Portal:Military of ancient Rome/Quotes
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- Roman, remember that you shall rule the nations by your authority, for this is to be your skill, to make peace the custom, to spare the conquered, and to wage war until the haughty are brought low., Virgil, Aeneid
- Iacta alea est (The die is cast), Gaius Julius Caesar after crossing the Rubicon
- Silent enim leges inter arma (Laws are silent in times of war), Cicero
- War gives the right of the conquerors to impose any conditions they please upon the vanquished. , Gaius Julius Caesar
- The outcome corresponds less to expectations in war than in any other case whatsoever, Livy
- A bad peace is even worse than war. , Tacitus
- Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered), Gaius Julius Caesar