User:Midnight 7/Quotes Archive

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"NS-5 Robots: *Jumps on car and breaks windscreen* You are experiencing a car accident.
Detective Del Spooner: Like hell I am!!!" -I, Robot (film), N/A

"Troy: AAAUUUGH!!!!!
*everyone looks at him awkwardly*
Troy: Almost reached the last level...
3GS: Are you playing that game or is that game playing you, son?" -Snakes on a Plane, N/A

"EAT THE TURKEY" -Uncyclopedia, Sophia the Potato

"*Grace hears a couple being killed in toilet but thinks they are having sex.*
Those were the days.
*The screaming gets louder.*
Wow, this guy is good.
*Abruptly, the screaming stops.*
Well, maybe not that good." -Snakes on a Plane, Grace

"Neville: We need weapons. Do you have any silverware or cutlery?
Claire: We don't have any silverware. All we have are these...
Neville: Sporks?" -Snakes on a Plane, N/A

"*to Enrique and Roberto* Verone pay ya'll to keep a straight face like that? 'Cause If I was makin' money, shit, I'd get that mole removed off my damn nose." -2 Fast 2 Furious, Roman Pierce

"Holy fucking shit lady, do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?!" -Die Hard, John

"Detective Del Spooner: I think you murdered him because he was teaching you to simulate emotions, and things got out of control.
Sonny: I did not murder him.
Detective Del Spooner: But emotions don't seem like a very useful simulation for a robot.
Sonny: [getting frustrated] I did not murder him.
Detective Del Spooner: Hell, I don't want my toaster or my vacuum cleaner appearing emotional...
Sonny: [angry] I DID NOT MURDER HIM!
Detective Del Spooner: That one's called "anger". Ever simulated anger before?" -I, Robot (film), N/A

"Left Ear: *pointing to a passage in his book* Hey, hey, look. Check this out. "Learn the language of poetry, art, romance, sex..."
Handsome Rob: Unlike you, my friend, I don't need a guidebook. Can we go, please?
Left Ear: *imitating Rob's accent* Right, guv'nor."
-The Italian Job (2003 film), N/A

"So, what does a man with thirty-five million dollars' worth of gold do at night? Watches his big-ass TV." -The Italian Job (2003 film), Lyle

"Not only is he a genius but he is also smart!" -Speed Racer, Dr. Cumulus

"Shouldn't you be doing your homework?" -The Transporter 2, Frank