Midrash Vayosha

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Rabbinical Literature
(Beta — in use)

[ Talmudic literature ]
Jerusalem Talmud
Babylonian Talmud
Minor tractates

[ Halakhic Midrash ]
Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon
Mekilta le-Sefer Devarim
Sifre Zutta

[ Aggadic Midrash ]
—— Tannaitic ——
Alphabet of Akiba ben Joseph
Seder Olam Rabbah
—— 400–600 ——
Genesis Rabbah
Lamentations Rabbah
Leviticus Rabbah
Pesikta de-Rav Kahana
Midrash Tanhuma
Seder Olam Zutta
—— 650–900 ——
Midrash Proverbs
Ecclesiastes Rabbah
Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah
Ruth Rabbah
Deuteronomy Rabbah
Pesikta Rabbati
Avot of Rabbi Natan
Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer
Tanna Devei Eliyahu
—— 900–1000 ——
Midrash Psalms
Exodus Rabbah
Ruth Zuta
Lamentations Zuta
—— 1000–1200 ——
Midrash Tadshe
Sefer ha-Yashar
—— Later ——
Yalkut Shimoni
Midrash ha-Gadol
Ein Yaakov
Numbers Rabbah
Smaller midrashim

See also: Targums

Midrash Vayosha (Hebrew: מדרש ויושע) is one of the smaller midrashim, based on Ex. xiv. 30-xv. 18. It is an exposition in the style of the later aggadah and seems to have been intended for "Sabbat Shirah" or for the seventh day of the Passover.


[edit] Sources

Entire sections of Midrash Vayosha are taken verbatim from the Tanḥuma, such as the passage on Ex. xv. 3 from Tan., Bo, and on xv. 5 from Ḥuḳḳat, beginning. With the story in the exposition of Ex. xiv. 30, concerning Satan, who appeared before Abraham and Isaac as they went to the sacrifice, may be compared the addition in Tan., Wayera, ed. Stettin, No. 24; Yalḳ., Ex. §§ 98-99, end; and Sefer ha-Yashar, end of pericope "Wayera." The midrash on Ex. xv. 2, 7 also contains extracts from the Chronicle of Moses, the passage on Usa, the genius of Egypt, agreeing word for word with the excerpt in Yalḳ., § 241. Here the first edition has merely "Midrash," while other editions give the Midrash Abkir as the source, although it is doubtful whether this aggadah ever occurred in that work.

The sections begin for the most part with the words "ameru ḥakamim," though Rabbi Joshua ben Levi and Rabbi Samuel b. Naḥmani are occasionally given as the authors.

[edit] Eschatology

In the exposition of xv. 18 on the sorrows and the redemption in the Messianic time, the terrible figure of King Armilus is described, and it is said that he will slay the Messiah of the race of Joseph, but will himself be slain by the Messiah who is the son of David (comp. Suk. 52a); God will then gather together the scattered remnant of Israel and hold the final judgment; and the wonderful beauty of a new world full of joy and happiness is revealed.

[edit] Editions

The Midrash Wayosha' was first published at Constantinople in 1519 (Metz, 1849, and elsewhere), and has been reprinted by A. Jellinek (B. H. i. 35-37).

[edit] Jewish Encyclopedia bibliography

[edit] External links

This article incorporates text from the 1901–1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, a publication now in the public domain.