User talk:Mialover730

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[edit] Philosophy: for movies only?

I have come to take in the option that maybe the life lessons we learn from our parents are now becoming mere fantasies that we see on movies made by the best directors and writers ever. It's never a good thing to know that great philosophy is being wasted. Maybe it's not really that bad though. Maybe movie media is the only way to bring the messages to the public like the tv shows. I just feel disappointed no one can take up these life long lessons and philosophies too. I would think it can make the world a better place. - Mialover730 22:24, 27 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Amy fandom, how far is it?

Well nothing much to give but it is a question. Who here so far is a fan of Amy Rose? This can detail what we feel about the female wonder and what possibilities we can have happen for her in the game that is LOGICAL and PRACTICAL, not to mention original and maybe imaginative. It can be Cannon or Non-Cannon if you wish, but I just want to hear some people give a good talk about if they like Amy Rose or not. Mialover730 10:49, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

I like Amy Rose... I wish she had a better voice actor... Paul Haymon 08:36, 3 April 2007 (UTC)