Michael Head

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Michael Head (28 January 190024 August 1976) was a British composer, pianist, organist and singer who left some enduring works still popular today.


[edit] Biographical details

(see Bush, 1982, and Armstrong, 1976)

Michael Head was born at Eastbourne, United Kingdom on 28 January 1900. His father was a barrister and journalist and his mother an accomplished amateur singer and pianist. His mother’s influence evidently dominated, and at age 10 he commenced his musical training, taking piano lessons with Jean Adair and singing with Fritz Marston at the Adair-Marston School of Music. He was educated at Monkton Combe School in Somerset. In 1919, after a period of study at the Royal Academy of Music, he won the Sir Michael Costa scholarship for composition. During World War I he was called up for service, and while working at an ammunition factory, composed the song cycle Over the rim of the moon (Head et al., 1920). This was to become his first published work.

After the war, Head resumed his studies at the Royal Academy of Music. He studied composition with Frederick Corder, piano with T B Knott and organ with Reginald Steggall. In addition to the Costa Scholarship, he won several awards for composition, sight singing and harmony. In 1924 Michael Head was made an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music. Two years later, he took up a post at Bedales School, Petersfield, where he taught for three years. Head gave his first public recital as a self accompanied singer at Wigmore Hall in 1929. After this debut performance, his fame grew rapidly. He gave several more recitals in the British Isles and in many parts of the world. Additionally he gave several radio recitals, both in Britain and Canada. He took up the post of Pianoforte Professor at the Royal Academy in 1927 after an invitation by Sir John McEwen. This post he was to hold until his retirement in 1975. Head was appointed as an examiner for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and as such toured many countries, including South Africa and Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia). At the outbreak of World War II, he returned to London and continued teaching throughout the blitz. During this time, he gave hundreds of concerts in factories and in small towns. Michael Head died in Cape Town whilst examining for the Associated Board in Rhodesia and South Africa, from a sudden and unexpected illness on the 24th August, 1976.

[edit] His music

Most of Head’s works are songs. However, his early works include a piano concerto, a tone poem, and scherzo for orchestra. His best known albums are Over the Rim of the Moon (1918-19) and Songs of the Countryside. The first of these contains probably his most famous song, Ships of Arcady. The second were poems of W. H. Davies, set to music. Another well-known work is The piper, a setting of Seumas O'Sullivan's famous poem of the same name. One of his popular songs is the Christmas Carol, The little road to Bethlehem, the words of which are by Margaret Rose. Other famous songs include, Sweet chance that led my steps abroad and Why have you stolen my delight? (see Bush, 1982).

Head used two types of scale in his compositions; diatonic and chromatic. Using the former, he produced simple, melodic tunes, easily remembered and easily sung. As they are pleasant and easily understood, people who have heard them often find themselves humming or whistling them to themselves (see Bush, 1982). They are thus the type for which he is best remembered. Ships of Arcady is an example of these. The chromatic style is best represented by Nocturne, A Piper. In all of his songs Michael Head exhibits two areas of equal importance; musical content, and the effectiveness of the word setting to create a complete whole.

[edit] Assessment

Head’s contribution to music is a modest but real one. Many of his songs are still performed and loved. They are safe choices for present-day choral recitals, especially at a point where a quieter or more contemplative mood is required, as, for example, between two faster and louder items. Head’s songs are frequently performed during formal ceremonies, such as university or college graduations.

[edit] References

  • Armstrong, Sir T., 1976, "Obituary of Michael Head", Magazine of the Royal Academy of Music.
  • Bush, A. , 1982, "The vocal compositions of Michael Head", in Bush, N., 1982, Michael Head: Composer, singer and pianist, Kahn & Averill, London. ISBN 978-0-900707-73-5.
  • Bush, N., 1982, Michael Head: Composer, singer and pianist, Kahn & Averill, London. ISBN 978-0-900707-73-5.
  • Head, M. D., and Ledwidge, F, 1920, Over the rim of the moon, Boosey, UK.

[edit] External links