
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My real name is Michael Ritchie and I am a teenage writer and general cynic on life living in East Sussex, England. I am however currently living at university in London where I am studying Creative Writing. I previously worked for the company Ignite but have since had to leave due to moving to university and now only work in an honorary position.

I can be contacted by e-mail via:

I would say I'm a cynic but I bet you just wouldn't believe me.
This user believes sarcasm is the highest form of wit.
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let him or her know.
Boris I say chaps...wouldn't it be super if jolly old Bozza led the Tories?
IQ This user's Intelligence quotient is 139 .
en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.


[edit] Personality

This user is a Piscean.
This user was born in the year of the Dragon.
YA This user is a young adult.

I am an almost textbook Piscean. I am also very cynical and, along with my dad, have crafted sarcasm into an art form. I am very effeminate and can be cutting, but deep down I am honest and loving.

In friendships, all I ask for is trust and honesty. If either of these are broken, the friendship will be unlikely to last.

[edit] Beliefs

This user is interested in ghosts.
This user is interested in luck.
ath This user is interested in atheism.

I am not "interested" in atheism; I am atheist.

I am not religious and do not believe in a God of any sort. I consider myself, to some extent, "Darwin's Terrier". Not quite as strong as his rottweiler (Richard Dawkins) or his bulldog (Thomas Henry Huxley), but definately as vocal.

Philisophically, I agree mostly with the works of David Hume.

Politcally, I am fairly right-wing and would probably vote Conservative.

[edit] Areas of Expertise

A, B and C This user prefers not to use the serial comma.
UK This user uses British English.
AIM-Able This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not use it. Ever.
This user is interested in astrology.
This user is of Scottish ancestry.

My areas of expertise are:

[edit] Pages I Have Worked On

This user is a flirt.
This user is evil, and frequently says mwhahaha!
This user fears the clowns.
This user was born on 28th February.
X This user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct. X

LOST 4…8…15…16…23…42…
This user is LOST…
This user eats chocolate.

...among others.

I also created:

...among others.

[edit] Interests

This user passed GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
This user enjoys skygazing and astronomy.
1+1=3? This user does not understand mathematics.
This user's favourite subject is Psychology.
Fr This user is a fan of Friends.

I enjoy reading, writing, playing computer games and watching comedy films. I also have a strange passion for lists. Something about that organisation appeals to me. I also enjoy jiving - the only dance I can do.

[edit] Writing

This user enjoys writing.
This user has an iPod.
This user is proud
to be a Wikipedian.
Quality, not quantity. This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions to Wikipedia.

I write short stories and I am also working on a number of novels. Most of these are about teenage life and include numerous inside jokes from me and my friends. Many of these are recurring themes, such as characters from one cropping up in another to symbolise the fact that all of our lives are interconnected.

[edit] Computer Games I Play

R This user is a Ravenclaw.
R This user's favourite colour is red.
Bebo This user keeps in touch with their friends with Bebo .
Image:Annoyingthing.jpg This user thinks that Crazy Frog is annoying.
</label> This user does not choose to label his or her sexual orientation.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.

This list is by no means complete.

[edit] Favourite Books

This user eats at KFC.
This user enjoys playing chess.
This user plays Risk.
Cards This user enjoys playing UNO.
This user listens to The Goon Show.

Again, this list is by no means complete.

[edit] My Quotes

This user is proud to be British.
This user's homeworld is mostly harmless.
C2H6O-1 This user drinks relatively infrequently. He or she is probably the better for it.

By me:

  • "I feel like I'm stuck in a romantic comedy..."
  • "I say, would you mind turning your fireworks down?"
  • "Half the time I can't decide if life is an unfunny sitcom or a hilarious drama."
  • "I have the answer to everyone's problems. Except my own."
  • "We make your business, our business."
  • "For the love of crumbcake."

About me:

  • "Your sexuality is 'Yes please'."
  • "You smell very nice even if you are a bit weird."

[edit] Other Stuff...

Sorry there's a lot ... I got sort of addicted when I found them!

This user is addicted to Word association.
Template:User UK Conservative
respect This user respects others' religions and realises not all people wish to follow the same path.
This user is interested in tarot reading.
This user has a profile on MySpace.
This user uses MSN Hotmail as a primary email service.
This user is an omnivore.
This user eats strawberries.
This user drinks water regularly.
This user eats at McDonald's.
This user prefers to play games on a personal computer.
TS Dis gweld es frotogé, en a wooka-dis now!
Goody Goody
Yum Yum
This user is a fan of The Goodies.
MP This user is a fan of Monty Python.
Good news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!
d'oh! This user thinks The Simpsons is simply...excellent.
BB This user watches Big Brother.
This user reads tabloid newspapers.
4 This user watches Channel 4.
This user has a sense of humour
and shows it in their userboxes.
This user recently discovered how to use userboxes.
238.584px This user believes all userboxes should be the same size!
Dr. Who This user has been a Doctor Who fan since the Ninth Doctor. 9th
This user enjoys reading anything.
☢ This user is a mutant.