Ministry of Company Affairs (India)

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The Ministry of Company Affairs(MCA) administers the Companies Act, 1956 and other allied acts; mainly for regulating the functioning of the corporate sector in accordance with law.

The Companies Act 1956 is the basic law which governs the creation, continuation, the winding up of companies and also the relationships between the shareholders, the company, the public and the government.

It also administers the following acts

  • The Competition Act, 2002
  • The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969
  • The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 [As amended by the Chartered Accountants (Amendment) Act, 2006]
  • The Company Secretaries Act, 1980 [As amended by The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 2006]
  • Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 [As Amended By The Cost And Works Accountants (Amendment) Act, 2006]
  • Companies ( Donation to National ) Fund Act 1951
  • Partnership Act 1932
  • Societies Registration Act 1860
  • The Companies Amendment Act, 2006

[edit] Refernces
