From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I work for MySQL AB. I also do some systems and software development for Wikipedia.
Lately I've been working most on Wikimedia cluster operations and performance, with some DBA hat ;-) I am also some kind of a Wikimedia Foundation officer.
In real life: Domas Mituzas, born in 1982.
Personal website (Lithuanian):
some of my interests...
Some of my job skills
Some of my favourite books
- Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- George Orwell - 1984
- Kurt Vonnegut - Cat's Cradle, Player Piano
- Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash
Some of my wikiholisms....
- After doing some shopping at IKI (retailer in Lithuania), I suddenly understood, what is written on my paper bag. It was www.iki :)
Countries I've been (in order of appearance :)
- Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Czech republic, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, France, Sweden, Finland, Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Austria, Italy, Vatican City, San Marino, Spain, United States, Switzerland
[edit] wiki wapor
Old stuff can be found somewhere in history, if it works ;-)
- External storage for Article and Image (media)... there's a MogileFS-like development somewhere there... There are simple hooks in code, that allow references to external classes, might be in use some day.
- Unfinished MediaWiki-embedded http code has proved a concept, though, requires targetted development and maybe dropping php4 support.
- Dynamic interfaces (loading pages via XMLHttpRequest) do work, but break some user-accepted browser model. Would require either building whole app with proper persistency interfaces, or forgetting it.
- Hash-function (not hash-table) based distribution of requests among caches.
- This is done at Amsterdam->Florida request balancing.