Melian dialogue

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The Melian dialogue is a passage found in Book V (85-113) of the History of the Peloponnesian War by the ancient Greek historian Thucydides. It is a classic example of the clash of liberal and realist ideas about international relations, and is often paraphrased in discussions of so-called realist thought. It is an unusual piece of text, as it is written in the style of a theatrical dialogue, rather than a record of opposing speeches as Thucydides usually wrote.


[edit] Context

The historical background of this portion of the History is the invasion of the island of Melos by Athens in 416 BC during the Peloponnesian War. The Melians had always resisted the influence of the Delian League, and resisted this invasion as well. Thucydides writes that both sides held a meeting where they presented their arguments for and against the invasion. This was held between "the governing body and the few," not before the people, leading the Athenians to imply that the Melos elite was afraid that the people might support the Athenian position. The dialogue as written in the History probably reflects Thucydides' personal view of the invasion of Melos, rather than accurately recording the specific speeches delivered at the meeting.

[edit] Arguments

In the passage, the Athenians present Melos with an alternative: the island can pay tribute to Athens and thus survive, or fight Athens and be destroyed. Melos presents several counter-arguments: showing mercy towards Melos will win the Athenians more friends; the Spartans will come to their aid; the gods will protect them. The Athenians, however, refuse to discuss either the justice of their demand or any substantive argument by the Melians. Instead, the long-remembered Athenian case is one of hard realism: The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

[edit] Outcome

In the end, the Melians refuse to submit, saying that they would like to be "friends of yours and enemies of neither side" but that they will fight if need be. Athens immediately begins a siege of Melos, and though the Melians held them off for a short while, a combination of reinforcements from Athens and treachery from inside Melos ensured the Athenians' victory. As dispassionately recorded by Thucydides, every Melian man of military age is killed, the women and children are sold into slavery, and the island is colonized by the Athenians.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links