

Richard Adams' Watership DownEdit
Novels: Watership Down - Tales from Watership Down
Adaptations: Feature film - TV series
Characters: Bigwig - Blackavar - Blackberry - Campion - Cowslip - Dandelion - Fiver - General Woundwort - Hazel - Hyzenthlay - Kehaar - Vervain - Minor characters
Mythical/story creatures: El-ahrairah
Locations: Efrafa - River Enborne - Railway line - Redstone - River Test - Watership Down
Other: Chief Rabbit - Concepts in Watership Down - Lapine - Owsla