Minor Villains of Ace Lightning

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There are a number of minions in the children's television programme Ace Lightning that work under the employment of Lord Fear and later Kilobyte. Each minion can be defeated with a powerful move that destroys them and places them in an object in the Carnival of Doom, until they are healed and return to fight another day. The minions are Dirty Rat, Pigface, Anvil, Googler, Rotgut, Fred, and if a third season airs may also include Candy Floss and Buzzbeast.


[edit] Dirty Rat

Ace Lightning character
Dirty Rat
Name Dirty Rat
Nicknames Rodent, Rat, various names.
Species Winged Rat
Affiliation Carnival of Doom
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Abilities Flight, enhanced senses of vision, smell and hearing, can create bubble-shaped bombs.
Weaknesses He is a natural coward.
Voice Actor Adrian Truss

Dirty Rat is Lord Fear's sneaky, deceptive, back-stabbing flying spy. Resembling a large winged rat dressed in a clown costume, Dirty Rat is small and fast enough to fly around to keep an eye on things without being noticed. Having wings, Dirty Rat can obviously fly, at fast speeds. He also has a keen sense of smell, sight and hearing and the ability to throw bombs similar to Lady Illusion's and use them as weapons. His age is unknown but he is older than he looks. Dirty Rat is a bit greedy at times and is naturally a coward. Dirty Rat loathes Lord Fear in secrecy and one days plans to overthrow him and conquer the world for himself. Dirty Rat is usually the victim of Lord Fear's rages and has been forced to dress up sometimes as a rabbit or bird toy to carry certain plots. He morphs into a stone gargoyle outside the Haunted House. His catchphrase is "I love/hate this part of the job."

[edit] In the Television Series

Dirty Rat came to Earth with Lord Fear at the start of the series and discovered the old Kent Bros. Carnival, which became the Carnival of Doom. Dirty Rat became good friends with Duff Kent, who at one point had him dress up as a mannequin called Mr. Huckleberry to promote the carnival as a family friendly business. Dirty Rat also tormented Mr. Chesebrough while he was in captivity and when Lord Fear released Chesebrough, the Rat hypnotised him to make him forget the events of his capture. He blindly serves and fawns to whoever the most powerful villain is (Lord Fear, who he calls "LF," then Kilobyte), although he appears to dream of power for himself, as evidenced by the time he stole amulet pieces from Mark and Lord Fear to summon a servant from the game, and again when he turned the other minor villains against Lord Fear and took over the carnival.

Dirty Rat found a new piece of the Amulet which Lord Fear used to summon Googler, and he later stole Mark's and Lord Fear's pieces of the Amulet to summon Random Virus. Dirty Rat is also the only minion to ever be shot once by Ace Lightning, during the Halloween episode. Over his period of time on Earth, Dirty Rat has become fascinated with television and became obsessed with the shopping channel.

Near the end of the first season, Dirty Rat found the final fragment of the Amulet and used it to turn the other villains against Lord Fear. He took over the carnival and ordered millions of things from the shopping list. Lord Fear dashed in with Ace's piece of the Amulet and asked the Rat whether he would rejoin him or be destroyed. Rat chose to rejoin Lord Fear and handed over his piece of the Amulet. In the finale, Dirty Rat vanished into the game with the other minions when Mark shattered the Amulet and returned to the Sixth Dimension.

In Season 2, Dirty Rat was the third minion to be summoned by Lord Fear, although Staff Head was not too happy to see him. When Kilobyte showed up, Dirty Rat became his lapdog and followed him around like a giant mosquito. A common gag developed in the show where Kilobyte would punch or throw Dirty Rat away when he was annoying him. Dirty Rat became a sort of friend to the lonely Rotgut.

