Message In a Bottle (Stargate SG-1)

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“Message In a Bottle”
Stargate SG-1 episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 7
Guest stars Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser
Tobias Mehler as Lt. Graham Simmons
Gary Jones as Walter Harriman
Dan Shea as Sgt. Siler
Written by Michael Greenburg and Jarrad Paul
Directed by David Warry-Smith
Production no. 207
Original airdate August 7, 1998
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"Message In a Bottle" is an episode from Season 2 of the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

SG-1 are on a sterile planet with a moonlike landscape, they are looking for the source of EM radiation which the probe has detected. The source is a spherical metal artifact of obviously alien (but not Goa'uld) design. SG-1 are reluctant to take the artifact back through the Stargate, but Carter realises the object must have a power supply which has lasted tens of thousands of years. O'Neill decides that the potential benefits outweigh the risks and the artifact is brought back to SGC for study.

Carter and Jackson make little progress studying the object and SG-1 are about to leave on a mission to a "primordial world" (with no advanced life forms) when the artifact suddenly starts heating up and emitting high levels of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. O'Neill decides to return the sphere to its original world so he and Teal'c carry it to the gate room.

When the Stargate is activated, the sphere shoots out metal spikes in all directions. One of the spikes penetrates O'Neill's shoulder and pins him to a wall. O'Neill starts to show signs of infection and other people begin to become ill. SGC quickly discover that the "infection" can eat through concrete and is particularly attracted to wiring. Dr. Fraiser finds out certain antibiotics slow the infection and Carter finds that low oxygen also slows growth.

General Hammond orders the quarantine procedures known as "wildfire" whereby the whole base is totally sealed and the base "auto destruct" is put on automatic countdown.

Meanwhile, Carter has realised that energy speeds up growth of the organism and a nuclear explosion is just what it needs to help it spread all over the Earth. When Hammond is told, he tries to cancel the auto destruct but the base computers have now been "infected" and will not respond.

Jackson sees an image on one of the computer monitors which matches a symbol on the sphere, he finally understands that the organism is trying to communicate. Carter suggests that they allow the organism to grow and the oxygen levels are increased, with Teal'c firing his staff weapon at the sphere several times to provide more energy.

O'Neill wakes up from his coma and Hammond calls his name to which he responds "O'Neill is here". Hammond then asks "Who else am I speaking to?" and O'Neill says "We are also here". A discussion with the alien intelligence reveals that although it has no desire to harm humans, it will not allow itself to be returned to its previous world and intends to remain and "consume" the Earth.

Jackson suggests that the sphere allows itself to be taken to the primordial world SG-1 were due to visit, where it will have ample resources without interfering with other intelligent organisms. The sphere agrees and the spikes retract allowing a miraculously healed O'Neill to push it through the Stargate. With the infection removed - the base computers reboot and General Hammond is able to stop the auto destruct countdown (naturally at the last second).

[edit] Notes

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
  • This episode features the first time Teal'c makes a joke, in an attempt to make O'Neill feel better, when he claims "undomesticated equines" couldn't drag him from O'Neill's side. O'Neill mentions the joke again in the Season 7 episode "Birthright".
  • Before it sprouts its spikes, and especially when it is only open with a blue light visible around the middle, the device featured in this episode features a strong, albeit coincidental, resemblance to the Morph Ball from the Metroid series.

[edit] External links