Mihaela Miroiu

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Mihaela Miroiu (Born: 1955, Hunedoara, Romania) Political Theorist and Feminist Philosopher

As political theorist she is known for her work in post-communist transition: illiberal democracy (show-room democracy), Romania: Starea de fapt (Romania: Matter of Facts),1997, with Vladimir Pasti and Cornel Codita), left-conservatism in Romania: Societatea retro (The Backward Looking Society), 1999; gender politics and „room-service feminism”: Drumul catre autonomie (The Road to Autonomy. Feminist Political Theories), 2004, as well as for her books in Feminist Ethics, especially for what she calls: „the convenience theory”, Convenio. Despre natura, femei si morala (Convenio. On Nature Women and Morals), 1996. She has played a very important role in Romania as the initiator of Gender Studies (1994-1998), of the research in gender politics and political ethics, of the first PhD program in Political Science (2000). Mihaela Miroiu is internationally known as a prominent researcher and publisher in gender politics and left conservatism in Eastern Europe. In Romania she is the main public voice on behalf of women’s rights and gender justice. Currently she is Professor at Faculty of Political Science, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest.