Minor Characters in Kushiel's Legacy

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This is a list of minor characters who appear in Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series; as the narrative is complex and spans an entire world, many characters are important, though they appear seldom or are only referred to in the text.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] D'Angelines

Aelric Leithe is a sailor on the Mahariel, sworn to Admiral Quintilius Rousse, who comes under the standard of the Kusheline lord Comte de Brijou when Phèdre is about to have her marque completed, bearing a message from the Admiral to Delaunay.

Brenois is the Chancellor of the Exchequer under Ysandre de la Courcel.

Brother Louvel is a priest of Elua who instructed Phèdre in her youth at Cereus House.

Cecilie Laveau-Perrin is a former adept of Cereus House who wed and retired from the haute demimonde after marrying Antoine Perrin, Chevalier of the Order of the Swan. For seven years she was the toast of society. She taught Phèdre the arts of Naamah.

Childric d'Essoms is a Lord who pays Phèdre's virgin-price and becomes her first patron. He is a tall, dark-haired man with hooded eyes. He ranks high in the Court of Chancery, an appointment he received when Isabel L'Envers wed Rolande de la Courcel. He buys the virgin-price of Phèdre nó Delaunay at four and a half thousand ducats. At a later assignation, he uses a hot poker on Phèdre and immediately regrets it, letting slip the name of his patron, Barquiel L'Envers in a panic thereafter.

The Duc de Perigeux is a Siovalese lord present at the Battle of Troyes-le-Mont.

Didier Vascon is the Second of Valerian House, who is Phèdre's first instructor in the arts of algolagnia.

Edmeé de Rocaille is the first betrothed of Rolande de la Courcel, killed in what was supposedly a hunting accident; in actuality, her rival Isabel L'Envers coerced a stableboy into slitting the girth of her saddle so that she would fall. Edmeé was the daughter of the Comte de Rocaille, one of the largest holdings in Siovale.

Edmound Noualt is the Dowayne of Camellia House when Phèdre attends for a Showing.

Ganelon de la Courcel is the King of Terre d'Ange, a member of House Courcel. Ganelon had one son, Rolande, who died young, and is succeeded by his grand-daughter, Ysandre.

Guy is a retainer of Anafiel Delaunay, charged with keeping watch over Phèdre when she leaves Delaunay's home to visit her friend Hyacinthe. Guy is a former Cassiline, who was cast out from the order at the age of 14 when he broke his oath of chastity. He fell into a life of crime after that, and was hired by Isabel L'Envers to assassinate Delaunay. When he failed, Delaunay convinced him to renounce his former life and take a job in his household. Guy is killed while protecting Alcuin nó Delaunay, and buried with the rites of Cassiel (Kushiel's Legacy).

Jareth Moran is the Second of Cereus House when Phèdre is a child; later becomes the Dowayne upon the death of Miriam Bouscevre.

Jean Marchand is Quintilius Rousse's second-in-command.

Lelahiah Valais is the Eisandine healer who tends Phèdre after Waldemar Selig attempts to skin her alive.

Liliane de Souverain is the mother of Phèdre nó Delaunay, an adept of Jasmine House, with honey-colored skin, black hair, and dark eyes.

Luc Verreuil is the older brother of Joscelin Verreuil. He has the same fair hair and blue eyes as his father, but an open and merry manner.

Maslin d'Aiglemort is reigning Duc of Camlach when the series begins, father to Isidore; he dies of a wound turned septic.

Mahieu Verreuil is the younger brother of Joscelin Verreuil.

Michel de Ferraut is the Comte de Ferraut, who commands 600 men and holds the border at Longview Pass in Camlach.

Michel Entrevaux is the Captain of the Shahrizai Guard.

Millard Verreuil is a Chevalier, the father of Joscelin Verreuil. He was made a Chevalier at the Battle of the Three Princes, and presides over a small estate which has been in his family for six hundred years. He has three sons: Luc, Joscelin, and Mahieu. He fights in the Battle of the Three Princes and loses his left hand.

Miqueth is an Eisandine tauriere who is Phèdre's bodyguard for a short time.

