Midpoint method
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In numerical analysis, a branch of applied mathematics, the midpoint method is a one-step method for solving the differential equation
numerically, and is given by the formula
Here, h is the step size — a small positive number, tn = t0 + nh, and yn is the computed approximate value of y(tn).
The name of the method comes from the fact that tn + h / 2 is the midpoint between tn at which the value of y(t) is known and tn + 1 at which the value of y(t) needs to be found.
The error at each step of the midpoint method is of order Thus, while more computationally intensive than Euler's method, the midpoint method generally gives more accurate results.
The method is an example of a class of higher-order methods known as Runge-Kutta methods.
[edit] Derivation of the midpoint method
The midpoint method is a refinement of the Euler's method
and is derived in a similar manner. The key to deriving Euler's method is the approximate equality
which is obtained from the slope formula
and keeping in mind that y' = f(t,y).
For the midpoint method, one replaces (3) with the more accurate
when instead of (2) we find
One cannot use this equation to find y(t + h) as one does not know y at t + h / 2. The solution is then to use a Taylor series expansion
which, when plugged in (4), gives us
and the midpoint method (1).