Milo de Angelis

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Milo de Angelis*
Born: 1951
Milan, Italy
Occupation: Poet and Novelist
Nationality: Italy
Writing period: 1976-present

Milo de Angelis is an Italian language poet. Born in 1951 in Milan[1], he is the author of several books of poetry, as well as a volume of stories and one of essays. He has also published translations of several modern French authors and Greek classics.

His first collection of poetry was entitled Somiglianze (1976).


[edit] References

  1. ^ De Angelis, Milo. Between the Blast Furnaces and the Dizziness: A Selection of Poems: 1970-1999. Trans. Emanuel Di Pasquale. New York: Chelsea, 2003.

[edit] Published Works

[edit] Poetry

  • Somiglianze (Resemblances), Guanda, Parma, 1975 (new ed. 1990)
  • Millimetri (Millimetres), Einaudi, Torino, 1983
  • Terra del viso (Face's Land), Mondadori, Milano, 1985
  • Distante un padre (An Aloof Father), Mondadori, Milano, 1989
  • Biografia sommaria (Concise Biography), Mondadori, Milano, 1998
  • Dove eravamo già stati. Poesie 1970-2001 (Where We Had Already Been. Poems 1970-2001), Donzelli, Rome, 2001
  • Tema dell’addio (Farewell Theme), Mondadori, Milano, 2005 (Viareggio Prize, San Pellegrino Prize, Cattafi Prize)

[edit] Prose

  • La corsa dei mantelli (The Cloaks Race), Guanda, Parma, 1979
  • Poesia e destino (Poetry and Fate), Cappelli, Bologna, 1982

[edit] Translations

  • Milo De Angelis, Terre du visage, trans. I. N. Para, Chopard, Paris, 1988.
  • Milo De Angelis, Ce que je raconte aux chaises, trans. A. Pilia and J. Demarcq, Luzarches, Les Cahiers de Royaumont, 1989.
  • Milo De Angelis, Finite Intuition. Selected Poetry and Prose, trans. Lawrence Venuti, Sun and Moon, New York, 1995.
  • Mile De Angelis, Between the Blast Furnaces and the Dizziness: A Selection of Poems: 1970-1999, trans. Emanuel Di Pasquale, Chelsea, New York, 2003.