Miriam Bouscevre is the Dowayne of Cereus House when Phèdre first arrives: elderly, with white hair and grey eyes.

Miriette nó Orchis is an adept of Orchis House who, having made her marque, has set up her own salon. She is in attendance at Cecile Laveau-Perrin's celebratory party and bids for the virgin-price of Alcuin nó Delaunay.

Pierre Cantrel is the father of Phèdre nó Delaunay, the third son of a merchant prince, a pale man with blond hair and blue eyes.

Purnell Friote is the seneschal of the Montrève estate.

Quincel de Morhban is the reigning Duc de Morhban, the ruling duchy of Kusheth. His standard is a raven and the sea. On the eve of the Bitterest Winter, he holds the masque in the City of Elua for which Melisande contracts Phèdre. His men stop Phèdre, Joscelin, and Hyacinthe when they are attempting to reach Quintilius Rousse. Phèdre offers herself in trade for free passage through Kusheth and no questions asked about her mission. Quincel keeps an amazing garden at his manor, including a rose called Naamah's Star, silver with sharp thorns, which grows nowhere else. With Phèdre, he uses the lash and flechettes, and bestows upon her a patron-gift of a black pearl ring. As of Phèdre's trip to Alba and Eire, Quincel had not yet settled his loyalties, whether with the Crown, or with the traitorous Isidore d'Aiglemort. He is a dangerous wild card, as he has a fleet of his own, which could sail Azzalle's coast. Ultimately he proves loyal, bringing Melisande to the Queen's justice.

Richeline Friote is the wife of Purnell, also seneschal of Montrève.

Lord Rinforte is the Prefect of the Cassiline Brotherhood, a tall and severe man with hawkish eyes and white hair.

Robert Tielhard is the marquist who is responsible for Phèdre's marque. He has been practising for over forty years, and is widely reputed as the greatest artist of his time. He learned the trade from his grandfather, who was the one to tell him anguissettes are "worse than criers or bleeders".

Rogier Clavel is a lordling in the entourage of Barquiel L'Envers.

Roxane de Mereliot is the Lady of Marsilikos, an older lady with dark, clever eyes and white streaks in her black hair. At Ysandre's secret council in L'Agnace, Roxane advises the young Queen that the simplest solution would be to wed Isidore d'Aiglemort and bind his loyalty.

Solaine Belfours is a Marquise, also the Secretary of the Privy Seal. Lyonette de Trevalion attempted to enlist Solaine's aid in her machinations to seize the throne, offering her lands in Azzalle in exchange for her help. Solaine agreed, but only if Lyonette would promise her Prince Baudoin and his Glory-Seekers to give her safe passage to Azzalle, knowing Lyonette would balk at the terms. She has blue-green eyes.

Suriah is an adept of Cereus House, who portrays the Winter Queen at the first Midwinter Masque Phèdre witnesses.

Thierry Roualt is the Minister of Culture.

Tibault de Toluard is a Comte of Siovale, trusted by Ysandre.

Valere L'Envers is the daughter of Barquiel L'Envers, whom he marries off to the son of the Khalif.

Vitale Bouvarre is a trader of common but wealthy blood, who buys the virgin-price of Alcuin nó Delaunay. He is connected to the Stregazza family, who signed an exclusive trade charter with him four months after Isabel L'Envers died of poisoning. He tells Alcuin that Melisande Shahrizai pays him for information on the Stregazza, while the Stregazza pay him for information on House Trevalion, and later reveals that two members of the Stregazza family sent him to Isabel with a dish of poisoned figs. Bouvarre has his men attack Alcuin to try and keep this knowledge secret, but Alcuin survives, and Vitale flees to La Serenissima, where he is taken into custody by Prince Benedicte; Bouvarre is found hanged in his cell before a confession can be obtained.

[edit] Skaldia

Ailsa is a young woman in Gunter Arnlaugson's steading, who develops a crush on Joscelin Verreuil.

Brede is a thane to Gunter.

Evrard the Sharptongued is a thane in Gunter's steading who becomes quite jealous over Ailsa's attentions on Joscelin. He provokes Joscelin into fighting him in the holmgang, loses, and dies.