Dirty Rat was forced by Kilobyte to dig up Mark's back garden until he found the fifth piece of the Amulet which would later summon Pigface. In the finale, Dirty Rat accompanied Kilobyte to attack Mark, where Kilobyte obtained the final piece of the Amulet. Dirty Rat cheered Kilobyte, but was then knocked out by Lady Illusion disguised as Ace. He watched his master be destroyed and also the death of Lady Illusion. When Lord Fear was chased off by Ace and Mark, Dirty Rat though the best action was to follow his old master instead of getting killed.

In the cancelled Season 3, Dirty Rat was supposed to stay with Lord Fear and Mr. Chesebrough for a while until Kilobyte returned later on.

[edit] In the Video Games

In the Playstation 2 game, Dirty Rat is the third villain to go up against Ace Lightning. He is confident he can defeat Ace, but is threatened by Lord Fear if he fails. Dirty Rat guards the Cowboy Crossroads, and appears to have an inferiority complex. He escapes Ace in the Nevershine Mine using a mine cart and tries to hurt Ace using a stick of dynamite. Later, Dirty Rat sends his band of zombie cowboys out to defend the Rattrap Hotel, a rundown hotel where all of Lord Fear's lowest minions hang out. Ace gets through the hotel and Dirty Rat unleashes his skeleton crew upon him while he disappears into the Crazy Grave Maze. Ace fights through the maze and finds Dirty Rat inside a tomb. Here, Giant George Wayne, a giant golem is possessed by evil spirits and awakens to crush Ace. After the battle, Giant George tumbles over and crushes Dirty Rat. Dirty Rat hands over his Amulet piece to Ace, mumbling about getting revenge.

In the Game Boy Advance version, Dirty Rat appears several times. He tends to attack from high ground and throws bombs at Ace. He fights Ace in the fortune teller's tent, the funhouse and the log flume in a combined effort with Anvil.

[edit] Pigface

Ace Lightning character
Name Pigface
Nicknames Various names
Species Humanoid Warthog
Affiliation Carnival of Doom
Gender Male
Age 6 Earth Years
Abilities Can digest anything, can fire blasts of snot from his nostrils.
Weaknesses Easily distracted by food.
Voice Actor Keith Knight

Pigface is a very grotesque minion in Lord Fear's gang and is the most beastly. He resembles a humanoid warthog with a giant pig head, a rotund body, large arms and cloven feet. He wears a red and yellow striped vest and blue trousers. He is twelve years old. He has the mentality of a child and is not very independent. Pigface has a passion for all foods, even that which is rotten. Pigface can digest anything, whether or not it is organic (e.g. golf clubs, glass beakers). Pigface has bad habits including farting, belching and picking his nose. Pigface is not very bright and addresses people by their names instead of saying "he", "she", "I" and you". He morphs into a trash can that greatly resembles him.

[edit] In the Television Series

Pigface was the first villain encountered in the show and came to Earth with Lord Fear. He often got distracted by food and guzzled down his target in a second. Pigface hates the smell of cooked pork, despite being known to eat meat products. Pigface, after Rotgut is the weakest of the minions. In spite of this, he was the minion sent into the field most often. Pigface is rather fast for someone with his physique and has a degree of super strength. He disappeared back into the game along with the other lesser villains when Mark shattered the Amulet of Zoar.

In Season 2, Pigface was the fourth minion to return. He was enhanced to look more pig-like. He drank down Mr. Chesebrough's Formula XYX and developed a new attack which allowed him to launch a blast of snot which drained an enemy of their power. Pigface accidentally sprayed Kilobyte when Sparx headbutted him in the gut.

Pigface ended the second series by sneaking up on Heather and giving her a face full of snot, before being blasted back to his bin by Mark.

[edit] In the Videos Game

In the game, Pigface battles Ace in the Haunted House alongside Anvil. He is very fast and can outrun Ace, his favourite saying being "I want an Ace Sandwich!"

