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Miktran is the name of a character from the playstation game "Tales of destiny", who was re-named "Kronos" in its English release.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Miktran/Kronos is the leader of the ancient city of the Aetherians (people who lived in the sky and ruled over the people on the ground). He is ToD's main villain and its final boss.

[edit] Background

Miktran is the leader of the Ae'therians, a group of humans who lived in the floating continent of Aethersphere and oppressed those who live below him. This oppression is what leads to the event called Ae'ther Wars. Eventually, Miktran begins to lose the advantage of wars and he is killed by Karell Berselius with his Swordian Berselius. Miktran, however, is not dead while Karell ended up dying due to wounds. Unknown to the other Swordian masters, Miktran transferred his soul to Berselius and plotted to revive his people in the far future.

Some time before the beginning of the game, the leader of the Oberon Corporation, Hugo, found Berselius and Miktran possessed his mind. Using Hugo's influence, Miktran obtained the support of various members of the corporation by proposing to create an utopia using the Aetherian weapon of mass destruction Belcrant which needed the "Eye of Atamoni" to function. He also obtains the help of Hugo's son, Leon Magnus (real name: Emilio Katrea), and the Swordian, Chaltier, by kidnapping a woman named Marian who is the most important person to the boy and holding her hostage. When Hugo was defeated by Stahn Aileron and his crew, he regained his own body.

Miktran is confronted by Stahn again eventually after he banished Stahn's group to the ground again. He first conjures a zombie of Leon to fight Stahn's group, which they defeat. Miktran fights them and is defeated, causing him to morph to his second form. Unfortunately he is once again defeated and this time is killed for good.

[edit] Personality

Miktran appears relatively late in the playstation game, in such a way that it is difficult to clearly analyze his personnality. However, from what we get to see him, he is a typical evil warlord villain, arrogant, unfeeling, and wiling to sacrifice anyone who opposes his goals. It is never made clear in the game whether if he truly ever wanted to create an utopia or if he just lied to the members of the Oberon Corporation to revive his people and become the ruler of a new civilization.

[edit] Battle skills

Miktran can teleport from one place to another and fly in the air. Having control over Berselius, he can cast many high-level magical spells such as Cyclone, Holy Wrath, Black Hole, Demon Lance, Explode and Divine Power. He can also throw whirling blue blades from the sword. What makes him a dangerous foe is that he can teleport high in the air and cast spells while staying out of range from the attacks of the main characters. You can only interrupt him while he is casting a spell by attacking with special attack skills that hit targets vertically (like Stahn's skill "Vortex").

Aside from that, Miktran can also change into Neo Miktran (named "Ultra Kronos" in the English version of ToD) by using the power of the Eye of Atamoni. Though his defense rating greatly increases and he gains new attacks after his change, many players find Neo Miktran to be actually easier to defeat than his normal self, since he cannot fly (which makes it much easier to interrupt his spells). He can, however, teleport between the left and right sides of the screen.