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In the Dungeons & Dragons World of Greyhawk campaign setting, Melf, also known as Prince Brightflame, is a grey elven archmage, and was originally played by Lucion Paul Gygax. He is a native of the elven kingdom of Celene, and is recognized by many as the leader of the Knights of Luna. An ally of Mordenkainen and a former member of the Citadel of Eight, Melf is also a cousin of Queen Yolande of Celene.

Melf is vastly knowledgeable and experienced. He specializes in Iuz and buried evils, and is strongly opposed to both Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Prince Brightflame is a strong believer in mediation, diplomacy and open communication, thus making some believe him to be naive. Charming and urbane, Melf enjoys good food, culture, and agreeable persons of the opposite gender.

Although secretive and protective, Melf is on good terms with luminaries such as Kieran Jalucian, King Belvor IV of Furyondy, and the rulers of Dyvers, Highfolk, and the City of Greyhawk. He and Mordenkainen have much respect for each other, but the two do not cooperate, at least not anymore. The mayor of Highfolk town, Tavin Ersteader, is a former apprentice of Melf.


[edit] Description

Melf is 5'8", 147 lbs, and about 200 years old (appearing in his late 20's in human terms).

[edit] Spells

Melf is responsible for developing such spells as Melf's Acid Arrow, Melf's Unicorn Arrow, and Melf's Minute Meteors.

[edit] Writings

Melf is known to have authored or co-authored the following works:

  • Treatise of Universal Astronomy
  • Weapons of the Ether (with Mordenkainen)

[edit] Collectibles

In 1983, a Melf action figure was released as part of LJN's Advanced Dungeons & Dragons toy line. However, the figure was eventually renamed as "Peralay."

[edit] Trivia

The name "Melf" was the result of Lucion not coming up with a name for the character, only having on his character sheet "M elf," male elf.

[edit] References

  • Brown, Anne. Player's Guide (TSR, 1998).
  • Heard, Bruce. "Spells Between the Covers." (Dragon #82 (TSR, 1984).
  • Mona, Erik, and Gary Holian. "Wheels within Wheels: Greyhawk's Circle of Eight." Living Greyhawk Journal #0 (Paizo Publishing, 2000). Available online: [1]