[edit] Anvil

Ace Lightning character
Name Anvil
Nicknames Muscle-bound minion (by Lord Fear)
Species Humanoid Rhinoceros
Affiliation Carnival of Doom
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Abilities Superhuman strength
Weaknesses He has a fear of the dark.
Voice Actor Jerome Howard

Anvil is a giant dim-witted rhinoceros who is the muscle in Lord Fear's gang of villains. He has a giant iron anvil built onto his right arm, along with a barrel and a dustbin. It unknown how he got the items attached to his arm, but he might have been physically born wrong. He has incredible strength and a limited temper. Anvil is afraid of the dark. Like Pigface, he often refers to himself in the third person and has a rather limited vocabulary (i.e. "If he tries, Anvil will break him!"). He morphs into the test-your-strength machine.

[edit] In the Television Series

Anvil arrives on Earth with Lord Fear at the beginning of the series. He fails to crush Ace when Mark arrives. Anvil's first major appearance is in episode five where he weakens Ace to the point where the superhero is going to die. Ace, however, powers up using a transformer and literally throws Anvil out of the observatory he is in. Anvil's second major appearance was in Nobody's Hero where he was somehow growing much stronger and nearly destroyed Ace again, but was struck down by Sparx. Soon after, Anvil grows even more powerful, requiring Ace and Sparx to combine their attacks to defeat him, although Random Virus batters him out of existence in "A Friend in Need". Anvil was sent back to the game with the other lesser villains when Mark shattered the Amulet of Zoar.

He returned in Season 2 as the second minion to be summoned by Lord Fear. Anvil is much stronger, a hobby of cracking jokes and is also a more mobile character, going to new places like the school and junkyard (in the first season, he is rarely seen outside the carnival). However, Anvil appears to have weakened considerably as he is more easily defeated.

[edit] In the Video Games

In the Ace Lightning computer game, Anvil teams up with Pigface in the Haunted House, battling Ace face-to-face while Lord Fear watches from above. Anvil is much slower than Pigface, but can still take Ace by surprise if he isn't careful. Noteworthy is that Anvil walks upright in the game, while on the TV show he walks about on all fours.

[edit] Googler

Ace Lightning character
The Googler
Name Googler
Nicknames Maniacal menace (by Ace)
Species Unknown, possibly humanoid
Affiliation Carnival of Doom, Ace Lightning
Gender Male
Age 33 Googlers (Years in Googler's language)
Abilities Can roll into a spiked ball enabling him to bounce off walls and move at fast speeds; can wound enemies to make them "bleed" data.
Weaknesses Can become too absorbed in his craziness.
Voice Actor Richard Binsley

Googler is a crazy and manical jester, sometimes mistaken for a clown. He can roll up into a spiked ball to run down his foes. He can also make a Lightning Knight "bleed" binary code. He has a pair of glovepuppets called Zip and Snip who can somehow bite through a surface despite not having any teeth, and can spew venom into their victims with different effects--once Ace temporarily lost his super-powers to their bite, another he lost his free will and became a mindless zombie. Googler is 33 years old. He tends to speak with his own "Googler" language with words like "Googlerise" and "Googling". Sometime before the events of the series, Ace imprisoned Googler within White-Hot Oblivion in Dimension Two. Googler morphs into a puppet theatre.

[edit] In the Television Series

Googler was freed by Lord Fear when Dirty Rat uncovered a new fragment of the Amulet. Googler was eager to "googlerise" Ace Lightning, so he was sent with Anvil to destroy Mark and Ace. Zip and Snip drained Ace of his superpowers, leaving him human. Googler than kidnapped Mark, taking him to the carnival and placing him above a dunk tank where Zip and Snip waited to chow down on him. Ace confronted Googler and Dirty Rat and regained his powers after explaining Googler what a friend was. He saved Mark and defeated Googler. Lord Fear was disappointed with Googler and tired of listening to Zip and Snip's constant arguing, so he blasted Googler into a puppet theatre.

