Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario

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The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 episode
"Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario"

The mummified Prince Mushroomkhamen.
Episode no. 3
Prod. no. 107
Airdate September 15, 1990
Writer(s) Matt Uitz
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Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario is the third episode of The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3.

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Bowser sends Iggy and Lemmy to a pyramid in Desert Hill to steal a sarcophagus (or "mummy case", as everybody calls it) for a reason that is never disclosed. The moment they find it, though, another mummy awakens, screaming "Where's my sooooonnnnnn?!!" Iggy and Lemmy make a run for it and hide in a nearby pipe, noticing that the deceased person within the sarcophagus (whose likeness is embedded on the casket's design) looks awfully familiar.

Over in Toad's holiday house in Desert Hill, Mario and his friends are resting after a rough adventure which is never detailed upon. They are suddenly told that there is a mad mummy on the loose in Desert Hill and leave the house. While they are there, Princess Peach notices Iggy and Lemmy sneaking off with the sarcophagus, and she, Luigi, and Toad give chase. Mario, in the meantime, tries to calm down the mummy, but she mistakes him for her missing son and drags him into the pyramid.

Iggy and Lemmy somehow manage to successfully escape Mario's friends and get away on the Doomship. Upon noticing that Mario's been captured by the mummy, Toad then takes the others to a cousin of his who sells maps. By way of this map, they find out that the mummy in question is Queen Mushroomkhamen, and the Koopas have kidnapped her son, who looks exactly like Mario. Using a hot-air balloon, Mario's friends sneak into Bowser's Castle and find the dead prince, but not before being sighted by a pair of Paragoombas who report this to Bowser. The Koopa King attempts to stop them, but Mario's friends escape by converting the casket into a sled.

Just as Mario, now wrapped up in toilet paper, is attempting to escape the Mushroomkhamen Pyramid, his friends show up with the real Prince in tow. The Queen busts out and demands to know what is going on here. Upon the Princess' explanation that Mario is not her son, the Queen immediately realizes this, but then hits on Luigi because he looks just like her husband.

[edit] Trivia/Goofs

  • Peach's mouth is still moving after she says, "Quick, into the tower!"
  • Queen Mushroomkhamen's bandages change colors at random.
  • Bowser refers to Lemmy and Iggy as his "youngest kids", despite official Nintendo press materials stating Larry to be the youngest.
  • When Iggy and Lemmy first notice that "this mummy guy look[s] familiar," the background of the shot is already in Toad's holiday house, before the scene transistion.
  • Before Lemmy and Iggy crash into a vase in the pyramid, the screen noticeably scrolls upward.