Harald the Beardless is a young man in the steading of Gunter. He gives Phèdre his cloak to keep her warm on their journey, and is the first man to bet on Joscelin defeating Evrard in the holmgang. After Phèdre escapes from Selig, he is among those attempting to recapture her; Phèdre kills him with her dagger in order to escape.

Kolbjorn is the leader of the Manni tribe, one of Waldemar Selig's thanes.

Knud is one of the men of Gunter's steading, noted by Phèdre as being homely but kind. He is the one to protect Phèdre from being raped at the Allthing by a hoard of unruly Gambrivii men.

Linnea is one of the women in Gunter's steading.

Romilde is a dour woman in Gunter's steading.

Thorvil is one of the men in Gunter's steading, who dies in a raid on a village of Camlach.

Thurid is a shy and dark-eyed woman in Gunter's steading.

Trygve is a Skaldic warrior charged by Waldemar Selig to guard Joscelin and Phèdre; he is murdered by Joscelin as part of their escape plan.

[edit] Alba and Eire

Cinhil ap Domnall, also known as Cinhil Ru, was the Cruarch of Alba and Eire who drove the Tiberian armies out of Alba. His history was written by the Tiberian Tullus Sextus.

Foclaidha is the mother of Maelcon, who instigates the coup and attempts to arrange an alliance with Lyonette de Trevalion.

Maelcon the Usurper is the son of the previous Cruarch who murders his father and drives Drustan mab Necthana from his birthright.

Moiread is the younger sister of Drustan mab Necthana, a natural prophetess; she is a small woman with black hair and nut-brown skin, marked with two lines of blue dots along her cheekbones. She sees the coming of Phèdre nó Delaunay and the other D'Angelines in a dream-vision and greets them on the western shore of Alba.

[edit] Tsingani

Anasztaizia is a Tsingani princess, cast out of her family when she has a son with a D'Angeline man. Anasztaizia speaks the dromonde truthfully on many occasions. Hyacinthe's mother.

Csavin is the cousin responsible for Anasztaizia losing her virtue to a D'Angeline.

Manoj is Hyacinthe's grandfather, the King of the Tsingani.

Neci is the head of a small family who give aid to Phèdre, Joscelin, and Hyacinthe.

[edit] Yeshuites

Seth ben Yavin is a scholar from L'Arène who comes to Montrève to teach Phedre the Yeshuite language.

Taavi is a man traveling on Eisheth's Way who gives Phèdre and Joscelin shelter in his wagon, on account of the affinity between the Yeshuites and the Cassiline Brotherhood. He comes from a village in inner Camlach, but had to flee when the plague came during the Bitterest Winter, and the D'Angelines began to blame the Yeshuites for the disease. He and his family – his wife Danele and their children Maia and Rena – move to L'Arène, a city in Namarre.

Eleazar ben Enokh is a Yeshuite mystic whom has devoted his lifetime in finding the name of the One God. Living in the City of Elua he aids Phèdre with her search on knowledge lest undoing Hyacinthe's endeavorments on the island of Three sisters.

[edit] Khalifate

Sinaddan-Shambarsin is the son of the Khalif, wed to Valere L'Envers.

[edit] Other

Didimus Pontus is a scholar at the University of Tiberium who translated the Skaldia language phoenetically into the Caerdicci alphabet.

Eagle of Tiroc Pass was a bird who flew over the crags and ice of the northern countries when Elua was wandering there, and would fly low to drop berries in Elua's mouth.

Gildas is the primary servant of the Master of the Straits.

Gonzago de Escabare is an Aragonian man, who was one of Anafiel Delaunay's teachers at the University of Tiberium (Kushiel's Legacy). Gonzago is the first person to mention the name Waldemar Selig to Anafiel. After the Battle of Troyes-le-Mont, Gonzago visits Phèdre in Montrève and brings her a gift of his own, and one from Melisande Shahrizai, relayed to him through another.

The King of Persis was an ancient ruler who captured Elua in his own country, and released him when Naamah offered her sexual favors in exchange.

Lavinia Celere is a Caerdicci writer responsible for the tales of the wandering hero Astinax.

Tilian is the younger of the servants of the Master of the Straits.