Googler next appeared to help destroy Ace and Mark, while Zip and Snip tried to eat Samantha and Chuck. Thankfully with help from Mark and Lady Illusion (in secret), Ace defeated Googler. Googler became disobedient to Lord Fear in one episode and went to googlerise Mark while he played football, but was defeated by Sparx. Googler then got lost and spent the night alone on a bench, until he was awoke by the beeping noises of the alien detector Mr. Chesebrough had built. Googler stalked Mark in the school, but was confronted by Ace and Sparx. While Googler battled Ace, Zip and Snip seized Sparx's dropped sword and electrocuted her with it, banishing her back to the game. Googler escaped with Lord Fear leaving Ace wanting revenge.

Googler made several minor appearances during the first season until the return of Sparx where the two battled in the school grounds, Sparx getting revenge upon Googler. Googler and the rest of the villains battled the Lightning Knights in the finale of Season One, Googler easily defeating the weakened Sparx. He was banished back to the game with the other villains when Mark shattered the Amulet of Zoar.

In Season Two, Googler was seen frequently in the first six episodes, stalking Ace and Sparx while they explored his circus and the game's Carnival of Doom. After Ace returned to Earth, Googler chased Sparx. When Chuck was sucked into the game, Googler chased him around in a rather comical scene. Googler tried to prevent Sparx and Chuck from returning to Earth but failed. He was eventually summoned back to Earth in Episode 35 by Lord Fear, ready to defeat Ace once and for all. Googler hurt both Ace and Sparx with his new upgrade to make them bleed energy until they returned to the Datastream. Chuck healed Ace and Sparx with a Flame Upgrade and they defeated Googler.

Googler helped capture Random Virus and then battled Sparx at the High School, but was defeated. Googler last appeared in the finale of Season Two, and demanded that Lord Fear assist him in defeating Ace, but Lord Fear explained Googler would not do that and he blasted Googler, sending him back to his puppet theatre.

[edit] In the Video Games

In the video game, Googler owned a circus and battled Ace in a room full of explosive barrels. There he eschewed his normal means of attack to throw bombs at Ace, who responded in kind by blowing up barrles of TNT to hurt Googler.

[edit] Zip & Snip

Ace Lightning character
Zip and Snip
Name Zip and Snip
Nicknames Puppets of Pain (by Lord Fear)
Species Sockpuppets
Affiliation Carnival of Doom, Googler
Gender Male (both)
Age Unknown
Abilities Flight, can chew through any surface, can spew venom into victims turning them into zombies.
Weaknesses Fear of dentists.
Voice Actor Matt Ficner (both)

Zip and Snip are Googler's glovepuppets, minions and best friends. Zip is red, has one antenna and speaks in a gruff voice, while Snip is blue, has two antenna and speaks into a high-pitched voice. Both are as psychotic as their master is. As they say they have "tricks that torture and jokes that kill" but all they have that are truly dangerous are their unique power to eat through any surface, despite not actually having any teeth. Zip and Snip can fly and spew venom into their victims and transform them into zombies. Even if Googler is defeated, Zip and Snip can still move around on their own. According to the Official Guidebook, Zip and Snip have a fear of dentists.

Zip and Snip made their debut along with Googler. They tormented Dirty Rat throughout the series. They have done a number of wicked things, mainly to Ace including draining him of his superpowers and turning him into a zombie. They have also destroyed Sparx using her own sword and nearly ate Mark. In Season Two, Zip and Snip returned with their master, but lost their ability to speak. They still were alive, and also when hurt their eyes would pop out of their heads. They were voiced by the show's Head of the CGI Department, Matt Ficner.

