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Menzies is a Scottish surname, originally the name of the Clan Menzies (Gaelic Mèinnearach).

The name is correctly pronounced /ˈmɪŋɪs/ since the <z> is in fact a surrogate for the letter <ȝ> (yogh). It is, however, often pronounced incorrectly as /ˈmenziz/. A Scottish limerick plays on the spelling–pronunciation problem:

There wis a young lassie named Menzies,
That asked her aunt whit this thenzies.
Said her aunt wi a gasp,
"Ma dear, it's a wasp,
An you're haudin the end whaur the stenzies!"

(The second and fifth lines are pronounced as though the <z> were a <ȝ>, making "thing is" and "sting is", to rhyme with "Menzies". "Wasp" does rhyme with "gasp" in Scots.)

[edit] People, places and entities called "Menzies"

  • Names of companies:
    • John Menzies, Scottish news-distribution and aviation business, and former retailer.
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