Middle High German

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Middle High German (MHG, German Mittelhochdeutsch) is the term used for the period in the history of the German language between 1050 and 1350. It is preceded by Old High German and followed by Early New High German. In some older scholarship, the term covers a longer period, going up to 1500.


[edit] Varieties

Middle High German is not a unified written language and the term covers two main dialect areas:[1]

While there is no standard MHG, the prestige of the Hohenstaufen court gave rise in the late 12th century to a supra-regional literary language (mittelhochdeutsche Dichtersprache) based on Swabian, an Alemannic dialect. However, the picture is complicated by the fact that modern editions of MHG texts have a tendency to use normalised spellings based on this variety (usually called "Classical MHG"), which make the written language appear more consistent than is actually the case in the manuscripts. It is uncertain whether the literary language reflected a supra-regional spoken language of the courts.

An important development in this period was the eastward expansion of German settlement beyond the Elbe-Saale line which marked the limit of Old High German. This process started in the 11th century, and all the East Central German dialects are a result of this expansion.

"Judeo-German" is the precursor of the Yiddish language which is attested in the 13th-14th centuries as a variety of Middle High German written in Hebrew characters.

[edit] Writing System

Middle High German texts are written in the Latin alphabet, in Gothic minuscules that evolved into the Fraktur typefaces of the Early Modern period. Vowel length may be marked diacritically, with a circumflex.

a, â (æ), b, d, e, ê, f, g, h, i, î (y), k (c, ch), l, m, n, o, ô, p, qu (=kw), r, s, t, u, û, v (f), w, z (c, cz, ʒ)

z also appears as c before e and i. After vowels it is weakened to ʒ ("weak z", or "sharp s", written as geschwänztes z "tailed z"; also transcribed as ȥ "z with hook"), after short vowels geminating to ʒʒ (haʒ, genitive haʒʒes "hate"). This group from early times begins merging with ss, ultimately the origin of the ß of Modern German orthography.

There is also emerging use of j, in Nuremberg often in place of g.

The full development of German Umlaut was only completed in the course of the MHG period, and notation of umlauted vowels (Modern German ä, ö, ü) and their notation emerges in the period after 1300, e.g. uohse "armpit" vs. üehse (Wolkenstein 49.1.11). Note that the umlaut diacritic (the two dots) appear only in Early Modern German (around 1500). What in standard transliteration appears as üe in the manuscripts is usually written with a diacritic e, viz. the transliteration güete ("goodness") renders guͤte.

[edit] Periodisation

There are several criteria which separate MHG from the preceding Old High German period:

  • the weakening of unstressed vowels to /e/ - OHG taga > MHG tage ("days")
  • the full development of Umlaut and its use to mark a number of morphological categories
  • the devoicing of final stops - OHG tag > MHG tac ("day")

Culturally, the two periods are distinguished by the transition from a predominantly clerical written culture to one centred on the courts of the great nobles. The imperial court in Vienna and the rise of the Swabian Hohenstaufen and then the Habsburg dynasties make South Germany the dominant region in both political and cultural terms.

Linguistically, the transition to Early New High German is marked by four vowel changes which together produce the phonemic system of modern German:

  • Monophthongisation of some of the MHG diphthongs: MHG huot> NHG Hut ('guardianship')
  • Diphthongisation of long vowels MHG hût > NHG Haut ("skin"); these two phenomena may be seen together as a chain shift.
  • lengthening of short vowels MHG sagen /zagən/ > NHG sagen /zaːgən/ ("say")
  • The loss of unstressed vowels in many circumstances - MHG vrouwe > NHG Frau ("lady")

The centres of culture in the ENHG period are no longer the courts but the towns.

[edit] Phonology

The charts show the vowel and consonant systems of classical MHG. The spellings indicated are the standard spellings used in modern editions - there is much more variation in the manuscripts.

[edit] Vowels

  front central back
unrounded rounded
short long short long short long short long
close i y <ü> <iu>   u
close-mid e        
mid ɛ ɛː ø <ö> øː <œ>   o
open-mid æ <ä> æː <æ>      
open   a  


  1. Not all dialects distinguish the three unrounded mid front vowels.
  2. It is probable that the short high and mid vowels are lower than their long equivalents, as in Modern German, but this is impossible to establish from the written sources.
  3. The <e> found in unstressed syllables may indicate [ɛ] or schwa [ə].

[edit] Diphthongs

MHG diphthongs are indicated by the spellings: <ei>, <ie>, <ou>, <öu> and <eu>, <üe>, <uo>.

[edit] Consonants

  Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive p  b   t  d     k <k, c>  g  
Affricates p͡f   ts <z>        
Nasal m   n     ŋ <ng>  
Fricative   f v <f, v> s  z ʃ <sch>   x <ch, h> h
Approximant w       j    
Liquid     r  l        
  1. Precise information about the articulation of consonants is impossible to establish, and will have varied between dialects.
  2. In the plosive and fricative series, where there are two consonants in a cell, the first is fortis the second lenis. The voicing of lenis consonants varied between dialects.
  3. MHG has long consonants, and the following double consonant spellings indicate not vowel length as in Modern German orthography, but rather genuine double consonants: pp, bb, tt, dd, ck (for /kk/), gg, ff, ss, zz, mm, nn, ll, rr.
  4. It is reasonable to assume that /x/ had an allophone [χ] before back vowels, as in Modern German.

[edit] Sample text

From the prologue of Hartmann von Aue's Iwein (circa 1200; c.f. MS B (Giessen), mid 13th c.)





Swer an rehte güete
wendet sîn gemüete,
dem volget sælde und êre.
des gît gewisse lêre
künec Artûs der guote,
der mit rîters muote
nâch lobe kunde strîten.
er hât bî sînen zîten
gelebet alsô schône
daz er der êren krône
dô truoc und noch sîn name treit.
des habent die wârheit
sîne lantliute:
sî jehent er lebe noch hiute:
er hât den lop erworben,
ist im der lîp erstorben,
sô lebet doch iemer sîn name.
er ist lasterlîcher schame
iemer vil gar erwert,
der noch nâch sînem site vert.

Whoever to true goodness
Turns his mind
He will meet with fortune and honour.
We are taught this by the example of
Good King Arthur
who with knightly spirit
knew how to strive for praise.
In his day
He lived so well
That he wore the crown of honour
And his name still does so.
The truth of this is known
To his countrymen:
They affirm that he still lives today:
He won such fame that
Although his body died
His name lives on.
He will forever be free
Of sinful shame
Who follows his example.

This text shows many typical features of Middle High German poetic language. Most Middle High German words survive into modern German in some form or other: this passage contains only one word (jehen 'say' 14) which has since disappeared from the language. But many words have changed their meaning substantially. Muot (6) means 'state of mind', where modern German Mut means courage. Êre (3) can be translated with 'honour', but is quite a different concept of honour from modern German Ehre; the medieval term focusses on reputation and the respect accorded to status in society.

[edit] Literature

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Sources

  • Hermann Paul, Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik, 23rd edn, edited by Peter Wiehl and Sigfried Grosse (Niemeyer, 1989) ISBN 3-484-10233-0
  • M.O'C. Walshe, A Middle High German Reader: With Grammar, Notes and Glossary (Oxford University Press, 1974) ISBN 0-19-872082-3
  • Joseph Wright, Middle High German Primer, 5th edn revised by M.O'C. Walshe (Oxford University Press, 1955)