Mine clearance agencies

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Mine clearance agencies – also known as de-mining agencies, demining agencies.

Mine clearance is one of the five core components of mine action. In its broad sense, it includes surveys, mapping and minefield marking, as well as the actual clearance of mines from the ground. This range of activities is also sometimes referred to as "demining" or "de-mining".

There are three types of mine clearance agencies: military, commercial and humanitarian.


[edit] Military mine clearance agencies

Military mine clearance agencies focus on the process undertaken by soldiers to clear a safe path so they can advance during conflict. The military process of mine clearance only clears mines that block strategic pathways required in the advance or retreat of soldiers at war. The military term used for mine clearance is breaching. This process accepts that limited casualties may occur.

[edit] Commercial mine clearance agencies

Commercial mine clearance agency are profit-making organisations.

[edit] International Commercial

[edit] Ronco

Since 1989, RONCO has undertaken mine and unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance operations in over 35 countries. RONCO employs nearly 200 technical advisors skilled in the training and implementation of mine/UXO clearance and disposal, and improvised explosive ordnance disposal programs. RONCO specializes in the following fields: Manual Demining, Mine Detection Dogs, Explosives Detection Dogs, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Improvised Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Basic /Advanced Trauma Life Support, Security Management.

[edit] MineTech International

MineTech International has over 15 years experience in mine detection and mine clearance. MineTech has been clearing mines in assisting commercial companies, mainly from the oil and gas industries, to conduct business in countries plagued by mines and UXO. MineTech offers the mine clearance service in the industry which involves taking detailed surveys, mapping minefield areas, mine detection, mine clearance and initiating mine risk education for the local population. MineTech's capabilities extend to offshore operations for underwater mine detection and mine clearance using a team of expert divers and specialised equipment. MineTech also owns and operates a security service. MineTech has two headquarters based in Zimbabwe and the United Kingdom, MineTech The Company claims to have the ability to deploy mine clearance teams, mine detection dogs (MDD) and machines anywhere in the world within seven days.

[edit] Other commercial organisations

DynCorp International UXB

[edit] Humanitarian mine clearance agencies

Humanitarian mine clearance agencies are very different. The aim to clear land so that civilians can return to their homes and their everyday routines without the threat of landmines and unexploded remnants of war (ERW), which include unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosive ordnance. This means that all the mines and ERW affecting the places where ordinary people live must be cleared, and their safety in areas that have been cleared must be guaranteed. Mines are cleared and the areas are thoroughly verified so that they can say without a doubt that the land is now safe, and people can use it without worrying about the weapons. Humanitarian mine clearance agencies are usually funded by International Governments and Private Donations. The main governments that fund Humanitarian Mine Clearance Agencies are: USA, UK, Japan and the Netherlands.

[edit] International humanitarian mine clearance agencies

[edit] The HALO Trust – The Hazardous Areas Life-Support Organisation

The HALO Trust is a non-political, non-religious, Non-Governmental Mine Clearance Organisation registered in Britain and United States. It is the oldest and the biggest humanitarian demining NGO in the word with over 7,000 deminers, mine clearers in 10 countries. By early 2006 HALO has cleared over 5,000,000 mines and UXOs around the world. HALO has a very simple mission statement “getting mines out of the ground, now”

[edit] DEMIRA Deutsche Minenraeumer e.V. - German Mine Clearer

DEMIRA Deutsche Minenraeumer e.V. is an international, humanitarian, non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in Germany. DEMIRA NGO was founded in 1996 in order to provide humanitarian mine clearance, EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), emergency medical aid and disaster relief to people living in postwar countries and to victims of natural disasters and civil unrest.

[edit] MAG - Mines Advisory Group

Operates since 1989 and having worked on a variety of conflict-related projects in around 35 countries, MAG is also co-laureate of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize, awarded for their work with the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

[edit] MgM - ‘People against Landmines’

MgM was founded on January 16th 1996 in Germany. The goal was to establish a humanitarian mine clearance organization which would offer its services to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to re-establishing the infrastructure of dangerous regions in post war scenarios. Hendrik Ehlers and Hans Georg Kruessen founded MgM together with others in 1996. Today they are Managing Directors and active Managers of all demining operations at the same time. They have been working since 1992 in the field of humanitarian mine clearance and the destruction of dangerous ammunition in Southern Africa. They posses a wealth of practical experience through operations management, mined area survey, demining and the destruction of explosives (EOD).


INTERSOS is an independent no-profit humanitarian organization committed to assist the victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. It was founded in 1992 with the active support of Italian Trade Unions. INTERSOS has a flexible operational structure, with the central headquarters in Rome, in charge of planning and coordination of operations, and of field offices in the countries of operation.

[edit] Response International

Response International is a UK registered charity established in 1993 to support victims of violent conflict. Over the last decade successful multi-sector programmes have been implemented in Angola, Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo, Lebanon and Pakistan. The objective of these programmes is to design and implement projects that offer immediate relief to victims of conflict and provide sustainable conditions to enable longer term development. Response International's projects have included landmine clearance and landmine awareness and victim rehabilitation.

[edit] DanChurchAid – DCA

DanChurchAid (Folkekirkens Nødhjælp) is one of the major Danish humanitarian non governmental organisations (NGO), working with churches and non-religious civil organisations to assist the poorest of the poor. in dignity.

[edit] Mine Awareness Trust – MAT

The Mines Awareness Trust (MAT) is a charitable organisation that endeavours to save the lives and limbs of ordinary people from the unexploded debris of war. Ben Remfrey formed the Trust in May 1999 as a direct response to the war in Kosovo.

[edit] Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (FSD)

FSD focuses on all Mine Clearance activities: mine and UXO (unexploded ordnance) survey, mapping, marking and clearance. In addition, the FSD assists with the destruction of stockpiles of landmines and conducts Mine and UXO safety training for staff of international humanitarian organisations. FSD is mainly funded by the governments of Japan, Canada, Australia and Switzerland as well as international organisations such as WFP, UNDP, UNOPS or OSCE. The FSD is the WFP's standby-partner for mine action. At the request of the WFP, FSD experts must be ready to intervene worldwide within 72 hours. The FSD has worked for WFP in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iraq, Laos, Sudan and other countries.

[edit] Others

Mine Dog Detection – MDC

DDG – Danish Demining Group

Norwegian People’s Aid – NPA

Handicap International

[edit] National



[edit] See also

[edit] External links