Michael Hagemeister

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Michael Hagemeister (born 9 January 1951, Ellwangen, Germany) is a contemporary German scholar, historian and slavist, and one of the world's foremost authorities on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and on Sergei Nilus, who first published "The Protocols" in book form in 1905.

Hagemeister was employed at the universities of Marburg, Bochum, Basel, Innsbruck, Frankfurt (Oder) (Viadrina European University), and Berlin. Currently Hagemeister is engaged in research at the Department of History of the University of Basel.

Hagemeister wrote his doctoral thesis on the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fyodorov (1829-1903). In his current research he concentrates on the origins and early history of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the life and work of the Russian religious and apocalyptic writer Serge Nilus (1862-1929).

  • Hagemeister has authored articles, book essays, and dictionary entries, including material for the newly edited, multi-volumed encyclopedia,
    • Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Religion Past and Present) and
    • Antisemitism. A Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution.
  • He also edited several volumes of materials relating to Pavel Florensky (1882-1937), one of the most important and colorful personalities in Russian intellectual history.
  • Among his most recent publications are
    • ‘Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion’ - eine Anti-Utopie oder der Große Plan in der Geschichte? (‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ - an anti-Utopia or the Great Plan in History’),
    • Die Eroberung des Raums und die Beherrschung der Zeit: Utopische, apokalyptische und magisch-okkulte Elemente in den Zukunftsentwürfen der Sowjetzeit (‘The Conquest of Space and the Mastery of Time: Utopian, Apocalyptic and Magical-Occult Elements in the Future Designs of the Soviet Era’),
    • The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Myth of a Jewish Conspiracy in Post-Soviet Russia.
  • In 2005 together with Boris Groys he edited the book Die Neue Menschheit. Biopolitische Utopien in Rußland zu Beginn des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts (The New Humankind. Biopolitical Utopias in Russia at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century).

[edit] Works

  • Ovladenie vremenem
[ed.] Michael Hagemeister
(Munchen: O. Sager, 1983)
ISBN 3-87690-231-2
by Michael Hagemeister
(München: Sagner, 1989)
ISBN 3-87690-461-7
Notes: Originally presented as the author’s thesis (doctoral) — Philipps-Universität Marburg, 1989.
P.A. Florenskij e la cultura della sua epoca : atti del convegno internazionale, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 10-14 gennaio 1988 / a cura di Michael Hagemeister e Nina Kauchtschischwili
(Marburg :Blaue Hörner, 1995)
ISBN 3-926385-85-5
  • The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture
ed. by Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal
[contrib.] Michael Hagemeister [pioneering, interdisciplinary text]
(Cornell University Press, 1997)
ISBN 0-8014-8331-X
  • Pavel Florenskij — Tradition und Moderne: Beiträge zum Internationalen Symposium an der Universität Potsdam
5. bis 9. April 2000
Norbert Franz, Michael Hagemeister, Frank Haney (Hrsg.)
Pavel Florenskij — Tradition und Moderne (2000 : Universität Potsdam)
(Frankfurt am Main; New York : Peter Lang, 2001)
ISBN 3-631-37537-9
Notes: Includes selection of his letters from his travels in Germany, in Russian with German translations on facing pages. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. English, German and Russian. Subjects: Florenskiĭ, P. A. (Pavel Aleksandrovich), 1882-1937 — Congresses
  • Die Neue Menschheit, Biopolitische Utopien in Russland zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts; in German
Michael Hagemeister, Boris Groys (Hrsg.)
(Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2005)
ISBN 3-518-29363-X

[edit] External links

  • Publications [1]