Miljevci plateau incident

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Croatian War of Independence
Plitvice Lakes – Borovo Selo – Vukovar (Battle, Massacre) – The Barracks – Dubrovnik – Gospić – Otkos 10 – Škabrnja – Orkan 91 – Voćin – Miljevci – Maslenica – Medak Pocket – Flash – Zagreb – Summer '95 – Storm

On June 21, 1992, the Croatian army attacked the Serbian Territorial Defense on the Miljevci Plateau near Drnis in front of the eyes of UN peacekeeping force (UNPROFOR).

[edit] The battle and an executions

In the attack 40 members of the Serbian Territorial Defense were killed, several wounded and imprisoned and the only Serbian village in this area, Nos Kalik, was completely destroyed and burned to the ground. One civilian was killed, and the other was imprisoned in Prvic and then in the Sibenik archipelago.

A few prisoners were put on "trial" at the scene. After the convictions, some of them were strangled with a soldier's belts, and some were killed with a shot in the back of the head; all of this was videotaped.

[edit] UN reaction

UN General Secretary, Boutros Boutros Ghali informed the members of the UN Security Council about this event:

"On June 21, the Croatian army attacked positions of the Serbian Territorial Defense on the Miljevci Plateau near Drnis in the pink zone, south of the sector South and advanced several kilometers. The advance of the Croatian army was planned under the command of two brigades, and was the second in the same month. Both represent the breaking of the Sarajevo agreement of June 2, 1992. In response to this, both UNPROFOR and the EC Observation Mission filed a protest asking the Croatian army to withdraw to the previous lines."

The UN Security Council issued a resolution no. 762. However, the Croatian army did not withdraw.

[edit] External links