Midway order of battle

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This is the order of battle for the World War II Battle of Midway.


[edit] Japanese Combined Fleet

The Japanese forces actually consisted of two different fleets detailed to two separate operations, namely Operation Al (for the Aleutians) and Operation MI (for Midway).

[edit] First Fleet

[edit] Second Fleet (Midway Invasion Force)

  • Second Fleet Main Body - Vice Admiral Kondo
  • Midway Occupation Force - Rear Admiral Raizo Tanaka
  • Midway Support Force - Vice Admiral Takeo Kurita in Kumano
  • Minesweeper Group - Captain Sadatomo Miyamoto
    • 4 Minesweepers
    • 3 Subchasers
    • 1 Supply ship
    • 2 Cargo ships
  • Advance (Submarine) Force (Sixth Fleet) - Vice Admiral Teruhisa Komatsu in Katori at Kwajalein
    • Submarine Squadron (SubRon) 3 - Rear Admiral Chimaki Kona in Rio de Janeiro (flagship at Kwajalein)
      • Submarine Division (SubDiv) 19 - Captain Ryojiro Ono
        • I-156
        • I-157
        • I-158
        • I-159
      • SUBDIV 13 - Captain Takeharu Miyazaki
        • I-121
        • I-122
        • I-123
      • SUBDIV 30 - Captain Maseo Teraoka
        • I-162
        • I-165
        • I-166

[edit] Shore-based Air Force

[edit] Northern Area Force

[edit] United States

The US Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas are under the overall command of Admiral Chester Nimitz.

[edit] Carrier Strike Force

Task Force 17 - Rear Admiral Frank J. Fletcher in Yorktown

Task Force 16 - commander: Rear Admiral Raymond A. Spruance in Enterprise

Submarines Operational command under Rear Admiral Robert H. English (Commander, Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet) at Pearl Harbor.

[edit] Midway Garrison

The military forces at the immediate point of tactical contact (i.e. not including support formations) are described below.

[edit] Aircraft

[edit] American Forces

Naval Air Station (NAS) Midway operated:

United States Navy

United States Army Air Forces

United States Marine Corps

Yorktown: 75 aircraft

Enterprise: 78 aircraft

Hornet: 77 aircraft

[edit] Japanese Forces

The Japanese carriers of the Striking Force operated:

Akagi: 60 aircraft

Kaga: 74 aircraft

Hiryū: 57 aircraft

Sōryū: 57 aircraft

(Note: These figures include 21 operational Zero fighters of the 6th Air Group being ferried to Midway by the carriers.)

  • Japanese Battleships and Cruisers: 16 recon floatplanes, most of them short-ranged (5 Aichi E13A, 10 Nakajima E8N, 1 Aichi E11A)