Methyl red

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Methyl red
Methyl red
Systematic name Methyl red
Chemical formula C15H15N3O2
Molecular mass 269.299 g/mol
Density g/cm3
Melting point 179-182 °C
Boiling point xx.x °C
CAS number [63451-28-5]
[845-10-3] (sodium salt)
SMILES CN(C)c2ccc(/N=N/
Disclaimer and references

Methyl Red, also called C.I. Acid Red 2, is an indicator dye that turns red in acidic solutions. It is an azo dye, and is a dark red crystalline powder.

Methyl red is a pH indicator; it is red in pH under 4.4, yellow in pH over 6.2, and orange in between.

Methyl Red (pH indicator)
below pH 4.4 above pH 6.2
4.4 6.2

In microbiology, methyl red is used in the Methyl Red (MR) Test, used to identify bacteria producing stable acids by mechanisms of mixed acid fermentation of glucose. Cf. Voges-Proskauer (VP) test.

Murexide and methyl red are investigated as promising enhancers of sonochemical destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbon pollutants. [1]

Methyl red is classed by the IARC in group 3 - unclassified as to carcinogenic potential in humans. Its risk phrases are R20 R21 R22 R36 R37 R38 R40.

[edit] See also

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