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The MEK6800D2 was a development board for the Motorola 6800 microprocessor, produced by Motorola in 1976. It featured a keyboard with hexadecimal keys and a LED display, but also featured an RS-232 asynchronous serial interface for a Teletype or other terminal. There was an on-board debug program called JBUG fitted in a 1k ROM, and the maximum RAM capacity on board was 512 bytes, but this could be expanded via the Motorola EXORciser computer bus interface.

There was also a parallel bus interface for general purpose I/O.

Another popular monitor program for this system is called MIKBUG.

To demonstrate it's new MC6847 Video chip Motorola developed the MicroChroma 68 board with the TVBUG monitor. This design was the inspiration for the development of the TRS-80 Color Computer and it's many descendants like the Laser 200.

[edit] Bibliography

Leventhal, Lance A. Microcomputer experimentation with the Motorola MEK6800D2. Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-580761-1

[edit] Also see

List of microprocessor development boards

[edit] External links