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- For other nations' naval work divers, see Clearance Diver.
Minedykkerkommandoen (MDK) = "the Mine Diver Command" is Norway's clearance diver group. It is a branch of the Norwegian naval defenses specializing in explosive ordnance disposal. MDK is subordinate to Minekrigsflotiljen (= "the Mine Warfare Flotilla), which is a division of Kysteskadren. MDK has a base at the Haakonsvern naval station in Bergen and is divided into four small units, one of which has a stronghold at Ramsund naval station outside Harstad.
The Mine Diver Command is part of the naval contribution to the Norwegian Defense Forces Intervention Force, and the command's personnel have taken part in operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, among others.
They use several Canadian-made rebreathers: Viper SE, Viper Plus, S-24. They also previously used Siva 55 and Siva Plus.
[edit] See also
- Marinejegerkommandoen (Norway's sea-commando force, includes commando frogmen)
- Kystjegerkommandoen
[edit] External links
- http://www.mil.no/sjo/keskdr/kyststrid/start/minedykker/bilder/serie1/ 12 thumbnails pointing to images
- http://www.mil.no/sjo/keskdr/kyststrid/start/minedykker/bilder/serie2/ 6 thumbnails pointing to images
- Note: the image in no:Minedykkerkommandoen (the corresponding page in the Norwegian Wikipedia) is of US Navy explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) divers.