Mesías Maiguashca

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Mesías Maiguashca (born 24 December 1938 in Quito) is an Ecuadorian composer.

He is an advocate of the New Music, especially of electronic music in the milieu of Karlheinz Stockhausen.

He pursued his musical educationat the Conservatorio de Quito, the Eastman School of Music, in Rochester, NY, the Instituto di Tella in Buenos Aires, and at the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne, where he studied with Karlheinz Stockhausen.

He worked in the Electronic Music Studio of the Westdeutschen Rundfunk in Cologne and at a number of other facilities in Europe and has taught in Metz, Stuttgart, Basel, and Quito, amongst other places. From 1990 to 2004 he was Professor of Electronic Music at the Musikhochschule Freiburg im Breisgau.

Translated from the German Wikipedia

[edit] Sources

  • Béhague, Gerard. 2001. "Mesias Maiguashca."The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. S. Sadie and J. Tyrrell. London: Macmillan.
  • Fürst-Heidtmann, Monika. 1993. "Mesias Maiguashca." In Komponisten der Gegenwart: Loseblatt-Lexikon--Nachlieferung 3, ed. Hanns-Werner Heister and Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer. Munich: Edition Text+Kritik.
  • Kostakeva, Maria. 2001. "Die wandelnde Welt oder die Zeitkristalle? "Die Feinde" von Mesias Maiguashca. Musiktheater nach der Erzählung "Das geheime Wunder" von J.-L. Borges." In Das Musiktheater in den audiovisuellen Medien: "...ersichtlich gewordene Taten der Musik", ed. Peter Csobádi, Gernot Gruber, and JürgenKühnel, 526–34. Anif/Salzburg: Mueller-Speiser. ISBN 3851450744
  • Maiguashca, Mesias. 1975. "Information zu Übungen für Violine, Klarinette und Violoncello." Feedback Papers 9 (Summer): 228–32.
  • Maiguashca, Mesias. 1985. "Zu FMELODIES" Neuland 5:288–96.
  • Maiguashca, Mesias. 1991. "Spectre—harmonie—mélodie—timbre." In Le timbre, métaphore pour la composition, ed. Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Catherine Delaruelle, and Anne Grange, trans. Esther Starkier, and Alain Galliari, 402–11. Paris: Bourgois.
  • Montague, Stephen. 1991. "Mesias Maiguashca." Contemporary Music Review 6, no. 1 (New Instruments for the Performance of Electronic Music/Live Electronics): 197–203.
  • Müller, Hermann-Christoph. 1999. "Schlafende Schönheit: Musiktheaterstücke von Furukawa, Viñao und Maiguashca im ZKM Karlsruhe." MusikTexte: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik. no. 80 (August): 33–37.

[edit] External Links

Composer’s homepage (in German):

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