Mimoso de Goiás

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Mimoso de Goiás is a small town and municipality in northeastern Goiás state, Brazil.

  • Population (2005): 2,206
  • Total area (2003): 1,386.9 km²
  • Elevation: 675 meters
  • Became a municipality: 1989
  • Distance from the state capital: 304 kilometers
  • Postal code: 73730-000


[edit] Location

Mimoso is located in statistical microregion 012, called Entorno de Brasília. It is almost directly north of Brasília and is on an unpaved highway linking Padre Bernardo to Água Fria de Goiás. Municipal boundaries are with:

[edit] Political Information

In January 2005 the mayor was Antônio da Costa Tavares and the vice-mayor was Walter Paes Landim Ribeiro. There were 9 councilmembers on the city council and the number of eligible voters was 2,288.

[edit] Demographic Information

The population density was 1.81 inhabitants/km² in 2003, one of the lowest in the state. The population has decreased greatly since the first census in 1991, when it was 3,750, with 975 living in the urban area and 2,775 living in the rural area. By 2003 the urban population had gained but was still inferior to the rural population: 1,095 as opposed to 1,414. From 1991 to 2000 the population decreased 3.19%.

[edit] Economy

The economy is based on cattle raising , services consisting of shops selling the basic necessities, government employment, and subsistence farming. There are some larger plantations of soybeans, corn, and beans. In 2005 there were no industrial units registered and only 5 retail units. There were no bank branches or dairies. The biggest employer was the local government with 86 workers in 2003. The number of motor vehicles was very small: 22 automobiles, 1 truck, 5 pickups, and 10 motorcycles in 2004.

In 2004 there were 48,000 head of cows, with most of them being for meat production. The main agricultural products in planted area were cotton, rice, sugarcane, beans, manioc, corn, and soybeans (2,500 hectares). Only the last had a planted area exceeding 500 hectares. a recent agricultural product is the pupunha (Bactris Gasipaes Kunth), a type of palm from which is extracted oil and flour. Also see [1]

[edit] Health and Education

In July 2003 there were no hospitals and only one walk-in health clinic. There were 3 doctors, 1 nurse, and 1 dentist. The infant mortality rate was 27.83 in 2000.

In 2005 there were 13 schools, 28 classrooms, 38 teachers, and 1,005 students. There were no institutions of higher learning. The adult literacy rate was 75.3, one of the lowest in the state.

Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 67.5
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.725
  • School attendance rate: 0.697
  • MHDI: 0.664
  • State ranking: 229 (out of 242 municipalities in 2000)
  • National ranking: 3,548 (out of 5,507 municipalities in 2000)

(All data is from 2000.)

For the complete list see Frigoletto.com.br

[edit] Sources of Data

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