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[edit] Map, please

Koafv, I'm putting back a request for a map that shows the location and extent of these archipelagoes. The current one shows Australasia's location in relation to Southeast Asia. //Big Adamsky 02:10, 31 December 2005 (UTC)

The map is not clear where micronesia fits in to the world - I don't think the large map is the wole of the box on the inset.

-- Beardo 06:57, 13 March 2006 (UTC)

Fixed the inset box on the map. Kmusser 18:52, 18 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Commonality

The article badly needs a brief statement, early on, of why the concept was formed. In other words, what aspect(s) unites micronesia and distinguishes it from surrounding regions such as melanesia and polynesia? Culture, language, historic or ethnic origin...? Mglg 22:56, 16 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] More important than the FSM?

I don't see why the geographic region can be considered more important that the FSM. I think this ought to go to a disambiguation page. Doopmeister 03:21, 18 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Asian or Aboriginal?

Are Micronesians considered Asian or Aboriginal? This is a serious question and I am not trying to offend people of either background. I ask because I know a fellow from this area and he said he is not asian. He said there is a word for his people but he couldn’t remember it at the time. I know Taiwan once and probably does still house a population of aboriginal people. (Ghostexorcist 12:27, 23 December 2006 (UTC))

I'd say neither, although the word aboriginal may mean different things in different countries. In general, aboriginal means the people indigenous to a country, but specifically and capitalised it means (to me) the people native to Australia, who are Melanesian. I understand it also refers to Taiwanese aborigines. The distant ancestors of Micronesians came from South East Asia, and possibly from Taiwan, but they have a distinct group of languages and a distinct culture. I'd say they are not Asian just as native Americans are not Asian, although they originally came from Asia too.
If you want more people to consider this question, try asking at the Humanities reference desk.-gadfium 18:00, 23 December 2006 (UTC)