User:Mike Dillon/Scripts/easydom-console.js
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// Requires: User:Mike Dillon/Scripts/easydom.js // Optionally requires: User:Mike Dillon/Scripts/easydom-ext.js
addOnloadHook(function () { var consoleContainer = document.getElementById('easyDomConsole'); if (consoleContainer == null) return; var createSection = function (title, id) { with (easydom) { consoleContainer.appendChild(h2(title)); return consoleContainer.appendChild(div({ "id": id })); } }; var removeAllChildren = function (node) { while (node && node.hasChildNodes()) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } }; // Create sections var commandWindow = createSection('Command Window', 'easyDomCommandWindow'); var samples = createSection('Samples', 'easyDomSamples'); var commandHistory = createSection('Command History', 'easyDomCommandHistory'); var playground = createSection('Playground', 'easyDomPlayground'); // Command Window var createSubmitHandler = function (data, clear) { return function () { // Skip blanks if (!(data.value && data.value.match('\\S'))) { // Clear if (clear) data.value = ''; return false; } try { eval('with (easyDom) { ' + data.value + ' }'); // Store history storeHistoryItem(data.value); // Clear if (clear) data.value = ''; } catch (e) { alert('Error: ' + e); } return false; }; }; with (easyDom) { var pane = div({ "style": "background: #aaa; border: solid black 1px;" }); pane.appendChild(p('Standard variables:', ul( li(strong('easydom'), ': The Easy DOM HTML namespace (implicitly available)'), li(strong('playground'), ': The playground element') ))); if (easydomMath) { pane.appendChild(p('Extended variables (available with easydom-ext.js):', ul( li(strong('easydomMath'), ': The Easy DOM MathML namespace'), li(strong('easydomSvg'), ': The Easy DOM SVG namespace') ))); } var consoleTextArea = textarea({ name: "code", rows: 10, style: "width: 100%"}); var consoleForm = form({ onsubmit: createSubmitHandler(consoleTextArea, true) }); consoleForm.appendChild(div(consoleTextArea)); var buttons = div(input({ type: "submit", value: "Evaluate" }), ' ', input({ type: "reset", value: "Clear" })); consoleForm.appendChild(buttons); pane.appendChild(consoleForm); commandWindow.appendChild(pane); } var createCommandWindowPopulator = function (data) { return function () { consoleTextArea.value = data; consoleTextArea.focus(); return false; }; }; // Samples var sampleList = samples.appendChild(easyDom.ul()); if ( != null) { = "auto"; = "15em"; } else { = "scroll"; = "15em"; } var createSampleItem = function (description, sampleCode) { with (easydom) { var editLink = a({ "href": "#", "title": "Edit sample code in Command Window" }, '(edit)'); editLink.onclick = createCommandWindowPopulator(sampleCode); var execLink = a({ "href": "#", "title": "Execute sample code directly" }, '(exec)'); execLink.onclick = createSubmitHandler({ "value": sampleCode }); return li(description, ' ', editLink, ' ', execLink); } }; // Say Hello sampleList.appendChild(createSampleItem( 'Add "Say Hello!" link to playground that says "Hello!"', 'playground.appendChild(p(a({ "href": "#", "onclick": function () {\n' + ' alert("Hello!");\n' + ' return false;\n' + '} }, "Say Hello!")));' )); if (easydomMath) { // Simple matrix sampleList.appendChild(createSampleItem( 'Create a simple matrix equation using MathML (Presentation)', 'with (easydomMath) {\n' + ' playground.appendChild(easydom.p(math(mrow(mi("a"), mo("="),\n' + ' mfenced({ "open": "[", "close": "]" },\n' + ' mtable(\n' + ' mtr(mtd(mi("x")), mtd(mi("y"))),\n' + ' mtr(mtd(mi("z")), mtd(mi("w")))\n' + ' ))))))\n' + '}' )); } if (easydomSvg) { // SVG Star sampleList.appendChild(createSampleItem( 'Create a star using SVG', 'var starSize = 100;\n' + 'var createStar = function (size) {\n' + ' var scale = size / 11;\n' + '\n' + ' with (easydomSvg) {\n' + ' var star = path({\n' + ' "d": "M 100,50 L 65.371323,61.16792 L 65.45085,97.552826 " +\n' + ' "L 44.128677,68.070074 L 9.5491503,79.389263 L 31,50 " +\n' + ' "L 9.5491503,20.610737 L 44.128677,31.929926 L 65.45085,2.4471742 " +\n' + ' "L 65.371323,38.83208 L 100,50 z",\n' + ' "transform": "matrix(0,-9.678482e-2,9.678482e-2,0,0.660759,10.80135)",\n' + ' "style": "fill: #fdff00; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; " +\n' + ' "stroke: #605a00; stroke-width: 7.74914932; stroke-linejoin: miter; " +\n' + ' "stroke-miterlimit: 40; stroke-dashoffset: 0; stroke-opacity: 1"\n' + ' });\n' + '\n' + ' return svg({ "width": size, "height": size },\n' + ' g({ "transform": "scale(" + scale + ")" }, star));\n' + ' }\n' + '};\n' + '\n' + 'playground.appendChild(div(createStar(starSize)));' )); } // Command History var commandCounter = 0; var commandHistoryList = commandHistory.appendChild( easyDom.ul({ "style": "list-style: none; padding: 0" })); if ( != null) { = "auto"; = "15em"; } else { = "scroll"; = "15em"; } var historyLimit = 30; var storeHistoryItem = function (data) { var historyLink = easyDom.a({ "href": "#", "title": "Edit previously exited code in Command Window", "onclick": createCommandWindowPopulator(data) }, ++commandCounter); var historyItem = { "style": "border: 1px solid rgb(80,60,60); margin: 0" }, historyLink, ": ", data)); if (!commandHistoryList.hasChildNodes) { commandHistoryList.appendChild(historyItem); return; } if (commandHistoryList.childNodes.length > historyLimit) { commandHistoryList.removeChild(commandHistoryList.childNodes[historyLimit]); } commandHistoryList.insertBefore( historyItem, commandHistoryList.firstChild); }; // Playground var setupPlayground = function () { // Clear playground removeAllChildren(playground); // Add boilerplate var playgroundMessageAttr = { style: "background: red; border: 1px solid grey;" }; var playgroundMessage = "This <div> is here to play with. It has a DOM id of \"" + + "\". " + "It can also be referenced using the \"playground\" Javascript variable."; playground.appendChild(easydom.p(playgroundMessageAttr, playgroundMessage)); }; setupPlayground(); // Add clear buttons to Command Window button panel with (easydom) { var clearHistory = input({ "type": "button", "value": "Clear History", "onclick": function () { removeAllChildren(commandHistoryList) } }); var resetPlayground = input({ "type": "button", "value": "Reset Playground", "onclick": function () { setupPlayground() } }); // Insert float as first child buttons.insertBefore( div({ "style": "float: right" }, clearHistory, ' ', resetPlayground), buttons.firstChild); // Clear buttons.appendChild(div({ "style": "clear: both" })); } }); //