Merak Mail Server

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The Merak Email Server
The Merak Email Server

Merak Email Server is a Mail Transfer Agent package developed by IceWarp Software.

The software provides an Administration Console that can connect directly or remotely to a Merak server. Administration may also be done via a web-based "anywhere" administration tool. Included in the Merak Email Server package is a command-line tool that supports administration through COM objects. One of the package's higher-profile components is its anti-spam module, based on Merak's proprietary MIAS (MIAS - Merak Instant Anti-Spam) engine.

Merak Email Server supports unlimited domains and mailboxes and is targeted to a wide range of customers. Merak is designed to scale under a wide range of loads, has full support for load balanced installations, multi-CPUs, SQL integration, and internal caching DNS.

Merak offers a licensing system that can be customized to include only the components required by customers. Licenses can be used on the Linux or Microsoft Windows operating system, enabling seamless switching between each OS.

The software interface is XML driven and has been localized to more than 20 world languages. Merak Email Server is distributed and supported through a world-wide partner network covering the most of the major commercial centers of the world.

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