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Head of Minerva by Elihu Vedder, 1896
Head of Minerva by Elihu Vedder, 1896
A head of Minerva found in the ruins of the Roman baths in Bath
A head of Minerva found in the ruins of the Roman baths in Bath

Minerva was a Roman goddess of crafts and wisdom. This article focuses on Minerva in early Rome and in cultic practice. For information on literary mythological accounts of Minerva, which were heavily influenced by Greek mythology, see Athena.

[edit] Titles and roles

The name "Minerva" is likely imported from the Etruscans who called her Menrva. The Romans would have easily confused her foreign name with their word mens meaning "mind" since one of her aspects as goddess pertained not only to war but also to the intellectual.

Minerva was the daughter of Jupiter and Metis. She was considered to be the virgin goddess of warriors, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, crafts, and the inventor of music. As Minerva Medica, she was the goddess of medicine and doctors.

Adapting Greek myths about Athena, Romans said that Minerva was not born in the usual way, but rather Jupiter had a horrible headache and Vulcan opened up his head and out came Minerva dressed in armor and holding a shield; this image has captivated Western writers and artists through the ages.

[edit] Worship

Ovid called her the "goddess of a thousand works." Minerva was worshipped throughout Italy, though only in Rome did she take on a warlike character. Minerva is usually depicted wearing a coat of mail and a helmet, and carrying a spear.

The Romans celebrated her festival from March 19 to 23 during the day which is called, in the feminine plural, Quinquatria, the fifth after the Ides of March, the nineteenth, the artisans' holiday. A lesser version, the Minusculae Quinquatria, was held on the Ides of June, June 13, by the flute-players, who were particularly useful to religion. Minerva was worshipped on the Capitoline Hill as one of the Capitoline Triad along with Jupiter and Juno. In present-day Rome, you can visit Piazza della Minerva near the Pantheon.

In 207 BC, a guild of poets and actors was formed to meet and make votive offerings at the temple of Minerva on the Aventine hill. Among others, its members included Livius Andronicus. The Aventine sanctuary of Minerva continued to be an important center of the arts for much of the middle Roman Republic.

In Plutarch's Lives: Pericles; Minerva appears to Pericles in a dream and orders a course of treatment for an injured citizen of Athens. The treatment cured the man and a brass statue was erected in honor of Minerva. Minerva was born from the head of Jupiter.

[edit] See also

Minerva in the world

  • Minerva is the goddess of Theta Delta Chi.
  • Minerva is displayed in front of Columbia University's Low Library as "Alma Mater."
  • Minerva is the name of a female residence at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.
  • Minerva is the name of the computer science server used by students at the Harvard Extension School.
  • Minerva is displayed to the East of University of North Carolina at Greensboro's Elliot University Center as a statue.
  • Minerva is found as a hood ornament on the cars of Minerva automobile
  • Minerva is the logo of the world famous German "Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science" (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
  • Minerva is a section heading in the British Medical Journal.
  • Minerva Medica is the name of a Italian publisher of medical journals and books [1].
  • Minerva is the name of a historic building conservation firm with expertise as stonemasons and areas such as lime plastering in the City of Bath in the UK [2]. Their logo is based on the stone sculpture of the head of Minerva found at Aquae Sulis (Roman Bath) [3].
  • Minerva is featured on the seal of California because the state entered the union "fully formed", that is, without having gone through the probation of a Territory.
  • Minerva is featured on the seals and logos of many institutions of higher learning:
  • There is an international relations blog named The Duck of Minerva
  • Robert Zubrin's novel The Holy Land features aliens who worship Minerva.
  • In Square Enix's Final Fantasy games, Minerva's Plate frequently appears as powerful body armor for female characters.
  • Minerva is also the name of the oldest student-association in the Netherlands (Leiden University).
  • There is a popular single-player Half-Life 2 modification called MINERVA.
  • Minerva Reef is located in the South Pacific, southwest of the islands of Tonga, of which it is a part. It is above sea level only at low tide. In the 1970s, there was an attempt by several adventurers to declare the independence of Minerva from Tonga by planting a flag on the reef. The king of Tonga quickly dispatched a naval vessel to remove the flag and reassert Tongan authority. [4]
  • "The Minerva Medal" is the highest accolade awarded for a lifetime achievement in the field of design by the Chartered Society of Designers, the world's largest and only Chartered body of professional designers. Presented at the "Minerva Dinner", past recipients include HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. The Society's logo is based on an icon of Minerva.
  • Minerva is also the symbol representing the University of Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK. There is a tradition within the Lincoln rugby team and it is thought they are Minerva's warriors, each match being won in her honour.

The journal of the intrepid and renowned Special Air Service Regiment of the British Army is "Mars and Minerva", taking its name from the regimental badge of the Artists' Rifles.

  • Minerva's profile is located on the highest medal in the United States Military "The Medal of Honor"
  • The Minerva was an important Belgian luxury automobile manufactured from 1902 until 1938 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minerva_automobile
  • Minerva decorates the keystone over the main entrance to the Boston Public Library beneath the words, "Free to all." BPL was the original public-financed library in America and, with all other libraries, is the long-term memory of the human race.
  • Minerva is a brand of Swiss hand made watches
  • Minerva is Minnie Mouse's real name.
  • A norwegian journal is also called Minerva.
Roman mythology series
Major deities
Apollo | Ceres | Diana | Juno | Jupiter | Mars | Mercury | Minerva | Venus | Vulcan
Divus Augustus | Divus Julius | Fortuna | Lares | Pluto | Quirinus | Sol | Vesta
Trade and craft deities
Minerva | Dei Lucrii | Eventus Bonus | Furina | Mercury | Portunes