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Geisha with her shamisen, 1904
Geisha with her shamisen, 1904

Minyo (Japanese: 民謡 min'yō) is a genre of traditional Japanese music. The term is a translation of the German word "Volkslied" (folk song) and has only been in use during the twentieth century. Japanese traditional designations referring to more or less the same genre include "inaka bushi" ("country song") "inaka buri" ("country tune"), "hina uta" ("rural song") and the like, but for most of the people who sang such songs they were simply "uta" (song). Many min'yō are connected to forms of work or to specific trades and were originally sung between work or for specific jobs. Other min'yō function simply as entertainment, as dance accompaniment, or as a components of religious rituals.

Min'yō are also distinct depending on the area of Japan, with each area boasting its own favorite songs and styles. The songs found in the far northern island of Hokkaidō and sung by the Ainu people are usually excluded from the category of min'yō. In the far south, (especially Okinawa) distinct genres of min'yō, differing in scale structure, and textual forms have developed as well.

Most songs min'yō related to work were originally sung unaccompanied, either solo, or by groups (heterophonically). Some songs exhibit the same sort of "call and response" chant often seen in the Southern Black music of the United States. During the Edo period, however, and sometimes later as well, accompaniment on shamisen or shakuhachi was added to min'yō melodies. Percussion instruments, especially drums, are also often featured in min'yō accompaniment, especially when such songs are used in dances or religious ceremonies.Some of these accompaniments, in turn, have become independent, spawning solo instrumental genres such as Tsugaru-jamisen. Enka and many other popular genres are also rooted in min'yō.

During the twentieth century many songs have been altered to become highly virtuosic melodies that can only be negotiated with much time and effort. In Japan, singers who can sing genuine min'yō are much admired. Min'yō are today very difficult to sing and require great vocal control. Many Japanese feel that min'yō touches on their deepest spirit, because it evokes a nostalgia for real or imagined home towns and family.

Min'yo is all but unknown in the West. Most Westerners, when they think of Japanese Music, or Asian Music in general, think of classical music, like Gagaku and Yayue.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

* The Sakura Ensemble (Paris), Min'yō songs and dances from Japan

* April 26th and 27th, Musée Guimet, Paris : The Sakura Ensemble, Min'yō songs and dances from Japan

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