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Midwestcon is an annual science fiction convention held in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. The 1949 Worldcon took place in Cincinnati, and the first Midwestcon followed in 1950, and has been held every year since, making it among the longest-running conventions to be held in the same city.

Midwestcon is a type of convention known as a "relaxacon," which means that it has no programming, dealer's room or guests of honor. Instead it is notable as a means for science fiction fans to get together and talk to each other without the distractions of other conventions. For this reason, it tends to be more informal, but also more daunting to outsiders, than most science fiction conventions.

As of June 2005 Howard deVore and Margaret Ford Keifer were the only two people who attended all 56 Midwestcons (1950 to 2005).

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