[edit] Rotgut

Ace Lightning character
Name Rotgut
Nicknames Zombie, Walking Dead
Species Zombie
Affiliation Carnival of Doom
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Abilities Can take over the body of another, limbs can fall off.
Weaknesses Generally incompetent and useless.
Voice Actor Robert Tinkler

Rotgut is a zombie who has the personality and appearance of a cowboy (and was probably inspired by the zombie gunfighters from the real Ace Lightning computer game). Incompetent, dumb and very clumsy, Rotgut is the most unreliable in Lord Fear's gang. Rotgut is a little "limp" as his body parts tend to fall off at awkward times and he usually chases his fleeing limbs. Lord Fear was not impressed with Rotgut when he first appeared, he and Staff Head insult Rotgut severely. He tries to make friends with Chuck but does not get very far in progress. He loves kebabs. He morphs into the ninth golf hole of the carnival's crazy golf course. Rotgut has his own western-styled theme music.

Rotgut was the first minion summoned to Earth by Lord Fear in the second season, and immediately started pursuing his body parts, namely his hands and feet. Lord Fear thought little of the zombie, while Staff Head mostly found Rotgut losing his body parts rather disgusting. Rotgut took a liking to Chuck and continuously followed Chuck, trying to make him be his friend. The situation usually ended up in Chuck vomiting after Rotgut's hand falls off. Rotgut made friends with Dirty Rat and Duff, although the Rat did not generally take interest of Rotgut's wailing of wanting to be called the Walking Dead. Rotgut was caught onto the front of the ice cream truck several times, once which resulted in him being dragged to the Friendship Farm. There Rotgut listened to a story Lester Crocker was reading about a depressed zombie which resulted in Rotgut wanting a hug and he nearly succeeded in hugging Mr. Chesebrough.

After most of the series being a considered a loser and an outcast, Rotgut stalked Chuck and revealed his power, which was to take control of Chuck's body, so they now shared the same vessel. Rotgut eventually got out of Chuck's body and was defeated by Mark. In the finale, Rotgut briefly got the idea of being evil, but failed to capture Sparx and as a result he got a face of full of slime from Pigface. Rotgut was confronted by Ace in the carnival, and he tried to hit Ace with one of his feet. Ace commanded Rotgut to return to his grave, but Rotgut realised Ace had called him the Walking Dead when Ace actually called him a "walking dead guy". Rotgut paraded and thanked Ace, only to be blasted anyway.

[edit] Fred

Fred is Kilobyte's pet giant wasp and transport. Fred has giant deadly pincers to capture foes and a horrible screech. Fred was an ordinary tiny wasp that lived in a bee hive near Friendship Farm. Duff gave Fred to Kilobyte, which resulted in Fred stinging Kilobyte and absorbing his powers, transforming him into a mutant giant insect. When Kilobyte announced Fred's name, Duff was rather taken back by it. Fred is probably the only thing Kilobyte has love for, as Kilobyte treats him with kindness. After Kilobyte is defeated, it is unknown what became of Fred, but he is probably waiting for his owner to return.

[edit] Candy Floss

Candy Floss is a new character who was set to appear in the cancelled third season. She is named after the food product and has a rather gothic appearance. She is armed with a bow and a bag full of deadly lolly pop-styled arrows which explode on impact. Another ability Candy had was to weave webs of candy floss and ensnare her foes. If a season three is aired, her appearance might be altered to hide some of her visible patches of flesh, namely her stomach. She also wears an odd helmet which makes her look like she is bald.

[edit] Buzzbeast

Buzzbeast was a character who only got to the concept drawings but was scrapped. It resembled a deadly-looking dinosaur with buzzsaws fused into its head and tail. Buzzbeast might have been abandoned because of its violent connotations.

[edit] Giant George Wayne

Giant George Wayne is a giant cowboy golem seen in the video game. He is a statue that is brought to life by evil spirits and used by Dirty Rat to fight Ace Lightning, and thinks Ace is Geronimo. Giant George can be easily avoided, but the trick is to get him to run into Dirty Rat, the only way to hurt Rat. After his defeat, Giant George faints and crushes Dirty Rat. In the television series, Giant George makes a couple of cameos. He is first seen chasing Sparx through the Nevershine Mine, and then is summoned by the Master Programmer to fight her while she is in a ghost town, but with help from Chuck she manages to knock him out.