Mill (Middle-earth)

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The Mill
The Mill

The The Mill is a fictional building in The Lord of the Rings.

Mill owned by the Sandyman family in Hobbiton. The Mill was on the north bank of the Water by the bridge. The Mill had a large water-wheel and a yard was located behind it. Sandyman the Miller owned the Mill and operated it with the help of his son Ted. The Mill was used for grinding corn. Lotho Sackville-Baggins bought the Mill sometime before he moved to Bag End in Hobbiton in September of 3018. After Frodo Baggins and his companions left the Shire, Lotho had the Old Mill knocked down and built the New Mill in its place. The New Mill was an ugly red-brick building with a tall chimney. It was bigger than the Old Mill and full of wheels and strange contraptions to increase production. The New Mill straddled the Water and poured pollutants into the stream.

The New Mill was operated by Men and Ted Sandyman stayed on to help them. When Saruman came to the Shire in September of 3019, the Mill was no longer used for grinding corn. Instead it was used for some industrial purpose and loud noises, smoke, and filth issued from it.

After Saruman was killed and the Chief's Men were defeated at the Battle of Bywater, the New Mill was removed.

It is thought that the Mill in The Shire was based on Sarehole Mill of Tolkien's childhood.

[edit] Sources

  • The Hobbit: Illustration of "The Hill: Hobbiton-across-The Water"
  • The Fellowship of the Ring: "A Long-Expected Party," p. 31-32; "The Shadow of the Past," p. 53; "The Mirror of Galadriel," p. 378
  • The Return of the King: "The Scouring of the Shire," p. 291-93; 296-97; "The Grey Havens," p. 302