Talk:Mes Aïeux

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This Article exist in the french and Ido versions of wikipeida. how do you link the two?

They're now linked. CanadianCaesar Et tu, Brute? 20:38, 22 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Better Translations to Album names?

I'm putting in the following be offered as translations to the album titles, along with their literal meaning.

Ça parle au diable = That's unbelievable; literally, it talks to the Devil

Tire-Toi une bûche = Pull up a chair; literally, pull yourself a log (the album cover certainly suggests the 'pull up a chair' meaning)

One I'm not sure of: Entre les branches = Through the grapevine?; literally, between or among the branches Thoughts? (Please be patient as this is my first 'talk' entry) Merci!

Tfitzg 02:02, 3 February 2007 (UTC)